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KEdakumi (Chapter 11) - Thu 13 Oct 2016

Oh.... what a backstory.  Poor Kagome and Inu.  Can't wait to see how this goes.

Violla (Chapter 11) - Thu 13 Oct 2016

Sono davvero curiosa che cosa succederà  Non vedo l'ora di scoprirlo, aggiorna presto. 

Elizabeth (Chapter 11) - Thu 13 Oct 2016

Oh my goodness! this was fantastic! It's not quite what I was expecting and yet it was as I read the beginning of this chapter. I am now curious as to how you will proceed. Reading about the cats, it makes me wonder if there is a larger plot behind the attack. Like perhaps they were sent there to cause strife among the two friends. It seems a bit strange that tree youKaI from the continent to attack the one village. many questions.

I imagine that Inuyasha and kagome's relationship won't go back to what it was, however I can see him eventually getting flumoxed about the relationship developing between our favourite pair. Question is, is when? Gosh! I am loving this story!

Mona (Chapter 11) - Thu 13 Oct 2016

Interesting, I wonder if it's true or false, since Sesshoumaru seems to believe in it I'm going to have to say true.  I'm curious as to what will happen next, maybe Kouga will appear after feeling Kagome's aura.  Or a background chapter of Inuyasha's revenge and hunt of the villages murderer's.

Jean (Chapter 10) - Thu 13 Oct 2016

Wonderful chapter, I love how their relationship is growing! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Elizabeth (Chapter 10) - Wed 12 Oct 2016

It's so fluffy! I loved this chapter, it is a good transitional piece that allows them to get to know each other better. I look forward to more of it as well as a confrontation with Inuyasha. Tchus!

Elizabeth (Chapter 9) - Sat 08 Oct 2016

Ohh!! they've kissed!! So soon! I wasn't expecting this kind of progression so soon! :O :D. i can't wait for your next update. I feel like Jaken will leave the fortress to go after Sesshoumaru and either cause some sort of mayhem with our favourite pairing, or be found by Inuyasha because there's a bit of Kagome's scent on him. Hmm...whatever you do, i'" certain will be awesome! Till next time 

Jean (Chapter 9) - Sat 08 Oct 2016

Great chapter! Love that kiss! Can't wait to see what their conversation is about.

Jean (Chapter 9) - Sat 08 Oct 2016

Great chapter! Love that kiss! Can't wait to see what their conversation is about.

Elizabeth (Chapter 8) - Fri 07 Oct 2016

Oh another great update and can't wait to see how you will form the confrontation between Inuyasha and Kagome. Part of me thinks that she won't actually kill him; kind of like Katara and Yon Rha from ATLA, and she finds that even though she can kill him and wants to, she can't being herself to finish the job. 

I'm also curious to see how you will bring Sesshoumaru and Kagome together romantically. I almost feel that by them travelling together, the trust that is starting to form between them will be what opens up both their hearts.  Oh I can't wait for your next update!

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 7) - Fri 07 Oct 2016

Well it seems that Inuyasha may still be alive and that he killed all the villagers and his friends. I'm glad that Kagome finally told her story to Sessho and I'm also glad that he sent out a scout to investigate what has happened to the village of Edo and its people. Inuyasha is going to get it now. Even if he has come back to his senses, Inuyasha does not deserve forgiveness from Kagome even if he begs for it . He betrayed Kagome and his pack by taking the jewel and used it on himself for whatever selfish reason.

Did I miss something in the beginning, but why did Kagome leave the jewel behind in the villiage in the first place? She should have known that it would have been a temptation for anyone. I know she trusted her friends but it left them vunerable for any rogue demon or humans wanting its power since it was never wished upon. It did not suprise me that Inuyasha would have been tempted. A leopard never changes its spots and Inu always wanted to be full demon so what was going to stop him now. He was always selfish anyway so he basically signed his own death warrant. Does he think that he would be all powerfull now? He couldn't even control his demon half so what makes him think that he could control himself now that he is full demon. He is pathetic and weak. I admit that I could be wrong and that he didn't do any of this stuff but I go with Kagome's gut feeling that he did those horrible things.

Great chapter and looking forward to the next updates soon. I just love this story. Great writing.

Jean (Chapter 7) - Fri 07 Oct 2016

Great story so far, very well written. I like how you have changed the characters personalities, it fits very well with the story. I love how their relationship is growing and can't wait to see how it changes. I look forward to the next chapter! 

Inudemoness (Chapter 6) - Tue 04 Oct 2016

Gr8 chapter!! Can't wait to know what happened!! And the suspense with the demon!! I am coming up with all kinds of ideas as to who it is :P

SilverInu93 (Chapter 6) - Tue 04 Oct 2016

i cant wait or more but why do i get the feeling that inuyahsa did it  and if so how will kagome react to the info!

Marie (Chapter 6) - Tue 04 Oct 2016

Well i clearly missed a clue every one gone. I'm so confused. Whats really going on. Update today please 

Elizabeth (Chapter 6) - Tue 04 Oct 2016

Oh my goodness, how you spoil us Unknown-sensei. two chapters in one day!  I have to admit I like the bit of oc-ness of Sesshoumaru; it's bit Austen-esque. I love how you are developing everything, and I still think that inuyoukai heading West is Inuyasha. Oh! What if he'/ heading to the Western stronghold!? what trouble will he bring? Or has he matured? Hmm...

can't wait for the next update!

roberta. (Chapter 4) - Sun 02 Oct 2016

Great story would love to see where you take it.

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 4) - Sun 02 Oct 2016

This was a very sad and heart wrenching chapter. Since Inuyasha is missing I suspect that he may have been the culprit. Either he turned to his demon side and went on a rampage or he stole the jewel and made and a selfish wish on it that drove him crazy. My other guess is that Kagome is looking for him or she had already found him and killed him herself.

I like how you are portraying Kagome's character as a strong, confident and self sufficient woman. Now she is searching for a purpose in life to keep going or she is still looking for Inuyasha but I think he is already dead by her hand and she is just looking for that meaning to her life now.

I hope she tells Sessho her story in the next chapter. Loving this well written story and looking for future chapters soon. This story has my blood pumping for more. lol :)

sesshykagslvr (Chapter 4) - Sun 02 Oct 2016

This is my favorite type of Kagome. Powerful, confident, but still has moments of emotional vulnerability. I believe Inuyasha did this since all of the people seemed to die without much fight but I won't condemn him just yet.

Elizabeth (Chapter 4) - Sun 02 Oct 2016

Oh my goodness! i suspected that they had all been killed, but I did't think it would have been in such a horrible way. Why do I get the nagging suspicion that Inuyasha plays apart in this? it almost seems like iot would be how he could go on a rampage if he was to be full youkai. I feel so bad for Kagome, but like how Sesshoumaru was so caring in that moment. I can't wait to see how you further develop this story 

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