
To Avenge a Soul by Kibikara

The Slaughter

Black tresses splayed around the young woman like silk as she lay on her futon. "Lady Kagome, please wake up." The girl rolled over at the mention of her name, moaning her protest of the noise within her dreamless sleep. "Lady Kagome!" Kagome was then shaken by an out stretched hand. Kagome batted the hand away in her slumber trying to stay within the confines of sleep. The maid trying to wake her up sighed. "I regret this, Kagome, I truly do."

The maid took a vase filled with water from the dresser and tipped it over Kagome's head. As soon as the water hit her head, Kagome shot up from her bed. Her blue doe like eyes were wide with shock. She blinked away the water dripping upon her lashes. She then slid a soaked piece of hair away from her face as she turned to the maid with a furious glint in her eyes.

The maid gulped. "Um...sorry, Milady", the maid replied, playing with her kimono, the vase still in her grasp.

Kagome sighed. "It's alright, but so early", Kagome questioned.

"Your mother requests your presence, as there is another suitor here for-" Kagome groaned in protest. "I don't want to know who he is, just send him away." "B-but Lady Kagome I..." "Just tell mother, Midori."

Midori sighed, as she put the vase back upon the dresser. This was ninth man this weak and counting. Lord Takahiro would not be happy that's for sure. It was the fourth time he had come for her hand in the span of a year. She slowly slid shut the shoji door. Midori sifted her feet across the intricate rugs that lined the walkway. She furrowed her brow, not wanting to be yelled at like the last time Lord Takahiro came.

Last time she only took the shouting for Kagome. Kagome had always treated her like a friend, rather than a servant that someone would normally, beat and/or spit on. The house she worked in before wasn't exactly heavenly. There was always something wrong in what she did or how she did it. They never gave her respect nor did they think she deserved it and loud voices usually brought back those memories.

Midori stepped into the family room were Takahiro sat upon the tatami mat, his hands balled up as they rested on his knees. He looked up toward Midori with his forest green eyes, impatiently waiting for his bride. Takahiro raised a brow in question at the miss of his beauty's presence. "Well?" Midori who had her head down, now turned to look at Takahiro.

Takahiro groaned at the blank stare that the work had given him. "Where is Kagome", he inquired, the frustration evident in his voice.

Midori frowned knowing what was coming. "I-I... s-she..." He glared at her delay to tell him of Kagome's whereabouts. Takahiro glared at Midori as he stood approaching closer to her shaking form. Midori winced as he held her by her neck and pressed against the wall. "Where is she? My patience grows thin." Midori managed a swallow through the pressure on her neck. "She s-said t-that she wished t-to s-stay in her r-room." He dropped her neck as her glared toward the hall. Midori slid to the floor, holding her neck.

Kagome stepped out of her room sliding the shoji closed. She came into the family room to see Midori holding her now red neck and Takahiro standing over her. Kagome's brows furrowed her sapphire glinting furiously at the sight. Kagome stood before Midori protecting her from the furious man. "What is the meaning of this Takahiro?" "The maid behind wouldn't tell me where you were my sweet bride." Kagome raised a brow. "Bride? I never agreed to marry you, Takahiro."

Takahiro smirked, as smug as ever. "But, Lady Kagome, understand you soon will marry me with no other choices." Kagome glared. "One of the reasons I despise marriage, just men trying to rule over their wives. No freedom provided whatsoever." Takahiro sighed. Kagome was one woman he could never have and that was why he wished to have her. Though she was beautiful and had a strong mind but, that did not matter. To get something no one else could have was his goal. Kagome continued to keep her narrowed eyes locked onto Takahiro.

"Takahiro, I believe it best you leave." Takahiro, aggravated to no end, sighed and moved from his place toward the entrance of the house. He stopped and bowed before his exit.

"We will meet again, Kagome", Takahiro said, turning to walk out the room.

Kagome glared at the spot he once occupied, angry that he could barge in and hurt her friend. Kagome turned around and kneeled before Midori. "Are you alright?" Midori gave a weary smile as she nodded. Kagome pulled away Midori's hands from her neck to see five finger-sized, purple bruises.

Kagome pulled Midori to her feet and yanked her toward the kitchen where she was sure Kaede, the kitchen maid and her personal trainer, would have some bandages. Kaede stood over a hot bowl of soup once they entered the kitchen; her chocolate brown eyes and her somewhat aged face were illuminated by the fire. Kagome inhaled the scent of the delicious beef and mixture of vegetables. Kaede looked up sensing their presence. Kaede walked up to them, hands folded behind her back. "What is it ye, need?" "Midori has suffered some injuries from Takahiro. We were hoping for some bandages and some ointment."

