Damn. Kagome why do you trust everyone so much?? Taking Kagura's word that, of course, the food and drink isn't poisoned. Ugh. I like her trusting nature but please don't be an idiot.
I can understand Sesshomaru's rage, Inuyasha here gets on my nerves too. Not because he's deliberately cruel but because he's indecisive, impulsive, reckless and insecure and those flaws lead to Kagome getting hurt physically and emotionally the most. And yet, he never admits to them ever, instead trying to overcompensate until he falters and the cycle repeats and again (you know, most stories that make Inuyasha an obstacle usually make him cruel or callous but I never felt anything about it because it didn't feel cohesive to the story, real I guess, but here? I have seen people act like this and the reality of it makes him all the more annoying and pitying for it).
I hope Sesshomaru gets to have much needed alone time with Kagome, both need it but she the most. Inuyasha would have her reassure him instead of the other way around, and that's just unfair. She needs to heal now.
Awesome story, hope you continue this one day. :)
I loved this story, a few parts were a little confusing at the beginning where I couldn't tell if the potion also affected Sesshomaru or he had genuine feelings for Kagome but it cleared up eventually in a natural manner. I honestly feel bad for him, to have the person you fell in love with finally look at you because of a love potion of all things and then resist caving to do the right thing... Worst is she doesn't remember a thing. It must be torture and I think you captured that very well at the end of the first chapter.
Loved the limey parts too. ;)
Hope for more updates
Nice chapter. I am looking forward to the last part of this one-shot trilogy.
I hope it ends with Kagome getting her memories back and also geting Sess back into her life for good.
I would like to see them consummate their love for one another at some point in the chapter. In other words...mate and pupped....yeah!
Maybe have a short mini paragraph at the end with a time skip showing that Sess and Kagome have full blood son(s) with the perfect balance of their parent's power in harmony. This would be one hell of a powerful demon child(dren). I know cliche. But it's a bit of fluff stuff. LOL
Hoping for the last chapter to be posted soon to end my agony....lol
Great writing job!!!
Great story, please update the next chapter quickly!
And the plot thickens, so excited can't wait for your next chapter love your characters you capture them spot on. Also how are you liking breath of the wild?
B-b-but, I fell like this chapter was so short! >_< I know it wasn't, but I guess I read to eagerly, lol. I feel bad that everyone is suffering in one way or another, but I don't see any resolution happening until Naraku is dealt with. I hope Sesshomaru will join the shard hunting group, not to incite drama bit to maybe ease some of this heartache and clear up any questions they need answered
I'm gonna onion cutting ninjas dammit why didn't she remember
I liked this story, its an interesting plot. I can't wait to read more.
Good story
Damn, I don't know what I expected, but despite how glad I am that I read this, I wish I didn't feel this residual sadness...Poor Sesshomaru and Kagome, it seems like they'll both be missing out on something wonderful
Really quite good.
Such a bittersweet little tale. I remember reading this one before.
Very nicely written but the story felt kind of disjointed, like it was missing some important facts, but I guess that was the way you wanted it to be.
It feels like there is more to this story and that Kagome and Sess will eventually get back together.
I loved it and hoping there is more to this in the future but like you said these are a collection of one-shots that could stand alone or maybe be connected to future one-shots.
Looking forward to reading more soon.
Great job!
Welcome back!!!
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