Alpine Profile Page

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  Aimee Blue


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Total number of favoured images: 11

Pose for the camera
.:Say that you love me:.
  • .:Say that you love me:.
  • Author: Steph
  • Category: Fanart
Down the Rabbit Hole
Bubble Girl Kagome: Osuwari!
I Wont Let You Fall (Color)
I Hate You
Watching Over You
Zyephen's Insanity Commission #2
Sess Kag KISS colored copy


Name Entry

Created On: 01/23/2015 09:15:56

Thanks so much, hun, glad to know you enjoyed it!


Created On: 11/22/2014 02:36:57

Thanks, sweetie. I'm not sure about the groove, to be honest. I mean I have no trouble writing these drabbles every other day, but I haven't written my WIP chapter stories that much. I did progress a bit on LAL earlier this week, though, so it's something.


Created On: 11/08/2014 08:32:32

Thanks sweetie! I'm still plotting all my WIPs but I started this drabble thing with a friend, I've been writing and posting a drabble on Tumblr every other day for almost 3 weeks now. Just something to keep me writing regularly. :3 They're mostly short and random bits so I don't think they need a proof-reading, thanks for the offer, though!
Hugs, Miss ya!

Knight of Disorder

Created On: 04/25/2013 18:41:23
Edited By Knight of Disorder On: 04/25/2013 18:41:42

I would have liked to do more with it but it just didn't work. I think I made Kagome a little OP for the story. Anyway, if I ever get around to it, it's on the list for a rewrite.

Congrats of the munchkin!
Feedback from Alpine: No worries at all, I liked it and thought you did a good job on it. Thanks again !

Knight of Disorder

Created On: 02/21/2013 17:35:05

I'm going to start the next chapter today, hopefully sometime tonight I will have it out. Otherwise it will be the day after tomorrow.
Feedback from Alpine: No rush at all... Very much enjoying the story...


Created On: 03/12/2012 07:41:12

Thank you dear! ^_^ I hope everyone will enjoy it. :3 The division process has been pretty interesting too, but it's been fairly easy so far to see where the story naturally breaks into smaller instalments.


Created On: 07/22/2011 10:09:07

Thank you for continuing to review TBC! Its my loyal readers who really keep me going. I never want to let you all down. I appreciate the kind words - you really have no idea how badly I need it sometimes! lol This chapter I was particularly nervous about. I'm glad the time jump wasn't too bad. I wanted to show a transition of time, but I also wanted to let people know what was going on in that time. I'm glad it wasn't confusing.

And yes, Sesshomaru will be a little chagrined post his latest offence. Things are going to start changing now between them. They will be more tense as he tries to assert himself as her alpha, as is his nature when courting a protential wife, (perhaps mate? ) and she'll sometimes misunderstand that. Of course she has Padmaja to help her too. But also, Kagome has lived an independant life and wont necessarily always respond the right way. But also, they will spend more time together, and bond. Expect lots of ups and downs.
Feedback from Alpine: It's not problem at all. I don't mind giving my 2 cents. Sometimes too much. ^_^ so hope all goes good and we get to see the shenanigans ensue.


Created On: 04/20/2011 12:28:36

thank you for reviewing TBC! Believe it or not I'm actually trying to work through the next chapter - its just going SO slow. I'm introducing a new character and we are getting to know Kanga a little better. Its all very delicate because these are important characters with many layers. There is a lot I need to hint at in this chapter but I don't want it to be too obvious what the backstory is. I plan on evolving that gradually. Plus there is more with Shippo and Kirara.... so many characters and I'm trying to stay true to personalities, keep situations "real" etc. This is the hardest chapter yet, but I think one that will be very enjoyable once I finally get it done. Rest assured The Bridal Creed has much more in store and hasn't been forgotten! Your review helps motivate me - knowing people still enjoy it and eagerly await update. Much love!
Feedback from Alpine: Thanks for taking the time to let me know. I also appreciate it. I am doing some beta work for another auther it she helps me keep in perspective what it's like to try to define a character. I believe you are doing a fantastic job and I patiently wait on updates. I have never been the needy type but last night I wanted to stomp my foot and say, "I want to read more darn it." Well, not quite like that but you get the drift.
I am waiting with bells for your next installment.
Alpine ^_ ^


Created On: 01/04/2011 21:07:22

Glad you're enjoying syndrome. I'm working on the end of the next chapter, really I am. (okay, mostly in my head, but I typed some!) Congrats on your baby! Dante is 9 months old now and I'm actually pregnant again now. My life is definitely going to be more interesting very quickly!
Feedback from Alpine: WOW!!! Congrats again... It sounds likd your going to have your hands full. That's for sure


Created On: 12/18/2010 14:27:39

Thanks for the review! It always feels really nice when people like my fic enough to go back and read it again! I am actually done with the next chapter, but I'm making some last minute changes to it before posting it. Look for it in the very near future!

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