Kaede nodded, her face solemn from her thoughts, said, "Takahiro did this?"

Kagome looked to the floor, her brows furrowed. Midori took her hand from Kagome's and put it on her shoulder. "It's okay Lady Kagome I'm alright. You shouldn't worry over me." Kagome nodded, though Kagome's sadness did not leave. She couldn't help but protect Midori. She was so fragile!

Kagome had this urge to defend her from anything even an arrogant man like Takahiro. Kagome sighed. She felt strangely over bearing as if she was a mother. "You're right, Midori. It's just that you're my friend I can't stand seeing you hurt." Midori smiled. "It's okay. I'm used to your protection anyway." Kagome grinned and clasped her hands together, already demonstrating one of her quick mood changes. "Then let's get those bandages and ointments."

Kaede smiled sadly. "There are bandages in the cupboard for ye, but we have no herbal ointments. Ye will have to get it for ye self."

"Alright, thank you, Kaede", Kagome said politely.

She went for the storage room within the kitchen. She opened each cupboard, her eyes browsing over the numerous amounts of seasonings and spices within. Her eyes caught sight of the roll of bandages and she smiled at her discovery.

She reached inside careful not to knock over one of the small empty jars littering the cupboard. When her reaching fingers touched the cloth her face lit into a wide smile. "Aha!" She slipped it out from its place and looked at the bandages as she closed the cupboard.

"There seems to be little left, but just enough for Midori", she said. Midori appeared around the corner.

"Milady?" Kagome looked up from the wrappings. "Yes?" "Your mother is looking for you." Another woman came from behind Midori. "Is she in there?" Midori smiled looking up at her slightly. "Yes, I'll leave you two alone." The woman looked at Midori with warmth in her smile. "Thank you, Midori." Midori nodded and left the room sliding the door closed, but as soon as she left, the woman or Aniki, frowned. "You sent Lord Takahiro away again didn't you?" Kagome's eyebrows went into a downward slant. "Takahiro doesn't deserve such a title, mother."

"Kagome, I don't wish to force you into marriage, but I might die or worse", Aniki said woefully.

Kagome angry expression quickly turned sorrowful. "Mother, you are not dying and far from being ill. I mean look at grandfather he must be centuries old by now", she murmured through her watery smile.

"I know this Kagome, but after Kikyo died protecting the jewel I don't wish for the same fate to happen to you. She said you also had the ability to sense it." Kagome blanched at the mention of her elder sister. Kikyo had always been a mentor for her, though Kikyo had treated her as if she was as significant as a bug or more over the dirt on her sandal. Her sister was kind, but she never had paid much attention to Kagome. Always ignoring her or putting her aside.

When Kagome had asked to be trained as a miko, Kikyo had seemed appalled at such an idea. Yet, eventually Kikyo had given in and taught her several things, but she still now was somewhat naïve in her aim with her bow and arrow. She still remembered almost shooting Kikyo in her arm. Kagome could only feel regretful as she was there when she came to her untimely death. She had wished she could have better aided Kikyo.

Maybe if she had better caught on with the use of her bow. Just maybe...maybe she would be alive...maybe her mother would not be so worried or so sorrowful...maybe...

Kagome sighed as she regained back her color. She would not add onto her mother's burden with her own sadness, her own regret. It would only make things that much harder for her, for her mother, for her whole family.

Aniki frowned, "I know it upsets you...your sister's death."

Kagome looked to ground, her eyes brimming with tears. "I just wish...I could've saved her." Aniki took her daughter into a hug. "We all do, Kagome, we all do." Kagome sniffed as she pulled back from the hug. "I'm fine; mother just a little sad, that's all."

"Alright, if you say so", Aniki smiled, "I just wish for you to be taken care of, Kagome."

"I know, mother. It's just so hard to accept that she died protecting some piece of jewelry." Aniki frowned at her daughter's words, but otherwise nodded in understanding. "This is why I wish for you to marry." Kagome sighed, nodding her understanding.

"Well, I have to get these bandages to Midori", Kagome said, quick to change the subject before she darted out the room.

Aniki heard the shoji being slid open before it was shifted back into place. "I suppose I can't force her into marriage. I only worry for her is all." Kagome sighed after closing the shoji screen. She hated such discussion with her mother. Kagome had no interest in getting married, especially after seeing her mother cry over her father leaving into the army, and then have the nerve to come back saying he was in love with another woman.

It was just around the time she was pregnant with Sota. She began walking down into the kitchen to see Sota carrying a large bucket of water he was having a fierce struggle with, which was most likely for Kaede. She walked up to her brother smiling. "Isn't that bucket a bit heavy for you?" Sota glared. "Step back, Kagome this is man's work." Kagome giggled as he almost tripped trying to speed up to prove his strength to his sister.

