Curly Hair Tutorial
Picture information
Okay Sugar0o asked me to do a tutorial on how I go about doing curly hair so here we go. I picked up my way of doing curly hair by examining pictures from the Managaka Oh Great! and found out the process is actually very easy. Cause if you look past all the detail that he puts in his curls you'll see that all they are for the most part are just detailed tubes or cones.
1. On the top head we have the basic sketch of the head and hair and you'll see what I mean. All I start out with on the curls are just rounded rectangles.
2. From their we're going to take a pause and go over to the right side of the pic so I can explain the next process a little easier. When you start putting in each loop of the curl you don't want to have just a square. You have to remember that gravity pulls on hair just like everything else so instead use more of a Rhombus shape like you see in the other two shapes. Also it's best to make the angled top of the curl to slope down towards the face so as to go with the jawline.
Now I've found there are two main ways of connecting one curl with the next one. If the next curl is going to be the same size or is slightly smaller you can connect them by a single line to fill in the gap as seen in #1. And a bonus tip is to use a curved line cause curly hair is rarely straight. Meanwhile if the next curl is going to be bigger than the previous you want it to actually loop around the other one like in #2.
The end of the curls should also have stray hairs like the example shown. You can have as many strands as you want, infact you can even have them going in the opposite direction cause the hair is one giant loop, like a spring so it faces every direction.
3. Now using the information explained in step 2 you can begin to add in your curls. Feel free to experiment on a blank sheet if you have to to see which way you want to do it. The sky's the limit and their is no real set way that you should do it.
4. After you get your curls start to add detail into your curls by adding lines for the flow of the hair. Try not to get too crazy on each curl cause once you get done doing the whole head a few lines each curl adds up to a lot of detail on a curly head.
5. After that the only thing you have left is to go in and shadow detailing so as to give the hair a little more depth.
That's it. Like I said the actual process of doing curls like these is actually very simple. It just looks really complicated if you're just looking at the final product. Well I hope this tutorial can help explain how I do curly hair and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
The girl is a character from Tenjho Tenge and is property of Oh Great!
1. On the top head we have the basic sketch of the head and hair and you'll see what I mean. All I start out with on the curls are just rounded rectangles.
2. From their we're going to take a pause and go over to the right side of the pic so I can explain the next process a little easier. When you start putting in each loop of the curl you don't want to have just a square. You have to remember that gravity pulls on hair just like everything else so instead use more of a Rhombus shape like you see in the other two shapes. Also it's best to make the angled top of the curl to slope down towards the face so as to go with the jawline.
Now I've found there are two main ways of connecting one curl with the next one. If the next curl is going to be the same size or is slightly smaller you can connect them by a single line to fill in the gap as seen in #1. And a bonus tip is to use a curved line cause curly hair is rarely straight. Meanwhile if the next curl is going to be bigger than the previous you want it to actually loop around the other one like in #2.
The end of the curls should also have stray hairs like the example shown. You can have as many strands as you want, infact you can even have them going in the opposite direction cause the hair is one giant loop, like a spring so it faces every direction.
3. Now using the information explained in step 2 you can begin to add in your curls. Feel free to experiment on a blank sheet if you have to to see which way you want to do it. The sky's the limit and their is no real set way that you should do it.
4. After you get your curls start to add detail into your curls by adding lines for the flow of the hair. Try not to get too crazy on each curl cause once you get done doing the whole head a few lines each curl adds up to a lot of detail on a curly head.
5. After that the only thing you have left is to go in and shadow detailing so as to give the hair a little more depth.
That's it. Like I said the actual process of doing curls like these is actually very simple. It just looks really complicated if you're just looking at the final product. Well I hope this tutorial can help explain how I do curly hair and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
The girl is a character from Tenjho Tenge and is property of Oh Great!
20.11.2009 09:08:02