My Little Modies!
Picture information
Ok, here is my Mod Appreciation Fanart! I present My Little Modies! Complete with symbols and colors that the mods themselves told me were their favorites! Boo-yah! I hope the Mods like them!
Miss_Kagura in black and white with a panda symbol / cutie mark.
Priestess Skye in pink and blue with a bunny and mod hammer symbol / cutie mark. FaceHoof!
Sugar0o in grey and black and pink! A munched cookie is her symbol / cutie mark. Booga booga booga!
Tangerine Dream is all comfy and cozy in a blue sweater, her colors are tangerine and spice. Waves of the Aquarius is her symbol / cutie mark.
Rikayu is stalking r0o! Her colors are shades of grey with a Stargazer lily as her symbol / cutie mark.
WiccanMethuselah is light and dark blue with a stylized vergo as her symbol / cutie mark.
Creature of Shadow is bedecked in dark green and even darker green. A heart with horns and a halo as her symbol / cutie mark.
Velvet Sometimes is in minty green and light creme! A yummy slice of red velvet cake is her symbol / cutie mark. Laughing manically as she chases a FIREMENZ!
(Poor Chief pony.... RUN BRONY RUN!)
Ladybattousai is the Mod Police with her sparkly baton of justice, in lovely dark reds and pinks! A pink baton and gold badge is her symbol / cutie mark. She is chasing the wiley wasckle Velvet!
Miss_Kagura in black and white with a panda symbol / cutie mark.
Priestess Skye in pink and blue with a bunny and mod hammer symbol / cutie mark. FaceHoof!
Sugar0o in grey and black and pink! A munched cookie is her symbol / cutie mark. Booga booga booga!
Tangerine Dream is all comfy and cozy in a blue sweater, her colors are tangerine and spice. Waves of the Aquarius is her symbol / cutie mark.
Rikayu is stalking r0o! Her colors are shades of grey with a Stargazer lily as her symbol / cutie mark.
WiccanMethuselah is light and dark blue with a stylized vergo as her symbol / cutie mark.
Creature of Shadow is bedecked in dark green and even darker green. A heart with horns and a halo as her symbol / cutie mark.
Velvet Sometimes is in minty green and light creme! A yummy slice of red velvet cake is her symbol / cutie mark. Laughing manically as she chases a FIREMENZ!
(Poor Chief pony.... RUN BRONY RUN!)
Ladybattousai is the Mod Police with her sparkly baton of justice, in lovely dark reds and pinks! A pink baton and gold badge is her symbol / cutie mark. She is chasing the wiley wasckle Velvet!
28.04.2011 16:19:12