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DreamWalker (Chapter 8) - Mon 27 Apr 2009
I read your previous chapters late in the game and only just caught up. Your twist at this last chapter wasn't any I ever expected. I love the plot line so far, very orginal, at least compared to anything I ever read and I have read a lot. I can't wait to see what will happen next. I ponder the things you will make Kagome do. I eagerly await your next update!

Dani (Chapter 8) - Mon 27 Apr 2009
What asses! I can't believe they are being punished! Sess totally deserves it. And it sucks that she has to serve that idiot Inuyasha. I can't wait to see what type of things they will have her do. Oh, the inhumanity and humiliation. Keep 'em comin' please!

gradualwisd0m (Chapter 8) - Mon 27 Apr 2009

Oooh I didn't expect that!  I'm so very excited for your future chapters :)

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 1) - Sun 26 Apr 2009

Poor darling. All that trauma caused her to go into shock and retreat into herself. Still wondering what Kagome's job is going to be. Maybe a babysitter/tutor for Rin. We can only hope so.

Inuleeli (Chapter 7) - Sat 25 Apr 2009
Unfortunately, you have offically un-suspended my disbelief. Reason 1: It is difficult to think a country like Germany would accept a law like that being applied to one of it's citizens forcefully. Also I know there are actually international laws against situations like this in our universe. I know it is your story but It's kind of hard to swallow that something like this could happen and no one would care. It's also kind of a shame as the political conflict between Germany and Japan would have been an interesting plot or subplot. Reason 2: I really dislike your portrail of Sesshoumaru. He seems much crueler(sp?) than he should be. While I agree that he is an ass I don't think he'd subject someone to slavery. I usually see him as more honorable than that. He also seems unnessasarily(sp?) callous about the situation. He's coming off more Naraku like than Sesshoumaru. Reason 3: The story is pissing me off. Instead of anticipating the UST and romance that should come, I'm thinking of ways to castrate my favorite demon lord. That is some feat because I am a Sesshy fangirl. Also I can't really believe that romance will develop from this. Anyway, I appologize if I offended you. I've tried to write this as respectively as I can. I just thought it might be helpful in someway. I think you should know what things might bother some people (or it could just be me). If you've read this all the way through then thank you for considering my opinion.

Dani (Chapter 1) - Tue 21 Apr 2009
My Dearest author ever! I love your story and I can hardly wait for your next chapters to come out. But just in case, to make sure you know, when I make any comments on here (unless otherwise noted) it is like I am talking to the tv. So although I may say I wished she escaped from Sess, I really don't mean it because I could not handle if this story was to be discontinued. Really, I may die lengthy, tragic death if that happens. So please keep up the great work! Oh and please, please tell us why he wants her. Is there somehthing in her past we don't know about that will come to light? Oh, I cannot wait to find out how everything plays out. Of course, I am rooting for that he knew once he saw her that she was his soul mate and only did what he knew how to do to keep her around. You keep me guessing! Which is okay, too.

jojo661538 (Chapter 7) - Mon 20 Apr 2009
what exactly did he have in store for her his personal assistant make her bathe him hey maybe she can be a good sword fighter and keep her ground against sesshoumaru they mostly have kagome as a master archer she could mostly be hidding a secret since her perents 'died' and she was adopted by humans and they left japan im guessing in a hurry what exactly where they hidding and why did they not warn her of the culture so many questions well anyways keep up the great work ^_^

TruGemini (Chapter 7) - Mon 20 Apr 2009
Will we be getting glimpses of Sess' plan soon? What does he want from her? What exactly is he looking for? Will she ever regain her freedom? Thank you for such a greatly entertaining story!

jojo661538 (Chapter 7) - Mon 20 Apr 2009
wow keep up the good work ^_^

Anonymous (Chapter 7) - Mon 20 Apr 2009
I don't think I have been this hooked on a story in a very long time. Please keep up the good work. The only critisim I have would be to post at least twice a day. I will be looking forward to reading this story.

gradualwisd0m (Chapter 7) - Mon 20 Apr 2009

I wasn't sure about the story from the summary but, after reading your first 7 chapters, I'm very curious to see how this all unfolds.  You have a very interesting plot going on here and I'm excited to read more!  Good job :)

I Agree (Chapter 7) - Sun 19 Apr 2009
Nooooooo!It can't end now! Impossible! No there has to be a button for another chapter!... *looks* Damnit!.... Well I guess I don't have to really say that I love at and will be checking yet another fanfiction for updates daily... Poor Kagome, being pushed into a situation like that. I don't think I would take it as, eh, gracefully as she is now. No no, there would be much annoying of Sesshou-Maru and insulting him so that he'd have no choice but to let me go. (Really, though, I think I'd love it XD) And speaking of Sesshou-Maru... what a pompous prick! I love it! I can't believe he would do something like that, but then of course, big youkai that he is, I don't think he really cares all that much. I'm very interested in those mysterious 'plans' of his. Of course, my mind immediately goes to the dirty, but hey, that's just me. Update soon! You've got yourself an avid fan in me! Please Regard Me Kindly, I Agree

Angelic Memories (Chapter 7) - Sun 19 Apr 2009
I just came across your story and I thought... wow. This is different from the things I usually read and I am enjoying this story so much. I'm curious to see what will become of things and how everything's going to come out but I won't bombard you with questions that you will eventually answer because I want to be surprised (and I doubt you want to ruin the story). Anyway, let me move on with this... I like the idea that you haven't wavered in the characters' personalities (especially the way Sesshomaru seems determined and has yet to really bend to Kagome) and it makes one wonder how Kagome will twist things about in Sesshomaru's life now that she is forced into this new society. Hmm... I can't think of anything to help you improve thus far... so I will await your next chapter as patiently as my mind will allow.

