
My Salvation by Maniac of the Moon

The Beginning


"Why is she counting?" he asked the half demon who stood by his side. The woman curled in the corner of the room rocked back and forth as if she were moving to a slow melody that was in her mind. Her knees were raised in front of her and she hugged them to her chest. Her long dark hair cascaded over her face and her scent was... to say the least, awful.

"To be honest, Sesshomaru-sama," Naraku began, a smirk spreading over his face, "These women have been through quite a lot. I would not be surprised if some were not all there."

The two men stood in the catacombs of Naraku's tall castle. Long ago Sesshomaru and Naraku had been enemies. Well they weren't exactly allies at that point either. Sesshomaru most certainly did not enjoy the hideous half demon's company. Nor did Sesshomaru enjoy any company. However, Naraku owed Sesshomaru dearly for the immortality potion Sesshomaru had given him, therefore Naraku offered Sesshomaru the company of a female servant.

Sesshomaru had at first decided against it. He thought it best he decline, but he decided while he was doing business in Naraku's castle he would have a look. Naraku knew well that if Sesshomaru refused a vassal, he would have to compensate with some other sort of payment, therefore the hanyou's desperation to sell one of these lowly human beings to Sesshomaru became evident.

"No thank you." Sesshomaru said finally, turning to leave on his own.

"Lord Sesshomaru, there is one woman you haven't seen." Naraku said his voice a bit high. Sesshomaru paused.

"You told me this was the last of them." Sesshomaru grimaced, his annoyance heightening gradually.

"My lord, this woman is... different from the others." Naraku said bowing his head, "Normally she is not for sale. She is my personal favorite... but I believe you might be interested in her. I think you might know her."

Sesshomaru turned fully. "Show me this last woman." Sesshomaru ordered, "But know this. When I turn her down as well, I will expect my payment in money."

"Yes, My lord." Naraku smiled, "This one last woman."

Naraku led Sesshomaru deeper into the catacombs. The dim hallways were lit by candles along the walls. Naraku also carried a lantern. For some reason or another, this woman was excluded from the rest. It seemed Naraku spoke the truth. This girl held some importance.

When they reached a shut up chamber the faint smell of human blood reached Sesshomaru's nose. His nose wrinkled in disgust as Naraku worked the locks on the large door.

Finally they entered and Sesshomaru followed Naraku into the darkened hall. There was a cage. The sound of a woman's soft sobs echoed somewhat. A very familiar scent... the scent of Azalea buds just before bloom caused Sesshomaru's disgust to vanish.

Naraku lowered the lantern to the cage. Because the room was darker, Sesshomaru was barely able to see her face. Just a dark figure in the corner. Naraku had only lowered the lantern so that he could unlock the cage however. He opened the door slowly.

"Kagome, come." He ordered.

Now Sesshomaru took attention. The name Kagome was very familiar to him. He was sure however that he hadn't heard that name for years. Who could have it been. Finally she stepped into the light and Sesshomaru saw it. The face that matched the name.

She seemed just as shocked to see Sesshomaru. Her brown eyes were round and targeted on him. She seemed utterly confused as she gazed into his eyes. The intensity of Kagome's stare was quite unbearable. It was as if she had the experience of an old woman. As if she had suffered greatly. As if she held the innocence of a lamb.

Naraku broke their eye contact by grabbing a handful of Kagome's ebony locks and leading her into the lit hallways so that Sesshomaru could examine her further. She whimpered somewhat but struggled and fought the whole way.

Sesshomaru watched amusedly as she scratched and bit at Naraku. 'No wonder she is secluded in this dark room.'

"Do you recognize her, Sesshomaru?" Naraku asked, "The bitch who once accompanied your younger brother... before I took care of him." Naraku took Kagome by the chin, ignoring her defiant scowl, and held her against his chest. With one hand he reached down her loose kimono. She gritted her teeth and attempted to fight him once more, "At least Kagome here took care of him, didn't you?"

