Picture information
Here's the final version. Being as it's so old I was still trying to get the backgrounds to look smoother so please ignore that. :P
This pic is a copy of the cover art for Tenjho Tenge Vol.8 and was only used as reference material for this tutorial and as a challenge for my coloring ability. All ownership goes to the creator Oh Great!
This pic is a copy of the cover art for Tenjho Tenge Vol.8 and was only used as reference material for this tutorial and as a challenge for my coloring ability. All ownership goes to the creator Oh Great!
19.10.2009 23:00:41
Yes it's from the cover of Vol. 8 it was used as reference material only for this tutorial. And I claim no ownership of the original picture.
if your copying or referencing you should always quote the source and not take credit where it isn't due.
Thanks I'm glad you like it.
it looks so good, i like the thingy on her leg ^_^ lolz
this is fantastic
A++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ +++++++++ lolz ^_^