
Wanting to Save Her by dragonsorceress

Great Lose

Wanting To Save Her

By: Dragonsorceress

Disclaimer: inu-characters are not mine.

A/N: Ok, I deleted the original story for this because there were too many mistakes. So I revised a lot of this story. Sorry that it has taken over a year to update this. (Ducks as dangerous looking objects fly in my direction) Well I'll stop talking now and get to the story. Bye.


Chapter One: Great lose

A beautiful young woman was sitting against the tree that she had found inuyasha. A small smile painted her already beautiful features.

The day was beautiful. The sky was only slightly cloudy, there was a soft cool wind, and life seemed to flourish everywhere.

She leaned on one hand as she smoothed down the grass, with the other. She had decided to take off her shoes and socks. This is one of the few peaceful days she has gotten to enjoy, lately. As she sat back up and rested her head on the tree, daydreams filled her thoughts. Inuyasha was the only one she could think about.

"Kagome!" a small child fox cried. Kagome broke from her thoughts to see Shippo launching himself into her arms. "Your back! You're finally back."

"I was only gone two days Shippo." Kagome said while giggling.

"But it felt like forever." Shippo replied while nuzzling in Kagome's chest. Kagome's heart warmed and she held the little kit while waiting for the rest of the group to come. The rest of the group soon joined the two. Everybody greeted Kagome except Inuyasha.

"Where is Inuyasha?" Kagome asked concerned.

"Oh don't worry. He is helping to repair the village huts." Sango said. "The village was attacked by some of Naraku's minions. Fortunately we came before anyone was killed or severely injured for that matter."

The group started walking towards the village when Kagome felt a familiar sensation.

"I sense a jewel shard!" the miko concentrated harder to get more information about this shard. "I sense a great amount of darkness in this shard, a darkness fueled by hatred, suffering, and immeasurable sadness." Kagome felt her heart clench on behalf of this creature. 'No one should have to know such suffering.'

"Then caution should be strongly urged. I what Kagome says is true, then this demon will be difficult to go up against." Miroku advised.

The group reached the village and saw that most of the damage was repaired. Kagome smiled when she saw Inuyasha helping to repair a roof for a mother.

"Inuyasha lets go!" Kagome called out while waving to the rapidly approaching hanyou.

"What took you so long?" Inuyasha snapped.

"A hello Kagome how are you doing would be nice!" She continued to glare daggers while her ranting commenced. "And for YOUR information, I was taking a test in order to pass high school, YOU JERK!"

With that the enraged miko stomped off in the direction that she sensed the jewel in. Inuyasha and the rest of the group followed Kagome, except for Shippo who was already perched of Kagome's shoulder.

The group traveled in relative silence except for the occasional slap coming from Sango and Miroku trying to come up with more excuses. There whispering between the monk and the hanyou. Miroku was relaying what Kagome said earlier to Inuyasha. As usual Inuyasha did not think that this demon would be a threat.

As the sun started to fall behind the mountains, the group found a place to rest in a small forest clearing. Inuyasha found a tree that he liked and decided to perch there for the night. Kagome and Shippo unrolled a sleeping bag and slept near Inuyasha's tree, while Sango and Miroku slept on the opposite side of the campfire.

But before Kagome fell asleep she told her friends that she was going for a walk in the woods and gave the hanyou a look that plainly stated 'don't you dare follow.' Finally out of sight of the clearing, and hearing range from Inuyasha, Kagome concentrated all her focus of concealing her appearance. For a brief second the miko's true nature showed. The only thing she couldn't conceal was her fangs. 'Damn' she thought. Luckily she has had practice with talking and not showing her fangs.

While Kagome was absent Sango took the time to dwell of one reoccurring thought. Miroku. Sango could now admit that she loved him. 'Why?' That one word question always came up when she looked or thought about him. They have been traveling together, what five years now and still Sango did not have the courage to tell him how she felt. Oh she could fight off some of the worst demons and yet telling him the truth was almost impossible. Sango let out a long drawn out sigh. Then decided to get some sleep and petting Kirara helped do just that.

