
See Who I am by YallRCrazy

See Who I Am

A/N: Helllllloooo do you ppl still remember me? hehe no I haven't forgotten my other stories.. no this one hit me so much that I had to write it down. I originally had it as a one shot but as it got to be toooo big I decided to make it a two shot maybe three shot dunno yet..

Now before i go into detail, yes this is based on personal experience and for that I had to manupliate the characters a little so that they would mold better for my story, so everyone will be OOC.

Also for my story Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are NOT half brothers.

With that said any questions feel free to ask in a review.. *hint hint* and enjoy


She stood in total bliss in the arms surrounding her lover, she smiled as she felt his strong arms wrap around her and hold her close to his body. There was not another place she would want to be, but in the arms of her lover. The way he would touch her face or cup her cheek, or the way his lips would faintly touch hers or the way his eyes shown his love and devotion of her. She looked up into his eyes and smiled as he smiled back, and blushed as he softly ran his fingers over her cheek.

Three years they had been on again off again. They had started off as friends and grew to have a deep respect for one another, until he had asked her if she wanted to start dating. She beamed from that moment and never once thought of her answer as they had begun to date. But it was not to last, he ended up leaving her for his first girlfriend. She had been crushed, but continued to stay by his side as his best friend, and soon began another relationship with another friend.

The second time they tried to be together they had been going strong he had admitted to her that he truly loved her and continued to tell her over and over again that he never should have left her for his first girlfriend, she had changed he said. What did it for him was the fact that she stopped coming to see him and he found that she was to get married to a complete stranger. At first she felt hatred for the girl for leaving this man. And so she took him back. This time it was shorter for she started talking to another man. Bankoutsu, he had appeared right as she started seeing her lover once again. At first it was friendly flirting nothing harming, she kept telling herself she was in love with Inuyasha, not Bankoutsu. But as her and Bank, as she had decided to call him, were sitting in her apartment watching a movie he had turned to her and had kissed her. At first she was shocked and hurt but as she declined to pull away he took that as a hint and pulled her closer to him and she delved more into the kiss realizing that her heart was falling for the man.

As the next day greeted her with uncharactized cheerful ness she knew what she had to do, she had to break things off with Inuyasha.

As she stared at her lover she remembered the conversation so clearly.


(8 months ago)

Kagome stood at his doorstep with a heavy heart. She had smiled as she had read the last text message on her cell from Bank.

"Be strong Kags, I will be waiting 4 u "

She had barely raised her hand to knock when the door opened and there stood Inuyasha with only a pair of pants on he smiled and leaned in to kiss which she gave back.

"Well what a surprise baby... what are you doing here so early?"

Her heart ripped at the loving tone in his voice. Oh god how could she do this to him.

"Morning 'Yasha."

Inuyasha stood looking at her with confused eyes. 'Yasha was the name she used when they were friends. No something was wrong, she usually had such a cherry attitude, and she would always call him 'love' or 'baby' never just 'Yasha. His heart constricted something wasn't right.

"Kagome... are you o-"

He never got to finish as she began to cry there at his front steps. His eyes widened as he immediately took her in his arms soothing away her tears.

They had stood there with him holding her in his arms rocking her back forth as she cried on his bare shoulder.

He finally ushered her in as his neighbors began to give him looks of disgust at the scene. He growled at them as he ushered her into the house.

As he sat her down her tears had stopped and he was grateful but still worried, she never cried, at least not in front of him.

"'Yasha... I..." she could even begin to speak.

Inuyasha sat down worry evident in his eyes as he placed his hand over hers. Kagome looked down at his hands than at his eyes and looked away as love and worry shown through his eyes.

"Feh! Silly woman what is wrong." He said trying to cheer her up but in the end he realized his mistake as she began to cry again. "Oh... baby come on please... What's wrong?"

'Now or never Kags.' She thought as she dried her tears the best she could.

There at eight o'clock in the morning in his rental home Kagome broke things off with Inuyasha for the second time. He never once hated her he understood and they agreed to be friends again.



Kagome smiled as she nuzzled her cheek into his shoulder. She never understood how lucky she was to have Inuyasha. He was so patient and he even took her back a third time. She sighed as she remember Bankoutsu, sure part of her never really got over him, and part of her still loved him with all her heart and knew that if he came back to her she would go back to him, but this was where she belonged, here with Inuyasha.


