Hello y'all. I'm a 24 year old housewife with a BA in English Literature and far too much free time on my hands.
So, I put both education and time to good use and spend my days writing smut. In a year or two, if things go well, you might even be seeing some of my original work on the shelves of your favorite bookstore in the Romance/Fantasy sections.
Until then, I post my fanfictions on the web for all to enjoy. Most are archived at www.fanfiction.net/~meyari, as they do not involve the S/K pairing. But, what ficlets of mine that do fall under Single Spark's guidelines are, and will be, posted here and probably only here as they will invariably involve smut, smut and more smut, and ff.net is really hardcore against that these days.
So, enjoy. And stuff. Yeah...stuff...