As morning approached, Kagome tended the fire and started the routine of making ramen for everyone. As Kagome prepared the food and her companions woke up around her, the miko looked towards the sky and noticed that the sky up north was considerably darker than the rest of the sky. 'How odd' she thought. That same ominous yet mournful feeling, that Kagome got earlier while sensing the jewel shard, seemed to wrap around Kagome. It was like an unseen mist that saw straight into her mind. Without warning, Kagome saw images flash through her mind; the images were random yet not.

"Kagome...KAGOME!" Inuyasha all but yelled.

"What?!" Kagome snapped back angrily.

"Hey don't start yelling at me, we have all been calling you!"

"Oh." Was her whispered answer.

Kagome served up the ramen evenly to her friend first and then she served herself. Shippo was in her lap enjoying his meal and that warmed her heart. Inuyasha was slurping his soup down while Sango kept a watchful eye out for the monk's hand as they both ate. All in all, it was a scene Kagome always loved to watch.

After the finish eating they all set to work on cleaning up and getting ready to head out. As everyone started heading out, Kagome looked at the sky and breathed in the wind and instantly knew that it was going to rain. As small smile blossomed on her face; for she loved the rain and couldn't wait till it started.

The party followed Inuyasha as Kagome gave directions, every now and again, so that they could find the shard that Kagome sensed. The woods that they were forced to tread through seemed to be unnaturally thick and ominous, because every instinct that the group possessed was screaming at them to turn away. 'Even Inuyasha is tense' Kagome noted. Inuyasha was tense. His hand stayed on the hilt of his sword. He sensed what Kagome had sensed earlier and he did not like it one bit.

A thick mist came into view ahead of them. The mist covered the group and came up to about their waists. Shippo and Kirara were forced to perch on the exterminator's and miko's shoulder. As they entered the mist, the forest around grew darker. The trees had many long braches with whip-like extensions that came close to the ground. The hanyou was forced to cut away at some of the thick foliage in order to pass.

When at last they were able to clear the forest, the group was surprised to see a large clearing of black sand. As the companions looked further ahead, they noticed obsidian obelisks bordering the clearing. The obelisks were slightly curved towards the center of the clearing where a desecrated temple stood. It was hard to see clearly because the clearing was darker because the sun light was strangely cut off, only leaving a few rays of light to penetrate the area.

"What is this place?" Sango whispered in shock.

"If I remember correctly, this is the Stone Dragon's Grave." Miroku answered in the same state as Sango. "But all accounts of this place where thought to be purely myth, a mere theory on how the world would end."

"What do you mean on how the world would end?" Kagome inquired still staring at the source of what she sensed.

"It is said that if the stone dragon where ever to be awaked and the barrier broken, then Amaya would live and breathe only to destroy."

"But why would the dragon do that?" Sango asked.

"Why does it matter? It is never going to get out." Inuyasha added.

Ignoring the irritating hanyou Miroku continued. "The story goes that Amaya was born the purest and strongest of her kind but when she reached her adolescent year's humans began a war with the great race. Eventually a powerful priestess Stepped forward and Killed Amaya's parents. With their deaths a chain reaction started and all the other dragons fell with the alpha pair, except for Amaya. She heard the dying cries of her kin and was over taken with grief and anger. As Amaya sought vengeance, her scales began turning black and her eyes red. The priest and priestesses realized that they could not kill this dragon so instead they sealed her up, turning her to stone and erecting a temple and barrier around her; hoping against all odds that she would never be released." The monk explained.

Kagome felt her heart ache for the dragon. "Can we go see what's inside the temple?"

"Why? I don't see any need too." Inuyasha remarked.

"Because that where I sense the jewel."

'Feh!' Was all Inuyasha said before walking towards the temple.

The temple was old, this much was obvious. Erosion signified the wear and tear of time on the temple made of stone. Cracks were to be found everywhere, some c rack were deeper than others. Two pillars marked the entrance to Amaya's prison.

When the group entered, they noticed that it was larger on the inside that on the outside. More pillars lined the walls holding up the roof; the roof was missing except for where there was a raised area on the temple floor. To get near this raised area, they were force to walk around pieces of stone that had once been the ceiling. There was something on the platformed area but it was hard to see due to the dark atmosphere.

