Those were the saddest drabbles you've written so far, and that's saying something! As for what I'd like to see, well I like the direction you're heading, so just keep doing what you're doing. Personally, I'd like to see the slow burn continue and for their relationship development to look and feel natural. I guess what I'm saying is don't feel like you have to rush the romance between them.
Don't be sorry about sad chapters! They give so much depth to the story and you wrote them wonderfully. I love the relationship you've written out for Sess/Kags and the way its developed so naturally. Can't wait to read more!
This is heart wrenching
Beautiful and heart wrenching. Just what I expected to see. They needed all of those drabbles and I'm so glad I was unable to read them till this morning. Reading them all at once puts me in that place and time. Its amazing how your writing does that!
We'll obviously we need more healing and adventures. Hahah! As for details, lets have them go visit a Lord/Lady! Some type of emergency meeting with an old family friend. Could be the birth of a child or a battle or both! That old family friend could impart many wise words about the jewel since he personally knew Midoriko. I'd also like to see them developing and growing a family.
I'll think of more ideas after the next 10-15 drabbles. :-) at least I'm setting expectations. *grin. Till then!
Usually with grief and mourning comes a great deal of anger and misunderstanding. People blame themselves but only after blaming others first until they can no longer find a scapegoat. I wonder how the two of them could handle that sort of grief.
When our first dog passed, my sister hated me because I didn't cry. She didn't know how much pain I was in and how hard it was to hold the tears back, or that I cried myself to sleep each night after. She only though I didn't love the dog and was just cold. Alternatively, when my grana passed, i cried a ton. I blamed myself for not visiting enough. Not spending time. Not expressing my love enough. And anger for those who showed even less
Finally! I got a chance to read everything and man! It is HEAVY!!! The scene of Sess holding Kagome back was gut-wrenching! Kagome apologizing for comparing Sess to Inuyasha, I feel for him. But him asking to know more about his little brother was super touching. And them learning to make a fresh connection between them. And the children! Rin, Shippo, and Kohaku. Losing Rin three times, when she’s still so young. And Kagome losing Shippo! These two are going through some rough stuff; I hope they make it. I love where you’re going with this fic! Keep up the amazing worok!
Well that was heartbreaking
Balling just balling
One tends to think of Ah-Un as a pet; but it is obvious that he is so much more. He brought home three bodies. Was the third Jaken or Inuyasha?
The levels of complexity that you have written into Sesshomaru‘s character ( no pun intended) makes him amazing. He projects Kagome from as much trauma as he can with no thought for himself. It is little wonder that he shatters.
That was gut wrenching. I cried. I mad... that Naraku has got to go
Ah Sessh, so brave and kind to keep Kagome from seeing the decaying bodies, and deal with it on his own. I hope she's able to comfort and help him heal from that. This dynamic is always what makes me think they're perfect for each other. They're both strong in different ways that mean they can help each other through weak moments.
I was confused when Sesshomaru said there were 3 bodies but only mentioned Rin and Shippo.
Dearest Gods, I know your imagination must be at least as good as mine, so when I say "Great writing" I mean it. Although I am not a fan of drabbles, I can't pare myself away from this story. I'm assuming the bodies are Rin, Shippo and Kohaku. Ah-Un is capable of so much m,ore than we see ion many of these fan-fictions, I'm more than pleased to see this use of his ingenuity and hope, as well as his love for Rin. And I don't thinl Sesshomarou is OOC in any of this. Everyone will break, one way or another,given enough of their personal pressure.
Poor Sesshoumaru. He needed to face it at some point, it was only a matter of time. But to face it in such a way is traumatizing too. Ah-Un, poor dudes. So loyal. I can only imagine the effect of them waiting around for the Miasma to clear and have to collect the bodies. How horrific. This will definitely be testing them all. Poor sweet Rin. Lost for the third time.
I have a feeling my heart is going to burst with emotion on the next set of drabbles. Till then!
I love Sesshoumaru coming to terms that he never really knew his brother and feeling loss despite it. He knows Kagome loved him and wanting to know why and having missed out on it is truely heartbreaking.
Oh wow, things are getting interesting! I love this set of updates. It was nice seeing Sesshomaru sharing his own grief over Inuyasha. For all the hate between them, in the end the two of them are still brothers. On some level they really do care about each other even though they would never admit it.
Your writing makes me feel that itch in my chest to write again. Thank you for that.
Can't wait for the next upload spree.
wow, this is just taking me for all types of twist and turns (in a good way). Loved the sweet moment of them exploring their physical differences. Also them finally having that emotional talk about Inuyasha. Beautiful! Hope you have a wonderful week <3
What a cliffhanger, very good story. Very emotionally charged.
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