(Two months after the second break up)

Kagome sighed as it had become a week since her last text message from Bankoutsu, after she had left Inuyasha's place she had text messaged Bankoutsu telling him she was on her way.

For the first half of the month things were great they would never be far apart, either she would be at his apartment or vice versa. Than he found out that the school he wanted to go had accepted him. They both had celebrated even though they both were sad because the school was in America, and Kagome had no reason to go over there besides her job and life was here in Japan.

Bankoutsu had promised her the world told her that they would make the long distance relationship work. That was five weeks ago and now he was over in America studying to be a chef and she had not heard from him in weeks.

She sighed as she picked up her phone and hoped to God that he had sent her a text message, but to no avail. She stood up and did her daily routine, she had not let this get to her, she had kept her daily routine and still worked and did everything she could. As she got onto her computer she checked her e-mail smiled at the different messages left by InuYasha from their talk last night on line. And then her heart began to pick up as Bankoutsu had signed on to the messenger. Fear was evident in her eyes as she realized he was mobile she was scared to talk to him until she saw that he had a new mobile number.

Kagome quickly jotted it down before he left, and ran to her cell phone and began to text him.

Her heart was racing hoping he would text her back. As the minutes ticked by her cell phone buzzed with a response. She smiled only hoping to see a response from him, but she frowned as it was just a simple 'hi'.

He had forgotten her number; he had not recognized her number. Her hands began to shake as she entered her message into the phone and hit send.

Her world began to crumble as the next text message was displayed over her screen.

"Oh Kags, it's you... I didn't remember your cell... look I have been thinking and I think I need to just be alone. I hope we can still be friends?"

Oh how the world loved to play its joke on Kagome.

She had agreed to be just friends and that she understood. That was the last time she ever heard from Bankoutsu.

Friends would speculate that it was the long distance that killed the relationship; others would say he was a jerk and probably found a cute American girl, but Inuyasha was the one she ran to and cried to. He was the one that held her all night as she cried. HE was the one that told her he wasn't worth her tears, that she was the most precious thing in the world and that he would regret the day he left her.

Months passed as she had decided to stay single and just enjoy life. And then a few months after her break up with Bankoutsu Inuyasha had come to her declaring his undying love to her, telling her that he never stopped loving her, that she was his soul mate. That he never hated her ONCE, when she left for Bankoutsu. He was the one that when she would joke saying

"Karma is a bitch"

He would frown and tell her that this was no way her fault. Kagome had believed that because she left InuYasha and been with Bankoutsu that Karma was playing its little joke on her for doing that. But Inuyasha would hush her with a simple kiss.



Kagome was lulled from her memories as InuYasha shifted his hold on her. She pulled back and watched as he smiled and began to pull away. She looked at him and allowed him to pull away and watched puzzled as he began to fish around in his pocket. Her eyes widened

"Baby... Wha..."

"Shh Kags... there's something I want to ask." He said with a hint of a smile.

She watched as he kneeled down on one hand and produced a small blue box.

"Kagome... my sweet Kagome... we have been through so much in the past year. I never gave up the idea that I would have you in my arms once again. I love you with all my heart and being. From the moment I met you I knew you were the one for me... I guess it just took us both a while to figure it out. Kagome" he sighed as he opened the box and her eyes widened even more, if it was even possible as there stood a beautiful diamond engagement ring. "Will you marry me?"


(2 months later)

"Kagome... come on this is the thirtieth dress you have tried on. My feet hurt." Sango whined. Said young woman was twirling around in the three way mirror.

Kagome giggled at her friend as she was rubbing her feet and not even paying attention to her.

"I know Sango-chan, but I just want this to be per..." she trailed off as she heard the door open and watched as a man walked into the door. In that instant Kagome forgot to breathe as the man glided into the store. She watched amazed as many other women where too. She was so hypnotized that she had not heard her friend Sango getting louder and louder calling her name.

The man was beautiful, if that was even possible for a man. He was tall with long flowing silver almost white hair, much like her Inuyasha. But it wasn't coarse like his... more like flowing silk. His face held a stoic grace that no one would be able to pull off but this man. The mans clothing screamed elegance.

She watched as he stopped at the counter and waited as the girl behind the counter was reading her fashion magazine not really paying attention.

Kagome, not really caring, started to walk down from the three way mirror and past Sango, who had stopped and looked at what she was staring at and even she was amazed at the man's features.