Tears formed in her chocolate eyes and with force her teeth sunk into his arm. Growling, Naraku allowed Kagome to drop to the ground and he examined his throbbing hand.

When recovered, Naraku grabbed Kagome by the thick material of her kimono and held her up; his fist was pulled back ready to strike her.

"I will take her." Sesshomaru interrupted. Naraku and Kagome, who had been looking away in fear, her eyes shut tight, both turned to stare at Sesshomaru in slight shock.

Naraku finally smiled and brought Kagome to her feet. "Very well, Sesshomaru-sama."

With a light shove from Naraku, Kagome stumbled and fell towards Sesshomaru. He effortlessly caught her.

"She is all yours." Naraku said, shutting the doors.

This situation bothered Sesshomaru. That was because he was confused. He hadn't seen Kagome in over fifty years but she still looked so young. How was it that in fifty years time a human girl hadn't aged a bit? Could it be that Naraku wanted that immortality potion for Kagome? But then why would he just be throwing her away? It made no sense.

Another thing that irritated Sesshomaru was the girl's behavior towards him. He had saved her from that awful prison. Freed her from Naraku's grasp and here she only pouted at him and refused to speak to him. She followed close behind, always at Sesshomaru's heel, but didn't speak a word.

Even as the left the castle, Kagome refused to show any hint of gratitude. She followed with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Girl," Sesshomaru had asked, "Do you not speak or do you simply refuse to speak to me?"

No answer. Sesshomaru wanted nothing more than to turn and tear the fragile miko apart. He knew very well that he could physically. Yes, he was capable of doing such things, but would he? No. After Rin, Sesshomaru knew not to harm a human being unless completely necessary.

The demon that had killed Rin... Sesshomaru had no respect for him. What would a demon be proving by murdering a defenseless innocent being? That he is a cruel heartless fiend. It was senseless.

Sesshomaru decided that if Kagome simply refused to speak to him he would have no choice but to accept her silence. Besides, peacefulness was much preferred to vibrant excessive chatter. He would not have that.

Although Kagome's appearance and scent was just how Sesshomaru remembered, time had certainly changed her. He remembered her being, despite her sassiness, very cheerful and outgoing. Now she seemed to be the opposite of happy. The pathetic creature she was, Kagome only added to that with her negative attitude.

The two walked in tense silence for some time before Sesshomaru decided he mind as well set her boundaries.

"I can imagine you've been through great pains." He said calmly, not looking her way. Silence. "Well, I will not treat you with cruelty, but I will require your assistance. Otherwise you are of no use to me."

Kagome stared defiantly his way. When Sesshomaru glanced over to note her reaction, she stuck her tongue out at him. He nearly rolled his eyes at her stupidity. "Do not consider this slavery. Consider this your thanks to me for freeing you."

Silence once again.

"You will not talk back to me. You will not attempt to run away. You will respect me. I expect that you will follow these rules. I do not wish to hurt you," Sesshomaru glanced her way once more with promise burning in his eyes, "But if you leave me no other choice, do not think I will hesitate."

Kagome lowered her gaze to the ground as if blocking out his voice. Pretending not to here him. That, in Sesshomaru's eyes, was disrespectful.

Sesshomaru grabbed Kagome's wrist and forcefully turned her body to face him. She gasped and wrestled to free herself, but he held her firmly, careful not to harm her.

"You will respect me." Sesshomaru demanded, "Do I make myself clear?"

Kagome stared up at him with fear clearly visible in her eyes, but her facial expression displayed nothing as she nodded slowly.

"Very good." Sesshomaru said, letting her wrist free and continuing his stride forward. Kagome stood in her place staring after him for some moments, but quickly caught up with him.

"In return," Sesshomaru continued, "I will provide you with food, clothing and shelter. Are we at an agreement?"

