Reviews for Dreaming On by LadyGoshawk

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Neelixonee (Chapter 20) - Mon 20 May 2019

Poor Inu, that's a harsh reality to face.  His stubbornness accounts for a major part of his disbelief and mistrust in others.  I can't wait to hear the other side of the coin.  What a journey, and thank you for continuing it! 

KShadeslady (Chapter 3) - Mon 20 May 2019

That was a very dark moment. Nice chapter though, nicely written. Thank you. 

Sesskagaddict89 (Chapter 19) - Sat 18 May 2019

Most exciting chapter yet. I seriously cannot wait to read the next. 

Dani Montgomry (Chapter 19) - Sat 18 May 2019

I'm so excited to see Souta's reaction!!! 


And it is hilarious to me that Shipping calls Sesshoumaru "Dad" instead of Father. It just seems so casual :P

Neelixonee (Chapter 19) - Sat 18 May 2019

Oh damn!  Poor Souta!

Katrina Kee (Chapter 19) - Sat 18 May 2019

Yea!!! Sota is going to get his own adventur!!! And it looks like he is meeting up with Sango, Miruko, and Kilia!!!

Tilayha (Chapter 19) - Fri 17 May 2019

Best chapter yet! It's rare for Sota to get to have any fun :-)

SnarkwiseInu (Chapter 18) - Thu 16 May 2019

I love it! Please update soon. I’m foaming at the bit over here!

Neelixonee (Chapter 18) - Mon 13 May 2019


Sessygurl (Chapter 18) - Mon 13 May 2019

Thank you. I was literally on the edge of my seat. Thank you for the update. 

Faith (Chapter 18) - Mon 13 May 2019

Woohoo! So many questions and so much still to come but at least they're together now! 

SabraJane (Chapter 18) - Mon 13 May 2019

We heard how the mirror came into Totosai's possession, so I am naturally curious on how Aojoka-sensei had the mirror and how he seemed to suspiciously anticipate more for Kagome's future ever since his character was introduced (he always seemed to know more than everyone else). I've really enjoyed both his and Mori-sensei's characters. I sincerely hope this isn't the last we hear about them!

Also...Hurray, hurray! They are both finally in the same era! This was another satisfying update and I sincerely look forward to the next one!

Neelixonee (Chapter 17) - Sat 11 May 2019

Suspense!  And Sesshoumaru's mother is great.  She is a worried mom.  I respect that.

SmilingFool (Chapter 17) - Fri 10 May 2019

Finally Kagome sets herself free, way to go....  Question though what about Sota?  What do his dreams visions mean?  Is he to join Kagome on the quest as well.   What will he do when he dreams again and finds Kagome battling the evil alone like last time will he believe it or ignore it as it has been days to count.  Yeah yeah I know too much but still that was cool that he got to see and feel the the dream vision as Kagome did....  Wonder what Kagome's family will say when they find out she's gone?  Will Sota finally them of his dream visons?  


Update soon...

Faith (Chapter 17) - Fri 10 May 2019

And we're on our way!!!! Squeeee! Still wondering how Souta's going to fit into things since he was having visions in the last chapter. But I expect all will be revealed in time. :)

KShadeslady (Chapter 2) - Fri 10 May 2019

That was an amazing chapter! It sounds like her dreams just flow one moment to the next. Thanks so much. 

KShadeslady (Chapter 1) - Fri 10 May 2019

Wow! I like this! That was one heck of an opening chapter! I can’t wait to read more. This is beautifully written. 

Sessygurl (Chapter 14) - Mon 29 Apr 2019

Loving this story. I like how Sesshoumaru called Inuyasha out and nonchalantly said this is her courting mark and what! I cannot wait for more. I'm wondering what the doctors are thinking about Kagome now. Thanks for the update. 

SnarkwiseInu (Chapter 13) - Sat 27 Apr 2019

You are a truly talented artist. I look forward to more chapters of this amazing story. I really love how you incorporated the possibility of PTSD being one of Kagome’s ailment, if not the underlying cause. 

It it makes me wonder why Rumiko never saw these two as a match. I‘d originally put Sess with either Kagura or an adult Rin (the latter of which gave me mild squicks because of his more paternal relationship with her). Kagome was always the better pairing for him -quite literally his yang. 

Thank the fates for fan fiction!



Sinna~ (Chapter 13) - Sat 27 Apr 2019

omg! I love this fic i found it not even a week ago and binged it and now I can't wait for more. I am very grateful that you update frequently it seems.

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