Kagome stood far away but close enough to hear the conversation and her mouth opened in shock as the conversation took its course.

"Ahem." The man said with the silkiest baritone voice she had ever heard. Kagome stood paralyzed as the woman still continued to ignore the God in front of her.

"Thank you for shopping at Tashio Bridal...if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask a sales person" the woman said not even bothering to lower her magazine.

Said God, growled and leaned in close snatching the magazine from the woman's hands. The woman looked up and was about to growl and yell at him when she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh my Kami... Tashio-San... I... I..."

"You're fired." He said simply and wasted no time in turning around to walk away.

But as he began to turn around he was bombarded into a small frame and went sailing down landing on top of Kagome, who had drawn closer.

He opened his eyes and stared into pools of beautiful blue eyes mesmerized he never once began to neither get up nor take up the many offers of many other women to help him up. No he stood or rather laid there looking to the eyes of a goddess.

Kagome started to blush as she realized that the owner, who she was goggling at, was on top of her and was not moving.

"Gomen..." she said meekly.

She had closed her eyes trying to be polite in which he was stopped short of her eyes and began to mentally shake his self and began to get up and offered her his hand.

Kagome took the offered hand and was amazed at how easy he was able to pick her up.

He bowed politely. "It is my fault... "He stopped only realizing he didn't know her name.


She blushed as he smirked now knowing her name from the friend who had yelled out her name. In that instant he realized he liked seeing her blush.

"I take it your name is Kagome?"

Said girl nodded shyly and blushed.


He nodded. "It is a beautiful name."

She blushed again not realizing that her friend was there being polite and listening to the conversation. That was when he took the time to notice that she was in a wedding dress, god he hoped she wasn't already taken.

"Kagome... My gosh you are such a klutz." The other girl said. "Please forgive her... she just... Well..."

Said girl jabbed the other girl getting her to shut up. "I think its ok Sango... we don't want to bother the owner of this wonderful place."


Both girls looked up when he spoke and he had to hide a smirk as they looked up at him with confused but awed expressions.

"Sesshomaru is my name... which I hope you will find it useful for using instead of 'owner' or 'Tashio-san' and I hope that you will find whatever it is you are looking for today Kagome."


(Two day's later)

Kagome stood in the mirror looking at the dress that she had tried on two days ago. This time she had come alone. Sure part of her was hoping to see Sesshomaru, but also part of her for some reason couldn't stop thinking about the dress she had worn when she had bumped into Sesshomaru.

She closed her eyes as she began to think about the meeting with Sesshomaru. She kept telling herself this was crazy. Sure he was a great guy and charming... but she was getting married. She was in love with InuYasha.

"I think if you come back again tomorrow, I may have start paying you for being a model."

She snapped her eyes open and saw in the mirror Sesshomaru smiling softly at her reflection. She blushed and turned around.

"Gomen Tashio-.. I mean Sesshomaru, but I just I think I have finally picked out a dress."

"It does suit you very nicely Kagome."

He held out his hand and she placed her hand in and he helped her down. She looked up at him and smiled knowing that her hand was still engulfed in his larger hand.

"So... when is the wedding?"

She mentally shook her head as she heard him speaking and she blushed realizing she was staring at him. He still held her hand in his hand not wanting to let go.

Kami, she smelled so good. He had to realize that this was his shop and sure he saw many women that were beautiful but being in a bridal shop they were there for one thing, to get married.

"Oh... Inuyasha and I haven't set a date yet."

"Inuyasha..." he said tasting the name on his lips.

"He's the son of Kane Ichi right?" he continued at her nod. "He is a very lucky man to have you as a bride."

They stood there staring at each other and Kagome could have imagined that he was starting to pull her closer as he inched closer; they were inches away from each other to the point that she could feel his breathe when the door opened up and she jerked back.

"Gomen... I better take this off so I can buy it eh." She said trying to lighten the mood, but frowned as the stoic mask of Sesshomaru was in place with his nod. He let go of her hand and she mentally whimpered at the loss.

Minutes later she walked out in her clothes with the dress in her hands and blushed as she saw Sesshomaru behind the counter. She walked up and placed the dress down and smiled at him.

"It is on the house..." he began and she looked up beginning to argue when he continued. "If you agree to be a model for an upcoming bridal show that my company is having?"


ok phew.. first chapter done.. hehe so once I get a few reviews i'll def. put on the next chapter if everything goes alrigh ^,"


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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