
The Fallen Ones by Road Kamelot


Love was an all too fickle thing. One moment you were cradled in it's embrace and the next it was choking you. She hated the fact that Inuyasha could be so caring one moment, and then so incredibly cold and heartless the next. So one day, when it all became to much, she left.

Of coarse she HAD intended to come back but.... It just didn't work out that way.

Nature has a way of doing what it wants regardless of what your plans are. That's how she got caught in the blizzard. That's how she had been forced into sheltering in a cave...that's when she found out she wasn't the only one seeking refuge from the cold.


The wind blew so fiercely and the snow fell so thick that Kagome didn't even see the cave until she fell through it's opening. Teeth chattering, she looked up with blurry eye's, and saw someone, as well as a fire. Blinking her eye's to see clearer, she pulled her self of the floor of the cave, and squinted to try and clear her vision. She kept on trying but no matter how hard she did her vision wouldn't seem to clear. The person came closer and she could make out few detail's. it was a man... he had white hair... maybe blonde...

"you always seem to get yourself into trouble." said the Man in a strangely familiar tone.

She recognized the voice, but she couldn't seem to place it. Kagome tried to speak, but all that came from her mouth was the sound of her chattering teeth. After all her customary outfit wasn't exactly suited to the cold. "...this is not good."

The man took her hand and pulled her close too him. He still remained out of focus. Then she felt his hand's removing her clothing, and eeped, trying to spin away, before he caught her arm and reassured her.

"you're too cold, in wet clothes your body temperature will only continue to drop, I'm warming you with my own body heat. The man opened his shirt, sat down before the fire, and pulled her on to his lap. Once she was their he wrapped his shirt around her as well as something that was very warm and soft.

Kagome pressed her icy finger's to his flesh, trying to warm up further, and he winced.

"s-s-s-s-s-s-s-so-orry." she said.

"it's all right." he replied.

"w-w----ho a-a-a-arrre y--you?" she questioned.

"go to sleep. I'll answer your question's in the morning Miko."

Kagome's brow furrowed. It was clear that whoever it was knew her... and she felt like the answer as to who it was, was so incredible obvious that shed have a total 'I'm an idiot' moment.

However, she was so warm and so comfortable where she was that Sleep was practically unavoidable.


I know that this chapter is short and that Sesshomaru is acting ooc, but it's late I'm tired, I wanted to end it here and I wanted to submit it before I forgot.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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