That was wonderful! Discovering the library, the cut to Tsubaki and interactions between them. Really nice
I love this story. It's different and snarky and just fun!
Jyurian (Chapter 1) - Thu 21 Apr 2022
I love this!
I'm super curious to read more about Kagome's background since it seems like she's not from the future in this fic, and to see which other characters make an appearance.
Oh man that was good Tsubaki can rot so she's the one who wants to mate Sesshomaru and saying Kagome is a gift will make her chances better.... How foolish of her even Sesshomaru sees through her plan.. Wonder if he will want to keep Kagome or let her go. And now there is a problem wonder what it is.
Amazing! Please please please do a massive update soon!
Yasmine (Chapter 3) - Fri 01 Apr 2022
You never fail to keep me at the edge of my seat. I can't wait to read the next chapter <3
Great chapter loved the part of Kagome pointing out Tsubaki's mistake... That was good... Also still wondering why Kagome stayed with her for so long? Yeah she could teach her some things but not all like Kagome stated. But I wonder why Kagome hides most of her power? Does she not want others to know she could take care of herself and others if need be. Hope you update soon.
Oh boy! I don't like Tsubaki.
I do love Mama Inu. She is always up to something and I'm getting the feeling that she has chosen her champion already. Looking forward to more updates.
Great start to this story! Hoping that Kagome gets back her own with Tsubaki. I can't understand why Kagome puts up with her. Love how she connected with Rin.
Loving this! Such excellent character development in just two chapters :) can't wait to see where this goes!
I love it thus far!! Good start up! I am excited for the games to begin!!
I loved every word of this chapter and read it twice, lol! I can't wait for another one!
Mynameishuman (Chapter 2) - Mon 28 Feb 2022
interesting developments!
I wonder why Kagome seeks to learn under Tsubaki? She's a dark miko so is she to learn poison and spells from her? Or is there something more. I wonder.... So Kagome also doesn't know that she is also in the compition to become Sesshomaru's mate. How funny is that she really is ignorant to whats going on around her... LOL Can't wait to read more update soon.
Yay! So much fun! Started off interesting right away. Quick read. I'm excited to see where you go with this!
Now this is a cool story... So why did Kagome go to Tsubuki to be trained? What did Tsubuki think she'd get for handing over Kagome as a gift? So many questions I have but the rest can wait. Update soon.
I'll be watching for updates. Very enjoyable read!
Honeyque28 (Chapter 1) - Sat 29 Jan 2022
Awesome story and can't wait to continue. Stay safe!
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