Sesshoumaru'sPriestess Profile Page

About Me

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were married on
July 09, 2010
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Hello all out there in the Sess/Kag universe. My name is Kat aka as SP on here and I am a fledgiling writer of fanfiction. I got my start after reading some wonderful works by some authors on here who would give published ones a run for their money. Kagome357,Danyealle-sama,Sugar0o,SunsetMiko are some of those people as well as Creature of Shadow and some other greats. Now I am proud of my latest fic and want to thank all of you who nominated, "This Sesshoumaru Doesn't Do Work" and made it a second place winner for the 3rd Quarter. It is more than I ever hoped I would get....I simply wrote this to be a contributing member here. I hated reading and not giving anything back for others to enjoy.

I like to read, attempt fiction writing, anime, tattoos, comic books,anime conventions,cosplay,video games and more. I love rainstorms and quiet nights and I also work and attend school. It leaves me little time to work on my fic but I do my best and hope you all like it.

I also know that not everyone is going to like my work and that is like always. Constructive criticism is welcome if it helps me out...but save it if you are just writing to tell me you hate my work. I had to learn that myself when reading other things and learned if you do not like CAN read something else or leave a NICE comment about how you feel and why. People are nice enough to write for you to read it and are getting nothing but satisfaction from it.........don't ruin that so they want to stop.

Once more thanks for the votes and I hope to do some more one shots and a serious fic sometime in the future. Much love and Peace ~SP


I am worse than the devil

I am greater than god

Poor men have me

Rich men want me

If you eat me I am fatal.

What am I?

PM for answer

User Status

15 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago


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Total Posts19

Forum Posts
08/24/2020 18:41:21Re:Wiccan Vacation and 2020 FUNDRAISING!!!Off-Topic Discussion20370
03/06/2019 13:33:09Re:2018 FUNDRAISING TIME!!Off-Topic Discussion52287
04/13/2017 22:53:25Re:It's Fundraising Time Again!Off-Topic Discussion31313
02/10/2012 08:12:56I might be pretty late in asking this but........Bug Reports/Feature Requests3572
02/08/2012 00:20:09Re:MA.ONLY(18+): r0o's 3rd GM Challenge 2011Challenges26815
12/22/2011 12:09:58Re:Who would win out of Sesshomaru and Sephiroth?Off-Topic Discussion5313
12/22/2011 12:05:22Re:show ya selves to ya fellow dokugainsOff-Topic Discussion312095
12/22/2011 11:41:01Re:Congrats! DA's 3rd Quarter 2011 Winners!Awards8850
11/20/2011 12:14:58Re:HOW TO FIGHT WRITER'S BLOCKAuthor's Tools4561
09/26/2011 18:14:45Re:Fundraising 2011 - 2012Off-Topic Discussion4535
05/01/2011 12:15:45Re:I write to...Off-Topic Discussion199617
02/25/2011 19:17:43Re:I'm leaving reviewsBug Reports/Feature Requests46575
02/25/2011 17:51:17Re:I'm leaving reviewsBug Reports/Feature Requests46575
02/25/2011 17:06:39Re:I'm leaving reviewsBug Reports/Feature Requests46575
02/25/2011 17:03:16Re:I'm leaving reviewsBug Reports/Feature Requests46575
02/25/2011 10:26:41Re:I'm leaving reviewsBug Reports/Feature Requests46575
02/25/2011 10:23:59Re:I'm leaving reviewsBug Reports/Feature Requests46575
02/24/2011 22:28:02Re:I'm leaving reviewsBug Reports/Feature Requests46575
02/24/2011 16:33:01I'm leaving reviewsBug Reports/Feature Requests46575


