
The Vanishing Point by LeSinner

In the Beggining

Title: The Vanishing Point

Summary: Sess/Kag. The point in time of someone’s life when things turn upside down, where things that used to make so much sense suddenly vanishes away. The point in where the unthinkable becomes the most probable; the most inevitable. Who knew that the Vanishing Point applied even in the lives of demon lords and holy shrine maidens? Peace? Friendship? LOVE?


It had finally ended. Finally, peace would be restored. Finally… finally….

This was the exact train of thought running through the many minds of those who were present in the final battle with Naraku.

Everyone was there: Kouga, and his entire joint tribe of the North, West, East, and South; Miroku, the monk with the wind tunnel and wandering hands; Sango, the sole survivor of the biggest demon exterminator tribe; Inu-yasha, the inu-hanyou whose life had been turned even worse because of Naraku; Shippou, the fox-child; Kagome, the holy maiden from the future….

And the last, the most unexpected "ally" - Sesshoumaru, the Great Taiyoukai of the West, and his generals.

With this assortment of powerful beings you would have thought that the advantage lay with them, but it would have been truly on their side, if only Naraku didn't have more than half of the Jewel of the Four Souls, it would have been easier as well, if only Naraku never had detachments that could control the dead. It would have also never ended up as badly, if only Inu-yasha had killed Kikyou when he had the chance.

Things had gone as planned, nearly smoothly, but towards the end, almost everything had fallen apart, if it were not for Inu-yasha and surprisingly, Sesshoumaru.

The battle had gone on from dawn 'til dusk. The participants of this fate-deciding battle had thought that it would have lasted longer, but thankfully, it hadn't.

The battle had finally ended when Naraku had gotten hold of Kagome with one of his miasma-induced tentacles. He joined the two halves, then, Inu-yasha cut in. Unfortunately, at that exact moment, he wasn't the only one who decided to cut in either. The moment Tetsusaiga was in the deliberate act of splitting the jewel in two once again (the sword made contact with the surface of the jewel), Kikyou's arrow's tip reached it as well, and so did Kagome's hidden dagger.

Each person had different, yet parallel ideas running in through their minds. Kagome's intention, like Inu-yasha's and Kikyou's was to shatter the jewel again, so Naraku's power would reduce itself to a lower degree. However, Kagome had also channeled raw holy power in the dagger. Kikyou's tainted energy flew in the same way Kagome's did, and Inu-yasha's youki was flowing in as well.

The effect was wonderful, yet terrible all the same.

There was a great show of pink and violet light. Once the light had faded away, the jewel was shattered, Kikyou's clay body broke into thousands of tiny pieces, Naraku was gone… and so was Inu-yasha.

Kagome, Inu-yasah, Kikyou, and Naraku were the closest to the jewel, all the other combatants were feet away - making them as safe as possible from the effects of the jewel.

When Kagome opened her eyes, she was in the arms of someone. At first she thought it was Inu-yasha, what with the long silver hair flying about her, but then she noticed that Inu-yasha's hair was not this long. Sesshoumaru, she thought.

Sesshoumaru held Kagome in a peculiar way. He held her as if he had meant to shield her, as if he meant to keep her secure and safe. But what made it even more peculiar (and rather outrageous) was what Sesshoumaru did. His fangs were sunk in Kagome's soft, smooth flesh of her neck.

Kagome had felt nothing but heat and pleasure (from where, she did not know), so when the light faded, imagine everyone's surprise, especially Kagome's at the multiple events.

Kouga was right about to tear Sesshoumaru into ribbons and Sesshoumaru ready to do the same, when Kagome let out a cry of grief. Collapsing at the place where Inu-yasha, Kikyou, and Naraku disappeared, she cried out Inu-yasha's name over and over. The only sign that they were even there in the first place was a scorch mark, and a shard of the Shikon. This stopped the nobles from tearing each-others' throat.

Sesshoumaru calmly sheathed his sword and walked to Kagome with a determined pace. Upon reaching her, he held her the way he did earlier, but not before rubbing his bite mark. Whispering something in her ear, Sesshoumaru held her, and Kagome allowed herself to be held that way.


"Kagome-chan! Hurry already, Kaede-sama is getting impatient," Sango called "besides, I really want to see you in the kimono she made!"

The sound of splashing water and Kagome's voice reached Sango's ears.

"All right! All right! I'm there already! Just… give me a few minutes and I'll gladly be your doll, Sango-chan!"

