Ain't Talking 'Bout Love
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ok so this has been sitting on my computer finished for a few days while i debated posting it XD I have never drawn something...with out lack of clothes like this haha i will admit it i use clothing to hide my problems with anatomy i referenced parts of it off a pic i found on google mostly to just get the closeness of their bodies right. I'm still all shy about putting this up (im like omg there nekkid O_O )but yeah this is what happens when i listen to Van Halen i hope you guys like it ^///^
11.02.2011 05:22:01
XD i was totally nervous im pretty sure i bllushed the entire time i drew this and then turned into a tomato when i posted it XD but thank you for the comment glad you liked it!!
You were rambling in your notes, which totally reveals your nervousness!