"Oh Kami!" Kagome gasped as the statue ahead became visible. There at the back of the temple was the statue of a demon of which they have never seen before. The demon was on its knees with its head thrown back, mouth wide open as if it was screaming. Its hands were covering its ear and its hair was falling back and touching the floor by its feet. Its eyes were wide open and its wings were fully extended out to the sides.

As Kagome looked closer, she noticed a blue glow coming from the chest of the demon. Baffled, the miko decided to examine it further. She approached it cautiously, extending her hand as she got closer.

"Kagome what is it?" Sango asked, worrying over the fact that her friend was getting to close.

"Do you not sense it? It is the jewel yet not." Kagome answered, stopping before toughing the statue.

"What do you mean?" Shippo butted in.

"I mean that it is like another Shikon no Tama."

"How can there be another jewel?" a skeptic inu asked.

"I don't know. I just see a blue glow coming from the statue's chest, where the heart would be."

"Interesting." Miroku said thoughtfully, as if an idea had struck his.

"What do you think it is Miroku?" The exterminator wondered.

"Well once heard a group of monks debating the idea that a Demon version of the Shikon no Tama was made."

"So it is a fake?" Kagome was confused, completely.

"No it's real." Miroku thought for a moment as if trying to recall the conversation. "The Shikon no Tama was created from the heart of Midoriko and demons seek this jewel to gain power. While the Demon Shikon was created from the heart of a powerful demon and humans seek this jewel to gain power."

"So your saying that the Shikon created by a human will only give power to demons, and the Shikon created by a demon will only give power to humans." Sango clarified.

"Why yes, that is precisely what I'm saying my dear Sango." Miroku beamed. Sango blushed.

"Miroku," Kagome regained the monk's attention. "Did you happen to hear what would happen when the two jewels combined?

Miroku looked thoughtful for a moment. "No, but I would imagine that they would cancel each other out."

"If you all are doing talking, I would like to find Naraku NOW!" An impatient half demon exclaimed.

"I have to agree with Inuyasha. This place is really starting to scare me." Shippo shuddered.

With great relief to all in the group, they left the foreboding temple, but before Kagome crossed the threshold she could have sworn that she heard a voice on the wind say 'soon.'

The group had managed to find a way back out of the forest and was now getting ready for bed. This time Inuyasha slept with his back against the base of a tree; ever since they left the temple, Inuyasha had been more anxious than ever about protecting Kagome and refused to be further from her than necessary. Kagome and Shippo were curled up in her sleeping bag.

Before going to sleep, Miroku looked at Sango, who was preparing to lie down, and made a decision. He stood up and held out his hand to Sango.

"Sango, may I speak with you?" He waited, hoping she would take his hand. She blushed and slipped her hand into his. He led her a short distance from the camp site. Miroku stopped and turned to Sango, and before he chickened out, he pulled her into a hug.

"Miroku?" Sango asked uncertain.

"My dear Sango." Miroku pulled away enough to look into her brown eyes. "I have been meaning to tell you for some time but I fear that I had not the courage then to say it."

"Say what?" Hope sparkled in her beautiful eyes.

"I love you Sango. Will you marry me?" For once there was no lecherous look in his eyes, just love; love for her.

Tears sprang from her eyes. "Yes! Oh yes, yes, I will!" Joy overfilled her. Miroku lifted her up and spun her around, both were laughing with joy. When he put her down, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed his beloved deeply. And muck to his joy, she kissed back with the same intensity.

"Let us return, for we have a big battle coming up and we will need our rest." Miroku said, hating to end such a perfect moment. Sango nodded in agreement. They walked back holding hand and with their fingers laced together. When they reached the camp, Miroku shared a sleeping bag with Sango. Kirara curled up in the cock of Sango's stomach. Together they all slept peacefully.

As the sun rose over the trees, tension became thick in the air as the group began the morning routine of packing up and eating. Kagome had not missed the sight of Sango and Miroku sleeping together though. 'I knew it.' She thought happily, but then a sad smile graced her features as she turned to glance at Inuyasha. 'If only' her heart cried silently. As the group finished up, Kagome felt something cold and wet hit her cheek. 'I'm not crying am I?' Kagome look up and realized it was rain. Though she loved the rain, today was not a good day for it to rain' for today they would be heading to Naraku's castle to meet him in one final battle. Kagome clutched the half of the jewel that hung around her neck. They could not afford to lose, the cost was too great.