Sango roller her eyes at her friend, but gave in anyway "Just a few minutes, and that's it, Kagome-chan! If you don't get out and finish your bath, you’d turn into a prune! I'll be waiting back there, with the houshi."


Kagome's POV

It's been two months, since Inu-yasha disappeared, Naraku was defeated… since Seshoumaru held me like that.

I can't believe it. Sesshoumaru told me he'd explain everything to me, exactly two months and three days from then - which is tonight. He said he bit me for a reason, temporarily claiming me under him - like some sort of property, I think, like those servants and lesser nobles beneath him.

Sesshoumaru told me not give up yet. The way he held me and whispered in my ear shocked me endlessly. Was that actually he? Lord Sesshoumaru? He was so gentle and comforting. It was probably something like a spur of the moment thing, or whatever, but it sure worked.

We're supposed to be meeting tonight, by the Goshinbuko tree. I can't help but wonder, will he really come? I don't want to doubt his word of honor, but it is no secret at all, that Sesshoumaru would rather be anywhere else, than associate himself with humans. I'm human, so that leads me to where?

His actions baffled me. In fact, he baffles me.

The day after the final battle was when the gravity of Inu-yasha's sudden disappearance hit me. I felt depressed at first, but then it slowly, in a matter of days (I can't help but wonder, either, if Inu-yasha did not mean that much to me any longer since I had lost the feeling of depression just in a matter of days) dwindled to nothing but a feeling of emptiness.

I was finally capable of smiling and laughing, though they were slightly forced, and half empty. People noticed this, especially the children. Shippou was always asking if I was alright, I didn't want to worry him, so my answer was always a yes.

I pondered on his (dear me, saying Inu-yasha's name is starting to get difficult) disappearance, and the thought, or shall I say, idea came that Kikyou had probably, finally brought him with her. I dismissed this idea the moment I remembered what Sesshoumaru had whispered in my ear. Amazing, I had come to believe whole-heartedly and willingly Sesshoumaru's words.

Another reason to be depressed is the fact that the well had been sealed. I could not pass through. I could have wished for the well to open again, with the help of the jewel, but I forgot a rather important fact.

The Jewel of the Four Souls had been shattered once again. My four years worth of jewel shard hunting had been wasted that very moment.

(A/N: four years worth of hunting meant that Kagome is now 19.)


"Kagome-chan! I am going to drag your futuristic butt out here, with or without clothes!" Sango came barging in the vicinity of the hot springs, looking slightly pissed.

Kagome had asked for a few minutes, and ended up taking half an hour.

Kagome blinked and forgot that she was supposed to be out and ready to go to the festival tonight. With her body moving and her mind not thinking, Kagome jumped out of the springs, got her bath robe, and sped past Sango towards Kaede's home.

Sango looked puzzled as to what happened, only seeing a white and black blur before noticing that the springs were empty.


Thirty more minutes later

Kagome stood outside the shrine, with Sango and Miroku. Walking down the trail, where the festival was being held, Kagome and Sango chatted side by side, Miroku sulking behind them.

Kagome admired Sango's green kimono, saying that it was wonderfully made, and that it suited Sango very well. Sango blushed a bit, but admired Kagome's kimono as well, except with more gusto.

"Kagome-chan, you look really good in that kimono! I mean, it's so pretty, and you are too, and so, it is really no surprise at all if the village boys will be staring at you… ooh! Look!" then, Sango added teasingly, "Looks like you've caught some eyes…"

Kagome blushed and they both giggled, then Kagome blushed even harder when the boys were now looking, and admiring them openly.

Kagome's kimono was a deep red, with pretty magenta colored flowers and a mix of some white. She had a matching dainty fan as well. Kagome wondered if Kaede was really the one who made this, not that she doubted her skill, but where did she get such fine silk and an equally fine fan? To Kagome, the magenta colored flowers looked familiar, as though she should have known from where she had seen the intricate flowers.

The silk hugged her body tenderly, and even showed off her supple body though it was not the intention. Again, Kagome wondered if Kaede was the one who really made her kimono. She knew that Kaede had been the one who made Sango's; Kagome saw her make it. The materials of the kimonos were so different.

Kagome was pulled out of her reverie by a resounding slap. Kagome held back a giggle.


Up in the tree was a man with long blue hair, tied at his nape. His eyes shone an icy hue of blue that would now and then flicker to gray. He was watching the humans below like a falcon; but his eyes were most focused on the young woman in the red kimono. His eyes narrowed a bit when he spotted the monk inch closer to the woman in red, but his eyes lost all menace when the woman in red and the woman in green hit the monk hard.

