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Your First Sess/Kag Fic
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TOPIC: Your First Sess/Kag Fic
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
I think that the first ever Sesshomaru/Kagome I ever read was 'cracked, but not broken' by Nefra. She used to have a fic called Dreams, but that has been taken down.

I also loved Vyncent's works and I think I really fell in love with sess/kag when I read Unworthy one.
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Miss Elinor
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
The first Sesskag fic I ever read was My Only by LC Rose. I had seen titles and read summaries before and was ardently resisting the conversion, but something about her story sucked me in and I was done for.

I never stood a chance
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 2
Hm...I don't remember the first Sess/Kag fic I was years ago. Lol.
I do remember that I first started reading them when I was in 9th grade (about 5 or 6 years ago).
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 31
I believe my first one was "Forget Me Not" by Youkai Yume and one of Vyncent's fics--it was so long ago I can hardly remember it though.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 15 Years ago Karma: 52
My first fic, or at least the first one that got me addicted to S/K, was on, and was "A Sentinel Mother", by DLL. Funny how I read this thread minutes after logging into my account on for the first time in...well...years, and looking at my first story. I saw and remembered that after having left a review for ASM, DLL read what I had completed on my first-ever story there, and left this review for it, which was the first critiquing review that I had EVER recieved for doing Inuyasha fan-fiction -

demonlordlover 2007-02-03
Nice start. I like to wait until there are a few chapters up before I review so I can get a general feel for a story. So far, the general use of description and dialogue is well rounded. (As I'm sure it will continue!)

Of more importance to me, however, is the character developement. The inner machinations of the characters is the most important part of a story for me. If I can't understand WHY they're acting the way they are, then I won't appreciate the outcome. Inuyasha being a general ass in the beginning is now being slightly toned down. He didn't actually abandon Kagome, as he didn't take off until Sesshomaru told him he'd ensure she didn't die.

Now, something I wonder about him going to Kikyo was how you described him following the soul collectors like a 'zombie'. Was that an intentional inference to him being controlled, or just a symboloic mention of how he follows her blindly without thought. (I do tend to discect every little thing,sometimes too much. Just a habit)

Kagome saving not only Rin, but also Jaken has me wondering as well. Considering in the anime Jaken became so loyal to Sesshomaru because he saved him, will Kagome now rate the same respect?

Oh...One last thought. Since Kikyo now possesses an entire soul, Tenseiga won't work on Kagome. Her soul is already gone. I wonder how Sesshomaru will go about saving her, as his honor will demand him revive her as promised. Not being a witch, I don't imagine he has the power to take the soul out of Kikyo and give it back to Kagome. I suppose he could get one to do it, but then he'd have to fight Inuyasha on that. Assuming, of course, Inuyasha is going to turn completely evil and decide to keep Kagome dead rather than loose Kikyo.

That's all for right now. I don't expect answers...I'm willing to wait for the story to unfold. Just indulging in a little contemplation.

Heh heh heh. Well, that's it for memory lane for right now.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 15 Years ago Karma: 0
My first Sess/Kag fanfic was Tales from the House of the Moon.
Epic in all its meaning.
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Ice Lioness
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 15 Years ago Karma: 3
I don't remember what my very first Sesshoumaru x Kagome fan fic was, but I remember which one made me fall in love with the pairing.

"Promises" by Landlady of the Universe

I was sad when she abandoned "Broken".
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Lady Orrin
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 15 Years ago Karma: 13
My first Kags/Sess fanfic was "Tales from the House of the Moon". I had seen a fanmade video on youtube, and wondered what it was. I was hooked. I had never really liked reading growing up, and most of the stories I have read, I had to read for school. So if it is something that keeps my interest, it had to be good. I couldn't walk away from my computer. I was a good thing that I discovered it during summer break (I'm a teacher) because I would have been a zombie in class for several days. I have become a voracious reader of Sess/Kags since and I blame all of you for doing it to me LOL
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Re: Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
Mine was Tears of Blood, by a anonimus author.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 4
My first Sess/Kag fic was "The Sentinel Mother." It got me hooked on the pairing.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
The first fanfic I ever read with Sess/Kag was "Cracked but Not Broken." I still read it every now and then.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
I only starting using the site Sept.09.

The first fanfic I posted online was Just Like Sesshoumaru just to get me used to updating. Which I'm still working on. It has no story line and I just made it up on the spot but people seem to like it.

The first fanfic I ever tried to write though was Chained: In More Ways Than One. I got inspired by the book Stardust that I was reading on my road trip across Canada to visit my cousins in PEI. So I started to write it in point form in my art journal.

