Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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serasvictoria666 (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
poor Kagome and Sessshoumaru. I feel bad for the both of them. I definitely can't wait until they both meet again. Take care! ^-^

Ikaru (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
gggggrrrrrr....damn Hasu.....poor Sesshoumaru and Kagome :(......i hope things take a happier turn soon!!!

Ladyfairy (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
oh dear kami-sama i dont think that i can handle much more of this torture....can we have her happy soon....its just soooooooo depressing....and its such a good story....please update soon

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009

OMGs! I didn't think Kagome was crazy enough to keep her word to the vile Hasu. I wonder how long it will take before Sesshou comes to investigate for himself of the reason why Kagome is avoiding him. I wonder how he will react? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Khrystyne (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009

Ahh that was horrible, I really hope Sesshoumaru comes busting in demanding to see Fuji. Kagome is too honorable for her own good. I hope Sesshoumaru shows her that no one will have her but him. Can't wait for the next chapter!!

Lena (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
Why are you being so mean to me!!!! That was the meanest thing you could have ever done. I am so in love with this story I read it sitting in my dorm for a couple days between class and homework and learning the campus layout. I thought after the scene in Kagome's room she would read the letter but she just ripped it to pieces how cruel. Poor Sesshoumaru he doesn't know what to think, I do hope he comes to his senses and personally goes to see her. When will he find out who she is that is my question? But anyway keep up the great work and I hope you update soon.

couldntbekeener (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
love it update asap!!!!!! Please!!!!

Nefret (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009

You ARE evil, leaving off at a spot like that! I remember reading this back on A Single Spark, and loving it - so I'm thrilled to see that you're continuing it here! I love the wistful tone that's set in this story, and the interaction between Sesshoumaru and Kagome is just beautiful.

However, if you're open to concrit (and apologies if you're not), you do tend to have some tense issues. You've flipped from past to present tense within the story a couple times. It's a little thing, really, but if you ever go back or need to repost it for any reason you might want to just go and fix those. Sorry, I can sometimes be a bit of a grammar nazi, so that sort of thing jumps out at me.

I do love this story, though. I think your excellent use of vocabulary really helps make it feel like it's actually set in Japan.I can't wait to see where you take this next! (And I do rather want to smack Hasu, and then smack Kagome for tearing up that letter!).

Giannix (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
Hello!! it's a pleasure to write you, i can't stand hasus jelousy!! what will kagome do?? i definitely enjoy your fic update soon! =)

Amrix (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
OMG! This is one of the best SessxKag storys ever! Its so awesome :D I hop you update it soon :)

Akay (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
Awww NOOOOO! *pouts* Stupid Hasu and her stupid jealousy hmph. Ah wells this was also a great chapter. The mental image of Sesshoumaru waiting all day (literally) for her to show up and coming up with excuses for her was adorable. I wonder if he'll show up personally next time. LOL. That'll sure show Hasu (mumbles curse words). Love it much.

youkailady (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
Ahhhm such a nice story even with this sad part. Though with Kagome's well known fiery nature I'm surprised she hasn't put the crazy wench in her place! At supposed the imprisonment in the Gion as dampened her spirit greatly, but still. None the less, great story. Keep it up and I'm glad you have pick-up in updating it again. I feared you were gone for good. By the way,I'm afraid "Kagome" slipped by you in the first part of this chapter instead of Fuji since Sesshoumaru doesn't know her true identity. Thought you liked to know. Bye and update soon!

maddie50 (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009

Oh he waited for her and made such elaborate preparations for the time she was to spend with him. This is so sad. I can't believe Kagome ripped up the second letter. Wouldn't it be courteous to at least write back and say she will be unable to see him again. I gather Oka knows nothing about the details of this, although with all the shouting of the last argument how could she not. Just who is really in charge here?

Inusbabe (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
Geez Sess... go find out why

a Mysticlady (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
Nani? That's all he did. I expected him to show up, demand to see Kagome and then learn of Hasu's jealousy. But I suppose that would be rushing things. Oh, please don't make Kagome suffer long. Please.

hikari hime (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009


-Glares hatefully-

I hope she gets a wart just on top or her oh-so pretty nose.

Please, bring a little happiness to this unworthy reader. Make Sesshomaru-sama very very very very mad at her XD

Thank you very much for the early update.

Dewa mata

Vicky (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009

Oh NOOOOO.....poor Kagome and Sesshoumaru.  I hope Sess will soon realize that Kagome is forced to do this.  Please update soon.  I'm being greedy...I want more!!!!

Selah (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009

Thank you sooooooo much for posting this story on dokuga! I am a huge fan of all your works, but especially Wisteria. I was hoping against hope that you would post it here and here you are!!

Now about this last chapter. When is Sesshomaru going to suspect Hasu behind Kagome(Fuji's) odd behavior, I mean he witnessed Hasu's jealousy  when he and fuji were taking a boat ride and now they are sisters.

Anyways this story is amazing and one of my all time favorites.

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009

OH! You EVIL, EVIL wench!  How long are you planning on torturing Kaogme like that?  You are just plain cruel!  UPDATE SOON!

Tajia (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
I would not give Sesshomaru up for nuthin, nobody, no how.....gosh I hate Hasu....major cow....I really hope there is retribution for that Hasu in the next chapter....she just rubs me the wrong way! I hope Fuji stands up for herself....I am ok with Fuji being selfish when it comes to Sesshomaru....LOL Thanks for the update!

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