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chii (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

this is the single, most depressing story i've read ever! it is so sad. so agonizing. the way you made it his perspective made it even more heart rendering. it was so sad, so sad especially for sesshomaru. though i very much like the kagsess pair, i can't but help that he finds someone much better suited for him. someone without strings attached. this is the first time i've read that sess is the one doing the chasing and hurting. i just fell inlove with this eventhough it's really full of angst. 

well, hope this last chapter, coincidentally named 'cry' which actually lead me to cry literally, would be the turning point. hope it gets better and brighter from here on. Hope that 'different perspective' is a clue to this.

anyhow, i love the story. please update soon, and i'll be reviewing ASAP :)

CookieAsylum (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Oh my. I don't know what it is, but Kagome is seriously starting to piss me off. She deserves a slap in the face. Especially what she said at the end of chapter 4. "If only you were Inuyasha..." How hurtful! You just don't say that to someone so... so... ugh! I feel so bad for Sesshoumaru. He cares so much and it's thrown back in his face when she goes back to InuYasha. That girl needs to get her priorities straight and open her eyes!

Awesome writing. I bet you're getting some awesome reader reactions from this story. Keep up the good work. And I'm definitely keeping my eye on this one.

- CA

Ava 365 (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

That's a great story! I've been reading it since the first chapter and I absolutely love how you portray the human emotions!! Ahh! Love is blind and deaf. One advise for Sesshomaru though, if you will allow me, if Kagome goes back to Inuyasha he should disappear. Let her see what life is without him. She has had it too easy so far, Sesshomaru has always been a useful crutch. Don't you think she'd really notice him if she misses him? Well, anyway, the story will still be great you matter how Kagome reacts to Inuyasha's appearence. I really hope she doesn't take him back, though.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

That's it!  Kagome does not deserve him any more!  I'm taking him with or without force, and I will gladly make him feel...wanted, rawr.

Poor guy, he just keeps getting the short end of the stick.  I think Kagome might come to the realization that he is the obviously better choice when it's too late.  I'm vengeful and I think he should be giving her a taste of her own medicine. 

It has been a while since we've 'talked' :)  I hope life is treating you well; your story is coming along wonderfully and I'm always so excited to see an update!  Keep up the amazing work!

Surreal (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Oh my gosh! How sad! I burst right into tears at the end. Poor's so agonizing to see him like this...

yet, I love your story. Please update soon!

Akay (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Ohmigod! POOR SESSHOUMARU! *glares at Kagome* I literally felt my heart and gut churning and twisting for him. HOW DARE SHE! How can she be so.... so... so... .stupid and ruthless and cutthroat and expect him to stay by her side all willy nilly like (ok so he will stay by her side all willy nilly) but that's beside the point she don't have to know that. Part of me just want him to hurt her feelings, but I know its not in him to do that.  And Inuyasha grrrrrrrr *rips him a new one* I can't believe him. GO BACK TO KIKYO WITH YOUR CHOCOLATE CAKE! *throws cake in his face* She needs to come to her sense.  You know what... this story reminds me so much of a friend of mine and her relatioship issues... so so sooooo similar.

Loving it dear MissTeak you are the awesomeness!

Musouka (Chapter 5) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

Oh Poor Sesshomaru!

Kagome That Stupid Stupid Girl!


Update Soon!

I'm Loving This Story!

jgem (Chapter 5) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

If getting an emotinal response from your readers is a good way to judge how well written a story is, then you have written a good story.

In your ending author note you asked for us to leave a review letting us know how you felt and all I can say is...Argh! Kagome is driving me crazy with her callous treatment of Sesshoumaru. At least I know in about 5 chapters, she'll come around, but I can't help but feel bad for Sesshoumaru and wonder how anyone can stay true to a person in this situation.

redoxide (Chapter 5) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

I can't believe it! You've actually got me disliking Kagome (in a good way though). It's rather ironic that Sesshoumaru's situation in this story can be compared to Kagome's circumstances in the canon universe. Poor Sesshoumaru-I keep waiting for Kagome to wake up and realise how supportive he's been of her and you dash my hopes everytime. I'm really enjoying this, heart-wrenching as it may be. Please continue!