He had been watching her for two months, as ordered by his master. Since the day of the battle, the woman in the red kimono was not able to sense him, or any of his battle brothers.

Watching her smile grow made his heart warm and his eyes soften. They had never made contact except on the eve of the final battle, and he knew that tears, or sadness was never meant for her. The two months he watched over her, he felt pity (a feeling he had not felt so readily for someone he barely knew before) and felt like comforting her, however, his orders were clear: watch and protect; contact was forbidden unless in emergencies.

Tonight was when the woman in red will meet with his master.


Kagome had fully intended to enjoy the night, worries cast aside and identity hidden. She wanted so badly to be one with the night, with the people and her friends. The laughs and the smiles of the villagers were contagious, the music was merry and the stars were shining brightly; it was perfect, it seemed.

She walked side by side with her friends, holding hands with Shippou, who was carrying Kirara with his shoulder.

As the group entered the vicinity where the festival was taking place, people smiled and greeted them, making way for the beings who helped protect them and keep them safe.

Kaede stood on top of a wooden platform and got the attention of everyone. She had made a speech that said something like, a time for celebration, and Northern lords and their own lords coming over. She also said that tonight was the night of "Love's Moon". A festival mainly for lovers.

At the end of her speech, the people were jubilant and crowed and howled. The noblemen expressed open pleasure upon hearing the cries of the villagers and some even joined the dance.

Kagome did not know that there were visitors in the village so she asked Sango what it was all about, "Sango, what did Kaede mean by 'our own lord who presides over our own lands' and guests from the northern lands?"

Sango blinked and laughed, "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, Kagome. We have a human lord who rules the entire valley, though he is not the Lord of the Southern lands. Both the Northern lords and our lords wanted to join the village's festival to meet us, congratulate the people and stuff. It's also quite traditional that the lord governing a particular small land should join the people when in a festival."

Kagome thought about this then she remembered that they had festivals last year too, but there were no visiting lords; she mentioned this to Sango and Sango just shrugged and smiled. "Let's just enjoy the night, ne?"

Kagome noticed that at the mention of the Northern nobles, Sango's voice turned anxious, but she just nodded to this and smiled.

The night had grown old but the people were still fresh and joyous. While Kagome was dancing with the other village girls, Kaede called her aside, along with Sango.

"Kagome, Sango, the lords would like to meet you." Kaede said with a smile, then "Where is the monk? They wish to see him too. Oh well."

Sango fidgeted nervously with the pocket of her kimono and fidgeted some more. Kagome looked on indifferently, but was still paying attention. Kaede had to smile at this. Despite Sango's toughness and Kagome her cheerful innocence, they did have their moments.

While Kaede led them to the lords, who were on the other side of the festival, Kagome asked Sango, "What are you so worried about?"

Sango just gave a little smile and said, "If you knew the Lords and Ladies of the Northern lands, you'd be nervous too, those sensual, erotic people."


The man, whose job for the time being was to watch Kagome and protect her growled in annoyance, his blue-eyes-turned-gray narrowed down.

He was not aware of the youkai Northern lords coming. This could be rather dangerous for Kagome. The mark that his Lord had made was fading rapidly with every second the night grew.

The mark of his lord was meant as a protection for Kagome, for the time being. Kagome, known widely as the beautiful young miko who was guardian to the sacred jewel was actually very sought after. As time passed, Kagome had become so powerful - though she was unaware of this fact - that she had gained the respect of many youkai in the royal courts of the different lands.

In plain and simple terms, having her as a mate would be quite a catch.

Many youkai seek mates who are strong and powerful, an added bonus to a youkai's natural beauty. Kagome's destroying Naraku was like the highest achievement, so now, she was probably the most sought after human by humans and youkai.

A cardinal lord (his master), and another lesser lord had helped with the final battle, but every youkai knew that it was really Kagome, the powerful miko, who had done the final blow. The youkai kept a secret that only youkai knew, which somehow flowed to the human lords.

His master and the rest of the youkai population knew what could happen if Kagome took the wrong mate, a mate who could use her and take advantage of her, so he marked her for the time being.

But the mark was rapidly, rapidly fading.

It doesn't help either to have a youkai Northern lord with his Lady sister around. They were known more for their sexual prowess, than anything else beautiful in their lands (which were a lot).


