Your Warm Lips
Picture information
This one basically came out of the blue. The idea just popped up and before I knew it I was drawing this. Why out of the blue? Because ._.we’re in summer and it’s hot like hell here…so I really don’t know why this picture came to my mind. >_< well maybe it’s because I’m longing for some cold weather here?… ah nvm XD.
Well I was playing around with the wet media brushes in Photoshop and I loved how they applied the color so softly so I used that to color this that’s the reason why the strokes look so fluffy looking (some description... ) well Kagome’s clothes… I was trying my hardest to step out of the green color but somehow I always end up coloring her clothes green >_< . I was afraid to use light blue because of the background and pink wouldn’t be a good color for this piece’s blue-ish environment (it would stand out too much) and any other color like purple… I just couldn’t come up with a good color so I went for green…again. Her gloves...they’re supposed to be fluffy and puffy but it actually looks like her hands are smaller than they should so XD you don’t have to say it, I already know that part is a little faulty… Hm what else? Ah Sesshy’s kimono , the design was hand made >_< thus the reason as to why the strokes look so traditionally made instead of having used a preset brush o.O...Yes I use them often so I’m proud that I finaly came up with a design of my own lol.
Medium: Done entirely in Photoshop CS2.
Well I guess there’s nothing else to say. Thanks for the view! Later!
Well I was playing around with the wet media brushes in Photoshop and I loved how they applied the color so softly so I used that to color this that’s the reason why the strokes look so fluffy looking (some description... ) well Kagome’s clothes… I was trying my hardest to step out of the green color but somehow I always end up coloring her clothes green >_< . I was afraid to use light blue because of the background and pink wouldn’t be a good color for this piece’s blue-ish environment (it would stand out too much) and any other color like purple… I just couldn’t come up with a good color so I went for green…again. Her gloves...they’re supposed to be fluffy and puffy but it actually looks like her hands are smaller than they should so XD you don’t have to say it, I already know that part is a little faulty… Hm what else? Ah Sesshy’s kimono , the design was hand made >_< thus the reason as to why the strokes look so traditionally made instead of having used a preset brush o.O...Yes I use them often so I’m proud that I finaly came up with a design of my own lol.
Medium: Done entirely in Photoshop CS2.
Well I guess there’s nothing else to say. Thanks for the view! Later!
26.10.2009 14:39:19
i totaly agree! You are rOo are mi favs on this site! u are my mistrisses! i wish i could draw....Mistress could u teach me how to draw?