What a great chapter! I feel like I should be concerned Sesshomaru was unmarked. I really, really hope they have a happy ending.
Gotta love it when Sesshoumaru’s stubbornness loses to himaelf, lol. Can’t wait to read the next chapter!!!
I just adore this story. This fic is definitely one of the best I've read in some years. Your level of detail is awesome and it gets me in the gut with each major twist. I binge read this in 2 days and I cant wait for the next chapter! Hope its soon.
susie (Chapter 1) - Fri 30 Aug 2019
Why is this so good!! Lol. Best new fic ive read in a while! Love love love. Please keep writing. Didnt expect to enjoy this so much. Really super good!
Holy crap this fix keeps getting better and better.
Mari (Chapter 21) - Mon 26 Aug 2019
Love love love this fic. Can’t wait for next chapter. I love how present and past Sesshomaru are completemy different. Nailed it.
Sammyjams (Chapter 21) - Fri 23 Aug 2019
Well hot damn, cats out of the bag now!
Bibi (Chapter 21) - Fri 23 Aug 2019
Fuuuck you went right in there. Straight for the jugular. How does one explain this. Phone is at 3% so cant leave a long review. Love this chapter. Thankyou for making my night. Ta! For now
Sana (Chapter 21) - Thu 22 Aug 2019
It's been long time since I read a fanfic on dokuga. And I'm glad it was yours
Great story!
I love the name of the most recently uploaded chapter. In fact, if you've seen the ninth episode of Inuyasha TFA, you can see that Prince is a perfect nickname for him. He is a helpless little boy in front of his mother. Or a puppy. The more I watched the animation, the more I thought of his father as an intolerable bastard. Toga may have been a decent husband(Of course not in this fiction. Not forever.), but as a father he will always fail. He doesn't deserve to expect anything from his sons. I might not have been able to suppress my anger without the warm and sweet scenes of my favorite couple and the paragraph in which they took care of Lin like her parents. This chapter really made me emotional, and it also made me happy.
Mac (Chapter 21) - Thu 22 Aug 2019
I am then left despairing at cliff hangers and AMAZING WRITING. OMG.
Koree (Chapter 21) - Wed 21 Aug 2019
Uh oh * bites nails * who would of thought the one time Sesshomaru wants to be nice it would lead to this lol . I loved their interaction since she got back , can’t wait for the next chap !!
Oh boy! He is going to be a tough nut to win over but saving Rin might have iced the cake. Really liked this chapter. Thanks so much for updating.
Loved this. Her hunting for him...I could’ve strangled Jaken when he interrupted what he did, lol. So looking forward to the next chapter!
ambar (Chapter 21) - Mon 19 Aug 2019
i syaed up till 2 in the morning cause i got addicted only to forget its not finished!!! oh my god i love it
Vicky (Chapter 21) - Mon 19 Aug 2019
Ooooo oooo...OHHHH....what's gonna happen next. Can't wait to read the next chapter. Thank you for updating.
KayAkuma (Chapter 21) - Mon 19 Aug 2019
Omg... just when I thought it couldn't get any juicier... The cliffhanger though! Love this story, cant wait for more!
Faith (Chapter 21) - Mon 19 Aug 2019
Nooooo! I usually keep track of how close to the end of a chapter I am so I don't get taken off guard by the end, but I was too engrossed. I knew the chapter where she woos and courrs him would be dynamite, but you've surpassed my expectations!
Maya (Chapter 21) - Mon 19 Aug 2019
I hope the next update comes soon! What a cruel cliffhanger
Shanika (Chapter 21) - Mon 19 Aug 2019
Oh snap..... he now knows that she mated to him. Kagome you was supposed to keep your guard up
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