But when I got home to try and type it out on my computer it was a little too complicated and out of my beginner status. So it lived only on my laptop for a little while. I have since then reviewed my previous writing and posted it online. Still not finshed.

The story that made me devoted to Sess/Kag fics was Chained to You. I love humor.
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Last Edit: 2009/11/08 19:09 By Kittylin.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
By first Sess/Kags fic was Beyond Tomorrow, by Rymsie. Sadly she never finished it. I was probably ten when I read it, but still to this day, I'll read it every once in a while (I'm nineteen now) lol.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 34
I am not quite sure what it is. I can't remember its been over four years of hardcoring the pairing and millions of fics. However I believe it may have been Breeding School by Kogasangel Such a good story. I need to catch up.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I don't entirely recall mine. It was eons ago and I fell out of the fandom for a year or two. However, I got back into it with a story written by ShadowsWeaver1 titled 'Tears of the Fallen'. It was sweet; it was tragic; it was romantic; well-written. And soon after, I went after the most sought after authors who wrote, and still writes, amazing stories for this particular fandom. *squeals* Kag/Sess all the way!! ^_^
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3
Like others, my first one was Tales from the House of the Moon by Resmiranda, and I read it before I even knew anything about the Inuyasha manga/anime XD I'd just randomly decided to look Sesshoumaru up because I thought he looked rather lovely, found a little bit of info, then decided to go fic hunting. For the life of me I can't recall how I found HotM but the only characters I vaguely knew anything about were Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha and I might have known a tiny bit about Kagome (didn't have a clue as to who Sango, Miroku etc were). Then I read the Inuyasha manga and reread HoM, so much more made sense ^^;
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Time Traveler
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 156
I got into the fandom rather easily - the same person responsible for getting me into everything anime-related was a SessKag fan herself. The only thing I can remember about the first fic that I read was that it was Inuyasha/Kagome/Sesshoumaru. Can't remember the name or the author. But I think CiraArana's Diary was also among the very first SessKag fanfics that I read.
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Sesshoumaru's Fiend
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 5
I'm not quite sure which story got me into the Sess/Kag Fandom. I think I started reading Just Roomies? by MuteShadow, which introduced me to A Single Spark, but I think the story that actually got me enjoying the pairing was The Blind Date by sesshou_lover.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 10
I didn't actually enjoy Tales from the House of the Moon much (omg don't kill me) It was very well written but it had more angst than I could take. I don't mind a little angst but there can only be so much before I have to stop. I know it's a popular one but just my thing.

My first that really got me into the fiction I can't actually remember the name of. Far as I know the author took it down years ago. Basically Kagome was living with Sesshomaru at his manor or castle or whatever and there were a bunch of political undertones with other demons that lived/worked there. A pheonix demon and a blue wolf husky demon thing that was her personal actually gave me a lot of inspriation for some of my fictions. Having an actual court of demons that worked for sesshy as a demon lord and all. Anyway, she took it down ages back because people were stealing her original characters without giving her credit as far as I know. Losers.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 216
sugar0o wrote:
HotM... Yanno i really loved that fic when i first started reading but now i kinda don't as much anymore, its funny to me.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 10
I can't really remember what fic was actually the first one, but it must have been pretty good because it got me hooked on S/K. The one from around that time I do remember (and will never forget) was, Unexpected Allies. Striking Falcon is the bomb!
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Lilly Akame
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 5
When I decided to read Inu FF, the first story I clicked on was a SessKags called Misery loves company by Yana D Aristocrat, and thats when I loved the SessKags paring XD It was an awesome story!
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
i dont remember the story or author but i know i was 8, it was on shichans inuyasha fanfics? i've tried finding this site but i think it might have died? vv;

that lovely site also made me in to the smutty smut smut reader i am today. 8D

forgot to add. im 15 now. so 7 years? :]] im proud < 333
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Last Edit: 2010/01/30 06:14 By AubreyLikesMeatballs.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Mine was Unexpected Allies part one by Striking Falcon. That series got me hooked.
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Re:Your First Sess/Kag Fic 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 27
wow... you never forget your first... (lol)

Mine was Forget Me Not by YoukaiYume... I remember being so against Sess/Kag at first. You see, I was all GO INUKAG!!! and sesshoumaru...he was inuyasha's brother... I think i was in 8th/9th grade when i finally listened to my friend and tried forget me not. she was like,"You have to read it! Go!" So i relented and loved the pairing. Then came HotM... and ASS... and DOKUGA!! ^__^
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