Their trek began and the silence bothered Kagome. So she began a conversation.

"Do you think that Naraku has become strong during the months that we haven't seen him?" 'Oh that was smart, let's go ahead and talk about the on coming battle. Kagome you dolt!'

"What kind of question is that?" Inuyasha said irritably. "Knowing that bastard, he probably is waiting for us."

And how right he was.

"Even if Naraku has become strong, we must not lose hope. Courage and determination is the only and probably most effective weapon we have." Miroku added.

"Even so, this is going to be a tough battle. The best chance we have is mostly likely not to split up. I will be hard to get to us if we stay together." Sango said.

"Well what can a little guy like me do?" Shippo asked fearfully.

"Just stay with me and use some of your fox magic." Kagome smiled.

"Ok." The little kitsune hugged Kagome's neck while trying to remain balanced on her shoulder.

Faster than any of them want, Naraku's castle came into view. It had a large front gate and courtyard. Beyond that was the main castle, which was raised high into the air and surrounded by demons.

The rain started to pour harder and give the land a grayish color to it. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' Kagome thought to herself. But this was no time for fear so Kagome squashed that feeling and followed her friends into battle.

They were at the gate and Inuyasha took in a deep breath before using his father's fang to splinter the door. After the crossed the threshold, the companions were greeted by Kagura, Kanna, and a snarling army of demons.

"Welcome half-breed." Her voice dripping with sarcasm, Kagura continued. "How nice of you do join us. We were just discussing you and your friend's demise."

"Spare me the greeting wind witch!" Inuyasha snarled. Then he quietly whispered to Kagome. "When the battle starts, stay behind with Shippo. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Right." Kagome's heart fluttered at his words.

Sango and Miroku shared a quick but passionate kiss before getting into battle stance. Kirara transformed into her larger form and went to stand next to Sango. Kagome and Shippo stayed behind the others while Inuyasha stood in front with his sword fully transformed.

Kagura smile wickedly before raising her opened fan and extending her arm forward; commanding the wave of demons to attack. While the demons were attacking Kagura made sure that Kanna was ready for the finale. As if knowing what Kagura was about to ask, Kanna nodded her head. With a satisfied smile Kagura watched the battle before her.

Wave after wave of angry demons came after the companions. Sango was repeatedly using her bone boomerang to take out chunks at a time while her demon cat attacked any minion who got too close to Sango. Miroku was forced to rely on his skills with a staff because he couldn't use his wind tunnel; lest he get poisoned and not be able to fight Inuyasha and his wind scar were taking out hundreds at a time while Kagome worked on shooting demons that got past her friends defenses. Even Shippo was helping by distracted demons long enough for one of the other to get him.

The skirmish lasted about two hours before all the demons were wiped out. But still Kagura wore that satisfied smile, like she knew who would come out the victor. Kagura watched as the little group approached with looks of determination and confidence. Kagura threw a look at Kanna telling her to get ready.

"Well done Inuyasha, but I'm afraid that the battle you just fought was to give us time to complete his plan." Kagura revealed.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Inuyasha yelled.

"It means, your ignorant half breed, that the true battle is about to begin." Kagura stated simply.

"You're bluffing!"

"We shall see." Kagura turned her head to look at Kanna and nod, and then she turned to face the weary group again. Without a word, Kagura raised her arm and let her fan drop open. Then with a fast sweeping motion she yelled "Dance of the Dead!" Within moment the group realized what they were facing.

Kagome stared in horror as her mother, Souta, and her grandfather came running at her with daggers. "No! Snap out of it you're under a spell!" Kagome cried desperately while trying to dodge their attacks.

Sango was not fairing any better, for she came face to face with her father and Kohaku. It was hard enough for Sango to yet again accept the fact that her brother was being used again, but her father too?! Her heart could only take so much and this was the final blow. Tears sprang from her eyes as she tried to get away from their attacks.