Kagome merely gave Sango a 'What?' look. Kagome couldn't help thinking what Sango meant by "those sensual, erotic people". Hearing that from Sango, combined with Sango's nervous, fidgety behavior really made Kagome think about the gravity of Sango's words. Sango was cool and tough… not fidgety and nervous.

Kaede stopped and Kagome nearly bumped into her, her train of thought occupying almost every space in her mind. So ponderous was Kagome, that she failed to notice the people before her and just stared thoughtfully at nothing in particular. Sango had to nudged Kagome in the arm just so that Kagome would wake up.

The sight that greeted Kagome nearly halted her in her tracks to greet and bow.

Her wonderful blue eyes caught two pairs of sparkling emerald ones. The two pairs of eyes looked heated and almost molten, she felt squirmy and she also felt the urge to look away.

She noticed that on the right side were mostly youkai and on the right were mostly humans.

She also noticed skin. A ton of skin unclothed. She gazed at the youkai and saw that the clothes they wore were strange kimonos with the intention to lure. The men's gi's were not closed on the entire chest; it was more than half-open, revealing toned muscles that sent the village girls drooling. The women's kimono's were slightly open, and body hugging, that in turn, sent the village boys drooling.

Vaguely, Kagome wondered, 'Weren't the warring states era… modest? I thought they weren't so hip with skin…'

Kaede informed the youkai and human lords and ladies that the two ladies before them were Kagome and Sango. The humans smiled and bowed, but remained in their seats.


Northern Lord's POV

Ah… there she is. This "Kagome-sama" that even my youkai people speak so highly of. I knew she was beautiful, but this, she has surpassed even my expectations. Wonderful. I do not mean to share her, but if she would be won over even with some help… hnn… beautiful. Oh Kami-sama… I had better take control of myself.


Kagome had seen many youkai in her life, but most of them were lower youkai, that were ugly and slithering. The only times when she could remember seeing higher class youkai, that were always beautiful, were very few. These youkai - as far and as good as she could remember - were very few; Sesshoumaru, Hiten, Naraku, and Kouga. Inu-yasha would have counted, but he was half human. Shippou would have counted as well, but he was too young even in youkai years for his natural beauty to surface.

The sayings "beautiful as sin", and "sinfully beautiful" came into Kagome's mind. She remembered thinking this when she first saw Sesshoumaru and Naraku. After that, no matter how alluring, handsome, or beautiful the human boys, and men were in her time, the sayings earlier mentioned never, not even once have surfaced in her mind. It seemed reserved only for Seshoumaru, and the vile Naraku.

But now… now… it was just too overwhelming. The beings at her left were just so unearthly, she compared them to Sesshoumaru and Naraku.

Now this was a touchy subject for Kagome. No matter what, she cannot lie to herself. She confessed to herself, that Sessoumaru, and Naraku were as beautiful as hell, and there was even a time that she had little crushes on both, despite the fact that during that time, Sesshoumaru was still and enemy, and Naraku their arch foe.

The way the youkai were staring at her made heat climb up to her face, yet she put on a show of being indifferent to their stares. Sango, being trained as a youkai exterminator had an advantage and looked on indifferently as well.

Kagome was right about to bow in respect, when a beautiful, sultry young woman stood up slipped her arm around Kagome's waist, hugging her, pressing their curves almost indecently together.

Kagome tensed a bit, feeling this strange youkai woman squeezing the air out of her lungs, making it so that there was not space in between them at all. Feeling slightly violated, Kagome's nostrils flared for a fraction of a second, expressing her discomfort. Sango was uncomfortable as well, knowing exactly what the hug meant, and that she was to receive the same kind of hug as well, though not necessarily from the same woman.

Releasing Kagome, the woman spun herself around Kagome, lightly kissed Kagome on her lips and introduced herself, ignoring the look of shock on Kagome's features.

"Hello, Kagome-sama, I'm the sister of the Lord of the Northern Lands… I'm the Lady Saisho."

The human lords and ladies themselves found this little display of interest from the Northern lady outrageous, though the men did not find it that bad. Sango tensed up once more, and knew more than ever what this, youkai had in mind. Kaede stood watching impassively. The youkai northern nobles looked interested, and anticipating.

To Kagome, she felt like a burning tomato. Never had she been kissed (the ones from her mother and brother, though lips to lips did not count), and never, in her entire life, did she think that her first non-family kiss would be from a girl…


HAHA!! Surprised? This story isn't totally me, but… hark!! Aren't you pleased with this new kind of story? Review, review!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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