She nodded once more, and Sesshomaru was satisfied with that. At least she was being cooperative. Annoying, but tolerable. Sesshomaru decided that they would stop at the village up ahead. There he could by her a proper kimono and they could stay at the inn overnight.

He glanced at the attire she had been provided with in Naraku's custody. A loose thick kimono of brown and gray. It was beyond filthy. Sesshomaru took notice of the stench emitting from her. The nice fresh scent of Kagome was tainted with the odor of dirt and blood.

'I must remember to take her by the hot spring as well.' He decided.

When Sesshomaru and Kagome arrived at the human village they attracted many stares and a lot of the cowardly humans ran off in fear. Just as Sesshomaru had expected. It was a good thing he had the advantage of money or else they might not let him stay in the inn in fear that he would take over their pathetic village.

Sesshomaru paid no mind to the ignorant villagers. What kind of welcome was that anyway? Sesshomaru noticed that Kagome, on the other hand, stared around in near amazement. As if she hadn't seen the outdoors in ages. 'Actually, she most likely hasn't.'

She was on the verge of a smile as her eyes explored the smallish village. Sesshomaru watched her interestedly as she walked alongside himself. He was eager to see her smile. She hadn't done so at all in the little time she spent with him.

"Would you like something to eat?" Sesshomaru finally asked nonchalantly. Kagome's gaze turned towards him and now she did smile. Not containing her excitement anymore, Kagome grinned from ear to ear and nodded.

He brought her to the nearest market where they were selling fresh fruit and vegetables. The man behind the counter looked up at Sesshomaru in fear, but when Sesshomaru dropped 500 yen onto the counter surface, his attitude suddenly changed.

"Get what you want, Kagome." Sesshomaru ordered the youthful miko. She smiled and circled the story with a woven basket, throwing fruits of all sorts into the mass. When she finished she brought it to the counter.

"You still have enough money for something else." The store owner informed her. Kagome looked around the store then looked down into her basket in bewilderment. She suddenly took notice in a small vase placed on the counter. In it was a bouquet of Azalea flowers in full bloom.

"Decide on something else." Sesshomaru ordered her. She nodded and reached for one of the flowers.

"Oh, you like those?" the storekeeper asked, "My wife planted them in my garden out back. She arranged the vase, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you took one."

Kagome smiled and brought the flower to her nose to smell.

'How very befitting.' Sesshomaru thought as he exited the store followed by a smiling Kagome.

"Arigato, Sesshomaru-sama." A small voice said behind him. He turned momentarily to meet Kagome's bright brown eyes and nodded. Her first words to him since he took her from Naraku's hands.

He and Kagome next went to the village inn and rented a single room. Kagome sat down and ate a good amount. She offered some fruit to Sesshomaru but he declined, stating that he wasn't hungry.

They separated their sleeping areas with folding screens. Sesshomaru knew that Kagome would not want him watching her as she slept. Women were suspicious creatures, always suspecting the worse from men. Sesshomaru stayed up that night though. He didn't require much sleep being a demon.

Being up that night, and simply waiting for the sun's return, Sesshomaru got to thinking. 'Why did I free that human girl in the first place?' he had asked himself, but the answer came to him just as quickly as the question did, 'I was curious to know what has transpired between she and Naraku and also to know what has happened to Inuyasha.'

That was right. Sesshomaru had much to ask her. He realized that she was not ready to answer some questions yet. She had only just escaped from an awful environment not fit for a human to live. She no doubt had abided many sorts of torture, knowing Naraku and his fiendish ways. Sesshomaru would just have to be patient.

Rin had indeed taught Sesshomaru much of these human creatures. They were delicate and very emotional beings. One had to go about dealing with them tenderly. Kagome especially. Sesshomaru would wait. He would be patient and soon enough his hunger to know more would be gorged.


This is my first fanfiction. Be easy and please review. I'm quite fond of the SK pairing but I've never written a fiction of my own

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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