I just discovered your fics a few days ago. They're all amazing and you've quickly become one of my favorite authors in the fandom world. I really hope you finish this fix. I'm not sure what people are saying to discourage you, but if anything bothers them about this fic then they shouldn't be reading it. Everyone doesn't like the same things and trying to please everyone is impossible. You have a really big support group regarding this story. It's so good and I'd hate to see all your hard work gone to waste. I really hope you decide to finish this. I'm anxious to know what happens next !
I just wanted to tell you I have spent the past hour and a half completely devouring this fic. I really love it so far! I like that you're not shying away from darker themes. Just so you know - I have been reading every single one of your stories on here. After leaving dokuga for a while (life got busy and I felt like I read all the great fics on here) it was amazing to come back and discovering a new favourite! Thank you so much for sharing your work and passion with us all! I really hope you will continue this fic even though I understand the anxiety you were talking about in your author notes.
Kayla (Chapter 15) - Tue 17 Aug 2021
Hello, I really love ur stories. Something blue is becoming a favorite as well. Hoping to c an update on this story soon plz. Ur r an awesome writer thank u for sharing ur tales
Wow...so many feeling about this. I guess she is going back? This is a tough story.
I've missed this story so much! Eeekkk
Orotami (Chapter 15) - Tue 29 Jun 2021
I love this story so much. Please don't have anxiety over any potential nay sayers. This is your story! Its epic and amazing and everyone has there own spin on tough topics.
Hopefully we see another update soon. Im literally on the edge of my seat especially because we know Kagome is going back to Sesshoumaru.
I wonder if she'll make it back before he wakes up?
Neelixonee (Chapter 15) - Tue 29 Jun 2021
Aaaawe...that sacrifice
No they're getting away... Sesshomaru wake up damit wake up before she leaves and Naraku catches her,..... Oh Kagome did a bad thing she will be worse off now....
Toni (Chapter 15) - Tue 29 Jun 2021
lol.. I meant thanks for updating
Toni (Chapter 15) - Tue 29 Jun 2021
Thanks for coming! Its getting juicy
Niomi (Chapter 14) - Fri 07 May 2021
Thank you for updating! My goodness, I've been waiting eagerly. I can't believe it!! Of course I want them to run away, but I am always dreaming of them rekindling whatever they had going. Ugh. You've got me obsessed with them and their sick world. Can't wait for more!
Chrissy (Chapter 14) - Fri 16 Apr 2021
Wow I just read the story in a day and a half, and just how to heart attack realizing I couldn't click the next chapter cuz there hasn't been one written yet! The plot is so unique and tastefully gruesome in a way that has been so engaging. This is definitely different than many of the stories I've read in the past. I really appreciate your portrayal of sesshomaru. Fabulous job keeping his intentions vague and aloof. I'm curious if you're going to go into some more details has been dealing with in regards to her captivity future that has been taken away from her again and again, through the demons taking over Tokyo, captured, mated and then carrying his child. Going Deep into that while she's escaping with Miroku and sango into freedom, be great for character building as she probably feels so conflicted now. Because Rin is her priority
The story is so good Thank you for writing
Awesome chapter! Lots of action and intrigue! The next chapter will be tense. Thanks for updating.
Nicole (Chapter 14) - Sun 28 Mar 2021
I'm so happy you updated this!!! I'm so curious to see how it all pans out. I hope their plan works!
Bree (Chapter 14) - Sat 27 Mar 2021
I have been waiting for this update. I am so glad for it. It was worth the wait. Possible escape, pregancy, and what with Sesshoumaru neglecting
Kagome. The hint of history. I can't wait till the next update.
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