FayeMegan (Chapter 5) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

Bah! Girls are so stupid sometimes! Ad Inuyasha is a player. I kind of don't want Kagome to get Sesshoumaru unless she gets some sense knocked into her!

Noacat (Chapter 5) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

I am crying right now. Poor Sesshoumaru. I wanna give him a hug. Someone needs to hold an intervention for that boy to rid him of his Kagome Addiction. She doesn't deserve him. (And it was an actual phsyical pain to write that sentence.) We had a friend in a relationship like this, where the girl just strung him along and it was the most frustrating thing in the world to watch. We'd tell him again and again that she was using him and he never listened. It was enough to make me want to pull my hair out. Finally, boy got a clue and moved on, but it took FOREVER.

Adria_Li (Chapter 5) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

I wonder what would happen with this entangled love triangle.  So angsty.  I look forward to the next chapter, MissTeak! ^^

Ash (Chapter 5) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

Three hours! Wow, no wonder it came out so good :). I started to feel sorry for her but by the end of the chapter I was back to thinking she's really, really sad. It's hard to be mad at her though cuz she's not behaving that way intentionally. Poor, poor Sess. I don't think I've ever felt as sorry for him as now. I hope he gets a happy ending! As always, I appreciate your wonderful work! :P



P.S. I would have gladly taken him! Ungrateful girl! :D

Vicky (Chapter 5) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

God....I hate it that Kagome is so blind!!!! she refuses to see what's right in front of her.  All this denial about her relationship with both Sessh and Inuyasha.  I feel bad for Sesshoumaru...Kagome is too blind to see this precious man waiting for her to love him back.  If I was Sessh, I probably would have given up a long time ago. 
Anyways....I hope Kagome will come to her senses soon.  All the tears and denial is driving me crazy.  Please update soon.

Fairqueen (Chapter 5) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

please please no more i want them (Sess and Kag) to be together.  enough with the sadness  and on to the happiness.  and make inuyasha fall off a building while u r at it , please  :)

but serious nice story and keep writing>

Tara-Yomitorika (Chapter 4) - Mon 02 Nov 2009

GRR!!! I have to tell you, though many times while reading stories, I've felt Sesshoumaru deserved a swift smack to the head, this honestly made me want to smack Kagome. GAHHH!! How could she say that! Aside from the fact that Sesshoumaru is .. well Sesshoumaru, and Inuyasha is ... well, Inuyasha, you just don't say that kind of stuff!! To Anyone!! EVER!!! GaHhHhHhH!!!! lol Good story (I feel bad if I leave just a ranting review lol)

Patricia (Chapter 4) - Mon 02 Nov 2009

I abosolutly loved the last 4 lines. they were so sad but poetic. loved it, update!

ps when is kagome gonna get her hed out of her ass!?

RayRay (Chapter 4) - Mon 02 Nov 2009

Awww *cries* The chapter was so good, though I really wanted to like slap Kagome and be like "Sesshomaru is much better and at least he's there for you when you need him!" but then u-u you got me with what she told him at the end and I felt my own heart break and I really started to cry. She's not clueless, she knows he wants her, so why say something like that to him?! Poor Sesshomaru, I feel so bad for him. Part of me wants to like see him try to move on and start dating someone, and then Kagome realize he is the better brother and start trying to get him back. Of course, I doubt Sesshomaru would toss his feelings away easily either though, the poor guy. ;_; I can't wait to read more--even if it makes me cry again-- much love to you my dear <33

Akay (Chapter 4) - Sun 01 Nov 2009

Aww poor Sess, my heart hurts for him. Damn that Kagome! She making me so mad! Grrrr

Still I love this story you're doing really good. You had me abou to cry for poor Sess.

Selah (Chapter 4) - Sun 01 Nov 2009

Ahhh! Oh my God that was so excrutiatingly(hope i spelled that right) unbearable! God save us all from such misery.


Well now that I have said my unnessesary dramatic piece I would like to say good story. I am very glad you have decided to start this story. I look foward to seeing some more

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