Mikodaiyo Profile Page

About Me



New to the sesskag scene, I really just want to be a part of this beautiful people club ok let me in.

Inuyasha side blog: Mikodaiyo

a03: kataracy (Mikodaiyo psuedo)

I can't really recall why sesskag dragged me back into the Inuyasha fanclub by my actual edges? Maybe because I'm older now and their contrast really peak my interest? Kagome looks good with everyone tbh but her and Sess just look really good together, and, besides aesthetics I think they have a lot to offer one another; Sesshomaru had enough character arc to make him incredibly interesting to me and Kagome had enough self introspective moments to make her seem incredibly mature to me. {More on my Main about that}

basically Sesshomaru is a good boy and Kagome deserves better


I am


  • 21+, She/Her, prefer the name Ishizu
  • Leo (Sun,  Cancer Moon baBEY)
  • An all around ok person
  • Slippery when wet
  • Artist (and sensitive about my shit)



User Status

8 years ago
13 months ago
13 months ago


Hello! Here is the more I mentioned:

I can't really recall why sesskag dragged me back into the Inuyasha fanclub by my actual edges? Maybe because I'm older now and their contrast really peak my interest? Kagome looks good with everyone tbh but her and Sess just look really good together, and, besides aesthetics I think they have a lot to offer one another; Sesshomaru had enough character arc to make him incredibly interesting to me and Kagome had enough self introspective moments to make her seem incredibly mature to me.

Sesshomaru starts off as a cold, callous demon who would rather kill than listen but, he grows to become more than just Inuyasha's cold half brother- he's cunning, calculated, and a fast learner. He respects his father but, never sees himself becoming so weak as to fall for a human, and then he just so happens to fall for a human i.e. Rin. Not in the romantic sense mind you but, he decides this human is worth something to him, and he protects her. I think Sesshomaru has an incredibly kind spirit but is hard pressed to show it through conventional means.

Meanwhile Kagome had shown an overwhelming amount of bravery since she stepped on the feudal scene lol. She talks back to demons, she reacts fast, she's gentle and powerful and thoughtful and her maturity grows beautifully throughout the show, especially for a girl her age. When I was little of course I shipped her and Inuyasha but now, I think she deserved better. I think had it not been for Kikyo finally passing on, Inuyasha would have strung those souls along for the rest of Kagome's life. I think Kagome deserves to be seen as someone's best option, not their second, and that Sesshomaru's new look on humanity would be able to see in her the best of humanity and come to understand the reason his father would ever fall or a human.

While Inuyasha and Kagome bring out the best and worst of the other, I don't want to see a couple that has to argue first to have a conversation. That's not romantic. I prefer someone who listens and gives their input, and with how quiet Sesshomaru is and how hes always in his own mind, he's probably the best listener in feudal Japan. But, with how passionate Kagome is, you can't just let her talk without wanting to join in, she just has that extrovert aura about her, and her obvious future ways are nothing but fascinating so, of course Sesshomaru would want to talk.

I went on a little tangent haha,  tldr: I think Sesshomaru and Kagome would have only needed to meet first to be each other's only and that they could have provided more to each other than was potentially realized.


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Mikodaiyo has 3 stories

When Kagome was a child, a demon fell out of her well and in love with her. But, Kagome is the Shinto Maiden, a delicacy for demons, promising eternal life in her flesh and unsurmountable power in her spilled blood. On her 19th birthday, who she is, is revealed, and all she can hope for is that if she is to be devoured, let it be by the silver haired demon of her childhood.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 05 Jan 2018  -  Updated: 04 Jan 2019
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 8  -  Reviews: 37  -  Words: 7,387  -  Reads: 24,039
Sesshomaru and Kagome, in the midst of their alone time. A short story inspired by a prompt list.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 31 Mar 2019  -  Updated: 31 Mar 2019
Genre: Erotica, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 547  -  Reads: 6,380
Kagome has decided to make her own rosary.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 31 Mar 2019  -  Updated: 31 Mar 2019
Genre: Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 1,847  -  Reads: 9,488


Total number of images: 19

SKW20: Espionage
  • SKW20: Espionage
  • Category: Fanart
SKW20: Power Couple
  • SKW20: Power Couple
  • Category: Fanart
SKW20: Widow's Kiss
  • SKW20: Widow's Kiss
  • Category: Fanart
Icon 2
Icon 1
Sunny Season
  • Sunny Season
  • Category: Fanart
Cafe AU
Shacked Up
Pink Pond
Sleeping Spell
  • Sleeping Spell
  • Category: Fanart
Shinto Maiden sketches
  • Shinto Maiden sketches
  • Category: Fanart
The Lord and Lady
  • The Lord and Lady
  • Category: Fanart
Second Chances
  • Second Chances
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 104

Scene from Ichi-go Ichi-e by NovemberDoll
  • Scene from Ichi-go Ichi-e by NovemberDoll
  • Author: Somiant
  • Category: Fanart
Sesshxkag Prompt Raffle
Caught Up
Kagome re-draw
White Queen Kagome
What Went Down
Swimming through Time
Ichi-go Ichi-e by Novemberdoll
Sesskag - manga
she yell
Kagome Higurashi
Sesskag - Cheeky
The Kiss
I need a warm hug..
Last Panel To manga
Lord of the West
  • Lord of the West
  • Author: Avi
  • Category: Fanart
good doggo
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