Oooo, that's just too wonderful for words. While Hasu may have been a bit of a bossy witch to everyone.....okay - good, I'm glad she's dead. Or is she? Now what? If she's dead, who did it? Sesshoumaru? Naw, couldn't have been. Okay, that was a bit of a cliffie - I can't wait to see what happens next!
Ah you know what this Kagome reminds me a bit of the sad Kagome from previous chapters. I know it's necessary, but I really hope she can be happy again very soon. After all the crap she has been put through, she really deserves it. Which reminds me, I'm glad you're block seems to be gone since you're updating so close together!
You know, I'm glad Kagome was tired of lying so much, but in a way I dont think thats safe for her. I knew her friend won't want to hurt her, and she might keep it secret, but what if something happens. First what if someone was around and her them, then Kagome is most likely screwed, and not only that, but she can't confide it into anyone, because Oka is probably searching Earth, Heaven, and Hell for it. I love Kagome and her trust in people, but this was perhaps the most dangerous move she could make.
When Sesshomaru told her to lie to everyone, he wasn't doing it to be cruel, I know he was doing it for a reason, and I just hope this whole thing won't backfire on Kagome.
OBVIOUSLY Hasu has been killed by Oka. At least she sort of got what she deserved, but that's a bit harsh. Since Hasu had Sesshomaru for herself, she killed her so he could go back to Kagome.
Oh, that's a horrible cliffy! How could you?! (sobs) It's gonna feel like forever for the next update now, and I am gonna end up checking like 80 times a day. Oh well, I guess that's the price we pay for great talent. Hope to see the next chapter soon, and can't wait for it! Fabulous job once again, despite the evil cliffy. Lol!
Til next time!
Rikayu (Chapter 59) - Sat 24 Jul 2010
*le gasp* And the plot thickens!
I can only assume that Hasu was killed to open the pathway from Kagome to Sesshoumaru. And I'm also slightly wary of Yanagi-chan, but we'll see~ Great writing as always!
Patiently waiting for what comes next, Rika <3
Sirinya (Chapter 59) - Sat 24 Jul 2010
I hate to be mean but... hooray! the bitch is dead. I've seriously been waiting for this moment for many chapters now. Plot is moving along at a nice pace now too! I'm hoping we'll find out who's behind all this soon? Cant wait for the next chapter. :D
Kanela (Chapter 59) - Sat 24 Jul 2010
When I said Hasu had something coming for her I didn't think it would be Death. D: Well, not that I care much. >:)
Keep on going!! You left one horrible cliffy there, are you trying to dirve us insane?? Hahahaha. Oh, and one thing...pleaaase don't make Yanagi-chan be evil. That would surely break my heart.
And congratz for breaking out of your block, that's awesome! *thumbs up* I'll be waiting for the next update!! Yay!!
I've read a lot of fanfiction, and I've never loved a story more than I do now. Keep up the good work.
makenzie (Chapter 58) - Fri 23 Jul 2010
Oooo im so so so so happy u updated pls pls.pls update soon or I will cry
Madison (Chapter 58) - Fri 23 Jul 2010
I know you had a block, but I have to say, I missed this story so much, hun.
I'll say it right out; Hasu is a bitch. I mean, if only she knew why Sesshomaru was being so nice to her, she wouldn't be opening her big fat mouth like that now would she? I just can't wait until she truly get what's coming her way. So far everything has been so easy for her, that it's disgusting, lol. Karma will come and bite her in the ass, i'm telling you. But I have no fear that you will take care of her.
I'm glad Kagome has true friends in there though that want to stick up for her. It is sad that Kagome has to lie to them, but I know it's a necessity, but you can see they truly care for her. They are even willing to put themselves at risk just to come up to her defense, and that is quite sweet.
Oka is a monster. I mean, like yeah she helped Kagome and all right now, but you know it's only because she wants something in return. If it wasn't for all that, she wouldn't have put down her precious Hasu. What a two face bitch. Argh. Anyway, I don't think she's a good liar, lmao. Well, I think she used to be (aka she stole that damn shard), but now that the situation is so intense, and that things didn't turn out the way she wanted, she is so freaked out, she just blurs out things without having a chance to think them through. I'm glad Kagome is given a chance to see right through her.
Now i'm almost certain Oka dragged her there and that's how Kagome found herself there at the beginning. It truly is the only thing that makes much sense if you ask me.
Anyway, she's is also to be labeled a bitch, lmao. I'm glad she doesnt know the little plan, and what Kagome knows.
It's clear she wants the jewel, and i'm asking myself the same question as Kagome; what does she want it for?
ugh me and hasu would have been fighting forget the plan shoot....but anyway im glad you found the inspiration and idea for the chapter it was really good so please update soon
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