Sota felt the weight of the bucket lessen and looked up at his sister. "I'll carry it. You just go and do boy stuff." Sota snorted. "Whatever." He suddenly dropped the bucket and Kagome felt all the weight pulling her down. Kagome glared at her brother's back and then let out a heavy sigh. She put the water next to the pot of boiling soup and then picked up the bandages she left on the table.

Kagome went to look for Midori. She found her sitting on one of the pillows in the dinning room. Kagome smiled, "There you are!" Midori turned around and returned Kagome's smile. "Hello, Lady Kagome. Did you get the herbs?"

Kagome laughed sheepishly, "Oops. Sorry about that."

"It's alright. I'll get them." Kagome shook her head furiously. "No, no, no. I'll do it."

Midori sighed, "If you insist. Just don't hurt yourself."

"Alright, just don't go anywhere." Midori nodded. Kagome left for the garden to find the herbs she needed. Gramps had loved to garden. He'd always say that it helped his old joints. Kaede also said it was good to have for her cooking, but it was Kagome who suggested the herbs.

She knew very well of her attraction to danger or better yet, danger's attraction to her and without being prepared she could very well suffer. She walked into the garden to find the old coot there sitting next to the god tree. She felt the wind twist her hair around her blanketing her eyes with ebony. She looked to the few birds that were singing in the ancient tree. The tree had been part of the shrine for years, probably longer than a youkai has been alive.

She smiled remembering when she and Sota used to run around it as the blossoms fell from the tree. She stood in front of her grandfather, effectively blocking his sun. He opened his glazed eyes lazily. When he saw the shadow in front of him he jumped up. "Youkai, be gone!" He threw a poorly written sutra at her. Kagome caught it and sighed. "It's only me, Gramps." He looked closely at her face, as he squinted his eyes and rubbed his chin, effectively petting his beard. "You could be a clever kitsune in disguise."

Kagome sighed her grandfather was always obsessed on obliterating youkai. "Gramps, it's me, Kagome. I need some herbs for bruises." He backed away, no longer studying her. "Why did you hurt yourself again?" Kagome shook her head. "No, not me, Gramps. Takahiro hurt Midori." "The man has no patience. I have a feeling he is a youkai." Kagome shook her head, trying her best not sigh at grandfather's behavior.

"No he isn't, Gramps. Pretty close though", she said, whispering the last part.

"Alright, then let's find some of those herbs, Kagome." She smiled at her grandfather, relaxing her tense nerves. "Yeah." They spent all afternoon, picking herbs, often discussing her grandfather's 'wonderful' execution of youkai in the area, via his 'marvelous' sutras. Of course Kagome could never find it in her heart to deny her grandfather's (no matter how horrible it may seem) skill.

So she continued to compliment him, trying not to give away any of her true thoughts on the matter of her grandfather's skill. They soon gathered enough to crush and use for an ointment. They walked into the house, through the kitchen to smell Keade's dumplings and the soup in the next room. They slowly took in the aroma and Kagome's stomach growled. Her grandfather laughed at her and she blushed. "Kagome, did you see those horses out there?" "Which horses?"

"I'm sure I saw horses, must have been my imagination." "Well, if you say so." Kagome got some water from the bucket she helped her brother bring in earlier and put it in a bowl. She took it and mashed it up until it was similar to a cream. She took it between her fingers and rubbed it together. She smiled as the mint she had also mixed in the herbs cooled her fingers. She took the bowl into the other room, hoping to heal Midori, quickly.

She went through the sitting room to the dining room. She slid the shoji open and saw the rest of her family (Midori included) and a man she'd never met before. Her mother smiled at her. Didn't she tell her mother that she had no wish to be protected? Hadn't she told her time and time again she didn't want this? She walked over to the table and dropped the bowl. Midori leaned over and caught the bowl containing her ointment, before it hit the floor and shattered. She let out a sigh of relief, at her small victory.

"Mother, who is he and why is he here", she asked pointing an accusing finger at the young man, sitting next to her mother.

Aniki smiled at her daughter, "This is Houjo. He came all the way from Kyoto, to see you."

Kagome shook her head. "I can't believe it. I told you I didn't want to be brought any more suitors. I know you care about my safety, but I know I can at least protect myself." Aniki looked at Kagome sorrowfully. "I know, but it would be best if-" "I don't think you know, Mother. I've tried countless times to tell you. I understand how you are feeling." "Of course you know I'm very well worried. That is why you must marry someone!" "Mother, I am not Kikyo I won't die so easily! I also, promise you that I won't be forced into a relationship like the one you had with Father!" And with that Kagome left the room, slamming the shoji door in her rage.

