insomniac_amy Profile Page

About Me

Fox did my Sona =^-^= isn’t she amazing <3



Favorite Quote: "People who don't know me think I'm quiet. The people who do know me wish I was."


My daughter  got me hooked on fanfic and now I'm an addict!!! LOL She got me hooked on Kakashi/Sakura fanfic and then I got her hooked on Kagome/ Sesshoumaru.

I like chibis and frogs. Not sure why but I think frogs are really cute.

Favorite anime and movies are Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, Vampire Knight, Skip Beat, and Pretear, Naruto, Maid Sama, Kamisama Kiss and Princess Jellyfish.

I adore Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke and The Cat Returns and Whispers of the Heart.

Anyway, thank you to all of you wonderful author's for giving me something to do on my many sleepless nights! I am enjoying every one!













User Status

14 years ago
3 years ago
8 years ago











Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts682

Forum Posts
10/22/2019 07:22:03Re:Demonlordlover- S/K Fanfiction Haven yahoo groupOff-Topic Discussion8037
07/12/2019 07:22:57Re:Looking for a storySearching for a Fic...4232
07/11/2019 17:00:59Re:Looking for a storySearching for a Fic...4232
06/03/2019 21:52:54Re:Want to reread but can't findSearching for a Fic...3367
05/03/2019 07:50:45Re:Blue diamondsSearching for a Fic...3080
05/02/2019 15:27:52Re:Blue diamondsSearching for a Fic...3080
04/01/2019 06:47:24Re:Looking for another.Searching for a Fic...3657
03/29/2019 09:14:18Re:Looking for another ficSearching for a Fic...3389
03/28/2019 13:13:44Re:Looking for another.Searching for a Fic...3657
03/24/2019 22:16:55Re:Fic: Kagome must prove herself to mate SesshoumaruSearching for a Fic...5726
03/23/2019 22:36:51Re:Help.... chain of command?Searching for a Fic...4319
03/21/2019 09:31:12Re:Help.... chain of command?Searching for a Fic...4319
03/19/2019 12:45:43Re:Sesshomaru hurts Kagome, but ends up saving herRecommendations6299
03/16/2019 15:43:03Re:Old ficSearching for a Fic...4200
03/02/2019 06:28:57Re:looking for fanfictionSearching for a Fic...5059
10/30/2018 06:09:45Re:Old storySearching for a Fic...3684
07/14/2018 07:58:09Re:Kagome in the Western ArmySearching for a Fic...3067
07/13/2018 08:07:59Re:Looking for a sweet ficSearching for a Fic...3451
07/11/2018 11:14:39Looking for a sweet ficSearching for a Fic...3451
05/24/2018 16:02:30Re:Sesshoumaru is no longer western lordSearching for a Fic...3222

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  Kitsune Diva
  The Hatter Theory
  Kagome Yuki Niwa
  Priestess Skye
  Lady Kirara
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insomniac_amy has 7 stories