Starlyte (Chapter 7) - Sun 19 Apr 2009

Seriously i'm really really enjoying this!! I soooooo want to know what he wants to do with her and i can't wait to see what Kagome comes up with to get out of it, i can just see it now, it aint going to be pretty, but i'm sure it'l be hiliarous!!!

And once again i sooooo wish your chapters were longer, but since i can't write to save myself, just ignore me, LOL, but know im anxiously waiting for the next one!!!

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 7) - Sun 19 Apr 2009

Oh dear.  It really is the "silly season," isn't it?  Geez, you have to be the fourth or fifth author I read regularly who's having trouble with *ahem* some slightly less than lucid readers.  Obviously, my questions and statements in my last review were rhetorical, primarily because this IS a work of fiction, and you ARE directing the action, so to speak.  YOU are the one who determines international law in this universe - and we'd all be incredibly silly to question that!  I'm sorry the flames/wankers are getting to you too.  Sheesh... I just can't believe how many instances I've heard of lately!!  Kudos to rowdyjaner for keeping a lid on your (understandable) ire, though.  Oh, sorry... the purpose of the REVIEW is to tell you what I thought of the chapter, not the author's note, right? *wink*  Anyway, this chapter (even if produced under a great deal of duress) told us a whole lot more about the 'ins' and 'outs' of the situation.  Hopefully, this chapter SHOULD make people feel a little silly about questioning the ramifications of Sesshoumaru 'enslaving' Kagome against her will.  I can hardly wait until we find out what, exactly, he intends to do with the poor girl.  In addition... I know you... I'm looking forward to seeing how many monkey wrenches Kagome can jam into Sesshoumaru's well-ordered life.  This is shaping up to be a classic!!! :-) ~~Wiccan~~

Anonymous (Chapter 6) - Sat 18 Apr 2009

Also... Do stronger marks override previous marks? Is weaker youkais mating mark weaker than servant mark of a Tai? Human males tend to avoid females stronger than they are so K is likely to mate with youkai as power levels high enough to attract a Tai are unlikely to be found in humans and youkai might not want to mate a slave if they are not able to override the servant mark.

Making it unlikely for someone to ever find a mate of similar power levels (and thus shortening their life significantly assuming the servant mark doesn't extend life) should be worth a pretty penny.

Perhaps K can claim stud services as partial recompense for that to really infuriate S after this goes to court. ;-) After all K seems to act more like an youkai female in some respects (perhaps youkai somewhere in the family tree or adopted behaviour from peers) and that seems something an youkai might do to ensure strong offspring. There should be precedents for something like this. Getting German goverment to issue warning to travelers bound to Japan about the situation should collapse tourism for at least a while so the Japanese goverment should not be very pleased with S.

Anonymous (Chapter 6) - Fri 17 Apr 2009

Hmm... Getting the law permitting the situalition changed should be easy. After all it's going to be the end of tourism after international media reveals that if you step a foot in Japan, you can be legally kidnapped and enslaved. Going to her embassy might also lead to interesting results, especially if S goes to "reclaim" her (essentially kidnapping from foreign soil that doesn't recognize the mark as valid but illegal).

I wonder what it would require for S to be unable to leave Japan without getting arrested.

Also how much "property" is held responsible for their actions? Maybe K will simply attept to make keeping her too expensive.

Tana_san (Chapter 6) - Tue 14 Apr 2009
I've been reading this since you started and couldn't decise if I really liked where you were going with it. I couldn't understand how a law such as this could be legal in any of the free world and if it were why wouldn't people going to and from these countries be informed BEFORE they decided to enter. The more I read though I think I get the reason he can legally claim her as his property. She said her family were originally from Japan and that means her family lineage is Japanese so just because she was raised in another country she is still a pure blooded Japanese woman. If her family knew of this law then why didn't they tell her before she left? This is more their fault if she has to endure this claim. I can see why Sesshoumaru would be interested in her too. I'll bet he could feel her power and it enticed his baser instinct to control it. He always has issues with being the more dominant and stronger being. Anyway, you've gotten my attention and I'm hooked. I'm hoping you can update this often as it's a most intriguing plotline. JEN

Starlyte (Chapter 6) - Mon 13 Apr 2009

Ok, that was a bit short and not really informative. However that could just be me being impatient trying, i really can't wait to see how her parents are going to feel about this, and is Sesshomaru really a psychotic 'savage' as Kagome likes to call them. And is there a way for her to get out of this, i know in one of the other chapters you stated being marked couldn't be reversed, but you never know!

Can't wait for the next one!!!

InuLeeli (Chapter 1) - Mon 13 Apr 2009
There's something that's been bothering me. Since Kagome is a german citizen, how would the japanese marking laws apply to her? Something like this would cause some sort of international incident, wouldn't it? Sesshoumaru may be powerful in Japan, but I don't think the German government would give a crap about that, and would fight to have their citizen returned. I think you should address this in your story.

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