Aniki's eyes began to overflow with unshed tears, before she broke down into uncontrollable sobs. "I'm so sorry, Kagome. I didn't know how strongly you felt." Kagome, who was walking in large, angry strides stopped when she heard her mother's sobs. She shook her head and continued her way out the sitting room, the kitchen, and through the door. Her grandfather, who had gone outside into the stable after getting curious over the horses, stopped her.

"What's wrong, Kagome? You seem very upset." Kagome stopped not looking at him. "I'm going for a walk, Gramps." He looked at her confused as she continued walking. "Alright, come back soon. Try not to get hurt." She continued walking until she reached the forest. She could hear the sound of the cicadas buzzing around her, some of them silencing as she came close.

She sat against a tree, reveling in the beauties of nature. She sighed in contentment as she inhaled the air. It being spring, the forest smelled fresh of the delicious rain which had poured earlier this evening. Her peace soon left her as she thought of the time she and her mother danced in the rain, tasting the rain drops. Thoughts of the argument danced around in her head. She knew it was always hard to stay mad at her mother. She was the one she'd always share her secrets with when no one else was there besides the males of house and Keade.

Kagome looked at puddle some what a ways from her. There was a tiny mouse that stood by the puddle washing its face with its tiny paws. It squeaked and looked at her then scurried away. The mouse didn't get far before an owl picked it up. It went into a hole in the hollow of a tree nearby and Kagome watched as fuzzy gray heads popped up, peeping for the food awaiting them. That just made Kagome guilty. Her mother was just trying to protect her.

She had already lost one daughter and only wanted to keep from the pain of losing another. Kagome hit with new inspiration quickly got up and rushed home as fast as her legs could carry her. She smiled as the wind brushed her cheeks and as she hopped over a log. That's when the smell hit her. Smoke. She was positive she was smelling smoke. She inhaled again and surely to her greatest fear the smell still lingered. She sped up her sprint in fear of what she'd find when she exited the forest.

She came from the line of trees and to her horror saw her home in flames. She watched as the fire engulfed the house floating, swaying with the wind. She could she the embers floating into the night sky. She was frozen and she couldn't move. Her brain was telling her, 'Go! Move! Yet she wouldn't listen. A scream reached her ears and her body was no longer immobile.

She ran to the back of the house and saw her family's remains; limbs, torn flesh, and blood. Yes, the blood was everywhere even under her feet. She looked to a youkai, that was holding her mother by the hair, sword to her throat. Aniki's eyes made contact with Kagome's. They were pleading, begging. She reached out a hand to her daughter, hoping, "Kagom-" Before her daughter's name could be completely spoken from her lips, the youkai sliced away at her neck.

The youkai smirked at her, the little grin mocking, teasing her for her loss. The youkai dropped her head letting it roll before it stopped at Kagome's feet. The dead eyes stared at still begging to be saved. Kagome covered her hand with her mouth, her eyes widening. A sob escaped from her hands, shaking her head. She closed her eyes. Maybe it would all just go away, disappear. She opened her eyes again.

Her mother's head still lay there, looking at her. She dropped to her knees before the head. "I'm sorry, Mother. I didn't mean to make you cry. I should have known what I said would hurt you." Deep regret filled her heart. Her mother couldn't hear her and couldn't forgive her. She put her head in her hands and just ignored the world outside of her grief. She ignored the blood soaking her clothes.

She ignored the sounds of the raging flame. She even ignored the footsteps approaching her. "Well, that's taken care of." Kagome ignored the voice and continued to cry. "No, tears now, I got rid of that annoying family of yours. You should be happy." Kagome looked up and glared at the figure standing in front of her. He smirked at her, his crimson eyes glowing in the moon above them. He kicked Aniki's head away. "That's better."

Kagome watched as her head went rolling in to a bush of roses. Kagome charged forward, about to hit him, but he caught her hand. Kagome struggled trying to fight her way out of his grasp. "My assistant did a lovely job of shredding them. It's rude not appreciate the carnage." Kagome continued fighting; try as she might to pull her hand free.

"Look at me." Kagome kept on struggling. "I said look at me!" He yanked her chin up to stare at him. "Good. You will learn to obey me, girl. Now, I have a favor to ask of you." Kagome answered him with a glare. "What do you know of the Shikon no Tama?"


Whew... That was just crazy, but I gotta admit it was fun to write. When I wrote the end I was tingling. Hope you liked it! Well bye! Time for me to hit the sack...

- Kibikara

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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