Miroku and Inuyasha had the same problem; the monk was being assaulted by his older monk friend and Hatchi, while Inuyasha came face to face with Kikyo. And again both men refused to hurt the people they cared for, so dodging was the only option.

Since everyone else was off trying to escape those close to them, Shippo was forced to face his dad alone. The kit cried incessantly while trying to call his father back, but to no avail. It was unfair to the kitsune kit, his father was so brutally taken from him once and now here his father was but not in the way Shippo would have wanted.

Kagura laughed at the sight to be held, loved ones forced to fight against loved ones; Naraku knew how to land the deepest blow. 'Finish it!' His command shot through her head like and arrow. 'As you wish.' Kagura managed to gasp in her mind. When she regained her composure, Kanna was already commanding the mirror to do what Kagura was about to tell her, to destroy the souls. Kanna rotated the mirror so that the souls in the mirror were now facing the courtyard. With a simple mind command the frame of the mirror began to glow red. Screams of the dying souls rang loudly in the courtyard. The soulless bodies also cried out as their souls were destroyed.

Kagura used the group's distraction to her advantage. While the group was busy watching their loved ones die, Kagura jumped up in the air and cried out "Dance of Blades!" With that, Kagura's white wind blades spilled out across the courtyard, hitting everyone in the vicinity.

Everyone in the group was hit but they were still standing, barely. Sango and Miroku used their weapons to keep them on their feet while Kagome used her bow and Inuyasha his sword. Shippo managed to stand on wobbly legs. Inuyasha hefted his fang up in the air a split second before releasing the Backlash Wave. Kagome shot her sacred arrow while Miroku shot out a few of his sacred sutras.

Kanna intercepted the attacks with her mirror. As Kanna readied to force their attacks back at them, Kagura readied her next attack also. As Kanna released the Backlash Wave and sacred arrow back at them, Kagura released her 'Dance of the Dragons' attack.

Naraku watched with wicked eyes as Inuyasha's pathetic group was struck by the combined attack. He would wait till the attack died down before claiming his prize.

They were wiped around like rag dolls. The wind was slicing into their bodies mercilessly. As the attack stopped, they all fell to the ground where they lie motionless. Miroku landed a few feet away from his beloved Sango. With immense effort he used the last of his life force to drag his broken body towards her. Before he was able to reach her, his strength gave out; so he extended out his hand to her hand. Miroku managed to touch her finger tips before life left his body. Shippo was already dead; he died before hitting the ground. Inuyasha was on his back with and untransformed Tetsaiga in his hand. He turned his head to look at Kagome before he too died. Kagome had her stomach ripped open. She watched with a broken heart as her friends died from their injuries. Sango was ripped in half, separated at her waist and lying in a pool of her own blood. Miroku cut from his left ear all the way to his right hip. Shippo was hardly recognizable from all the cut and gashes on his body. And her love Inuyasha had a gaping hole in his chest and his limbs shattered.

Naraku then decided to step out into the yard. "Kanna, destroy all their souls but Kagome's." Without a single word, Kanna obeyed. Naraku walked to where Kagome now lay and when he reached her side he whispered. "You will live to remember this day, my sweet Kagome." With those words said, he flung Kagome over his shoulder and walked back to the castle.

Kagome felt intense pain eat away at her stomach when he threw her on his shoulder; for now Naraku's shoulder bone was digging into Kagome's stomach wound. 'I didn't even get to say good-bye.' Many thoughts were running through her head as the enormity of what happened hit the miko. Never again would she get to see there smiling faces, no Kagome would be plagues by the images of their deaths. She wanted so badly for all this to be a nightmare, she wanted to believe that she would wake up any minute now; but it was not to be and Kagome knew this. Kagome held back her tears; she would cry another time and not in front of him. She would not give him his full satisfaction. The last thing that Kagome saw before she welcomed the darkness was a cold and dark stone room.


So how did you like it. It is the new and improved and lengthened version. I will be writing a little bit everyday. I will try to finish it by summers end. Please e-mail me. Encouragement will help it go fast. Oh and flames are welcome. See you soon. The next chapter will be Finally Broken. Till then.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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