This will be a drabble series told in short little snippets. Rated for later chapters. The great and powerful Lord Sesshoumaru suddenly finds himself desiring a human and is determined to figure out the reason so that he can get that stupid miko off his mind.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 16 Aug 2011  -  Updated: 08 Nov 2011
Genre: Angst, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 7  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 1,885  -  Reads: 12,807
A collection of DDN drabbles. Some might be Canon and some AU.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 05 Feb 2012  -  Updated: 05 Feb 2012
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 3  -  Reviews: 0  -  Words: 458  -  Reads: 5,285
Kagome finds herself trying to explain to the men what a maxi-pad is.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 08 Sep 2011  -  Updated: 08 Sep 2011
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 9  -  Words: 800  -  Reads: 6,726
After returning to her own time, Kagome finds herself lonely and struggling to readjust to a normal way of life. With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, it’s just another reminder of how lonely she is and how desperately she longs to find love. She keeps her hope alive by releasing paper lanterns with a wish to find true love. Post-Canon. Rating change! Sorry folks but I've changed the rating from M to MA.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 01 Feb 2012  -  Updated: 26 Sep 2012
Genre: Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 10  -  Reviews: 44  -  Words: 24,529  -  Reads: 34,286
Written for Summer's December Drabble challenge. This was the first Christmas that Rin and Sesshoumaru would be spending with them and Kagome wanted it to be perfect.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 01 Dec 2011  -  Updated: 26 Dec 2011
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 25  -  Reviews: 21  -  Words: 7,275  -  Reads: 36,634
Sesshoumaru discovers Kagome’s diary beside the well and reads it in an attempt to figure out the puzzling miko. Along the way he discovers more than just Kagome’s personality, he discovers love. Shameless fluffy pink ball of cotton candy dedicated to Wiccan to give her a sugar rush for Mod appreciation month.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 11 Apr 2012  -  Updated: 11 Apr 2012
Genre: Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 12  -  Words: 7,004  -  Reads: 9,553
GMDDN promts. Rated MA so NO YIM'S
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 20 May 2012  -  Updated: 20 Jan 2013
Genre: Erotica, Humor, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 1,053  -  Reads: 7,661

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 110

Cute Hugs
[SessKag] Keeping You Warm
Can I touch You?
[Tumblr] Ask SessKag
Dokuga Bishies
EDITED - Shaded Sesshoumaru
  • EDITED - Shaded Sesshoumaru
  • Author: Rinku
  • Category: Fanart
One Wig to Rule Them-- POTATOES!
  • One Wig to Rule Them-- POTATOES!
  • Author: FaeHime
  • Category: Others
Laundry Service 2-You Forgot Something
The Gaze
Lecture Time
Come Back Safe
Walking the dog
IzayoixTaisho - My Beloved
Sesskag-Chocolate BooBoo
Kiss for Nectar Plz
My Heir
Only I shall
Mama Kagome and Shippo
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Name Entry

Created On: 08/11/2014 19:13:30

Ah, my very first reviewer for 'After All.' I bet you never thought I'd post anything here again, hmm? Anyway, I'm glad you liked it. I'll probably continue to just post the occasional one-shot, but that's all. I'm still playing around in the Naruto-verse. (Gaara is my focus now, LOL).

The Hatter Theory

Created On: 03/15/2013 05:41:27

You! Happy Birthday You! ::attackpounceglomps::
Feedback from insomniac_amy: Thank you!!! Birthday wishes make me happy


Created On: 02/06/2013 08:30:02

Thank you for your comment on my lineart picture! Have you seen the colored one of it? ^^

Kagome Yuki Niwa

Created On: 01/30/2013 13:14:16

Hey there Amyyyy(:
I drew you in the raffle!!
Any ideas on what you would like?

Lady Kirara

Created On: 01/03/2013 00:31:27

I'm glad you enjoyed my little ficlet of fluff. It's the first Christmasy one I've completed.
Feedback from insomniac_amy: I love fluff and yours was really cute.


Out of my mind!!!
Created On: 10/30/2012 11:30:05

Thank you for the lovely comment on my Gollum piece XD I worked really hard on it, so the feedback is highly appreciated!!! It feedz mah artistic soulz >.>;;
Feedback from insomniac_amy: I get a laugh every time I look at it.


Created On: 10/07/2012 23:09:03

Thank you for your review(s). Don't worry they aren't late, if anything I'm the late one.


Created On: 09/13/2012 10:23:54

Thank you my friend for reviewing 'Rekindle'. The plan is to write 'Rekindle, Part Deux'. It's slowly coming together, but it's being written. Stay tuned!
Feedback from insomniac_amy: I can't wait!


Created On: 07/27/2012 10:35:59

Thanks for reviewing While You Still Think You Know Everything. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the challenge.


Created On: 07/23/2012 00:40:54

Thanks for your review! I'm so glad to be back and eating my grandmother's cooking
Feedback from insomniac_amy: lol. Grandma's cooking is always the best.

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