If she really does die as a normal human, I cant help but think how this must be torture for Sesshoumaru
That was so beautiful. I think you are right about keeping the emotional flow going.
It felt bittersweet reading this! So I know how she might feel. Please update soon!
So interested to see where this is going! Older Sesshomaru obviously has learned a lot of patience and compassion, almost makes me wonder how his life is currently? Does he have children, are they mated, what the previous danger was. Looking forward to what's next!
Also, I'm fine with reading the updates however you want to provide them. Whatever is easiest for you as a writer <3
Older Sesshy is breaking my heart cause I know something must have happened. But these two are so adorable!!
this is my favourite fic so far. i love how they interact, the short chapters. i am really glad you are still working on it, THANK U! I would rlly like if u keep it uptated at last weekly?? not sure .
I love the interaction between her and inuyasha
Thankyou very much for writing this. YOur authors note was very touching. I too had surgery and I am recovering and I know all too well about wanting peace. Anyway i about to keep reading and I know i will enjoy.
Loving your work. iI"'drather get a chuck at a time pleaseee. That way it feels like a nice length chapter and the stops are more dramatic
I enjoy this story so as long as you keep it coming, whichever works best for you is great for me. Thank you for writing this.
I like reading one chapter more often than a bunch every so often.
Lovely update. I feel that the updates and when they happen are entirely up to you. You know what kind of a week you are having and how many updates you are able to put up. I am always pleased when they do.
Mmm I think I liked it better when you did big chunks. When you update like this I kinda forget what happened and gotta go back a bit and reread to remember what's goin on. My memory sucks lol either way ima read!
You are breaking my heart!
I was hoping they'd stay together forever like in most stories. That doesn't seem to be the case, sadly. I'm probably jumping the gun & you will do it. But if not I'll love it even more!! Hardly anyone talks about her dying before him. Please update soon!
So beautiful. Thank you for a wonderful Mother's Day extra.
Ohhhh, I was hoping that their mating would extend her life.
Oh my...so frustrating to wait for these little bits of info.
Oh that was good...
Oh no...that doesn't sound good.
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.