I love it plaease up date it really soon. U Bitch that cliffy stunk. Please don't do that again.
sesshyssexymistress- Mon 22 May 2006
as good as always kags21. u always have a good chappi to make me feel better when i just feel like crap. keep it up update sonn k i really want to know what happens to snow i hope nothing bad oh dear...hurry up i'm suffering. till next time i guess
Megan Consoer- Sun 21 May 2006
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Inukamisashi- Fri 19 May 2006
Thank you very much for answering my mail some days ago...Hontou ni arigatou! ^^ Anyways, can't wait to see who it was that abducted Kagome and hope that Sess will make it in time. Looking forward to your next installment. ^-^
T. Dizzle- Thu 18 May 2006
This story has potential, but you're not making it happen. It's pretty much dull, the way you're writing it. You only write down what they say, and what they do, but the characters needs feelings and thoughts.
I want to know what Kagome was feeling, her exact thoughts. Not too much detail, but enough feelings for me to know the character. I'm not getting anything from this fic besides a visual effect, but I also want EMOTIONAL effect.
Good luck with the rest.
Inukamisashi- Tue 16 May 2006
Oohhh! What'll happen next??Hope that Kagome can get her baby back as soon as possible...Pls do update
djl- Wed 10 May 2006
ok I am back... sorry about the missing reviews. I lost all the stories from single spark that I was reading and could not remember any titles. Man my memory sucks. Anyway the story is very interesting... what is going to happen next?
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