  Freya Ishtar
  LC Rose


Sesshoumaru'sPriestess has 7 stories

One-shot crack fic about Easter wishes and hope.Also about someone who can't keep a secret! Enjoy!
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 16 Apr 2011  -  Updated: 16 Apr 2011
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 597  -  Reads: 4,677
One-shot crackfic. It's christmas and Sess catches Kags kissing Santa Claus...hilarity ensues and maybe a bit of insanity. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 15 Apr 2011  -  Updated: 15 Apr 2011
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 388  -  Reads: 4,856
Sesshoumaru and Kagome are heading off to celebrate their six month anniversary...
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 11 Dec 2010  -  Updated: 11 Dec 2010
Genre: Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 698  -  Reads: 5,102
Another one-shot crackfic also a response to Sugar0o’s Gender Bender Challenge
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 18 Apr 2011  -  Updated: 18 Apr 2011
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 969  -  Reads: 4,741
Kagome knew right at that moment, that maybe Inuyasha wasn't the right one for her.......a mix of humor and realization.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 18 Apr 2011  -  Updated: 18 Apr 2011
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 987  -  Reads: 5,545
A series of interconnected one shots to show that Sess isn't "perfect" at everything after all...humorfic...complete.Winner 2nd Place Best Humor/Parody 2011 Third Quarter
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 11 Sep 2011  -  Updated: 22 Dec 2011
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 11  -  Reviews: 31  -  Words: 11,383  -  Reads: 16,959
Sesshoumaru tries his hand at writing a how to guide on pleasing a woman ...just pure smut and fun at the inner-workings of his mind..mature readers only..enjoy. ( for SugarOo's GM Challenge 2011)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 15 Feb 2012  -  Updated: 26 Apr 2016
Genre: Erotica, Humor, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 6  -  Reviews: 10  -  Words: 10,198  -  Reads: 18,618


Total number of images: 3

A birthday gift for Me
  • A birthday gift for Me
  • Category: Fanart
  • Sesshoumaru
  • Category: Fanart
Sesshoumaru Painting
  • Sesshoumaru Painting
  • Category: Fanart


Name Entry

Created On: 02/01/2014 13:37:45

Hey there,

Wanted to take some time for reviewing my story, I love it that you are liking my story.
Hope you keep enjoying it.

Feedback from Sesshoumaru'sPriestess: I am very much and I just got Ch.5 in...very pleased


Created On: 01/30/2014 04:06:09

Hey, you're reading TToaI too! (Temper Tantrums of an Inuyoukai is just too long to write each time... although that's still better than THaSDToaGaaD! The Heroic and Super-Duper Trials of a Girl and a Demon... why did I have to come up with such a long title?!) Thank you very much for the nice comment, I will try my very best to write an awesome story that tickles your fancy in all the right ways!


Created On: 01/29/2014 10:51:12

*Chokes laughing* Oh gosh, please don't die! I'm really glad that you are enjoying it, and I will try to update as soon as possible so that your wonderful self keeps on going I am planning on doing Sunset Miko's 2014 challenge as well, so that'll be yet another 52 chapters! (102 entries!!!!) Or maybe I'll combine the prompts into longer updates? Which do you think sounds better?
Feedback from Sesshoumaru'sPriestess: I actually love the formula you are doing now and you should make them longer only if you feel comfortable with it and will not suffer burnout.


Created On: 01/24/2014 04:05:39

Thank you so much for the review! I'm really chuffed that you are enjoying "The Heroic and Super-Duper Trials of a Demon" and I hope that the rest doesn't disappoint
Your profile picture is awesome by the way - and belated congratulations on your (almost four years ago) marriage!
Thanks again.
Feedback from Sesshoumaru'sPriestess: LOL!! He went kicking and screaming but I got him!! Seriously though, your work is great and I am very honored to read and review it.


Created On: 01/17/2014 21:08:36

Thank you for your review of Lord of the Moon! I SO INCREDIBLY appreciate you taking the time to read and review. Lol sorry about the end of the chapter--hopefully the next will come soon and live up to the hype.

Thanks again!

Feedback from Sesshoumaru'sPriestess: * chuckles* You are most welcome. I am happy to give credit where it is due and lately you and others on here have been on FIRE with all these great stories. Keep this up and I might never leave my comp chair while shaking in withdrawals for updates.


Created On: 01/11/2014 15:25:04

Thank you! Your review
Feedback from Sesshoumaru'sPriestess: You are welcome. Update soon!!

Ditto Princess

Created On: 02/29/2012 19:32:32

Lol, I got about 3 stories waiting around because I was bored!!! Just posted one!!! I will be reading more of your story!!!
Feedback from Sesshoumaru'sPriestess:


Created On: 09/02/2011 09:23:48

Feedback from Sesshoumaru'sPriestess: lol


Created On: 09/02/2011 01:36:01

Thanks for your double reviews! on Worthless and Measure! >_> I've had people confess to being disturbed...but you're the first who plain out admitted to an effed up head. That makes you my favourite reviewer for that story!

To answer your question, yes. Sess was taking the rap for Inuyasha's deeds. But because he happens to be an individual as well as the Taishou name, he makes Kagome take the rap for her deed towards himself too. Bastard much? >_>
Feedback from Sesshoumaru'sPriestess: Indeed and awesome. Looking forward to your future works. Dedicate one to me *winks*


Created On: 08/31/2011 13:21:06

Thank you for your review!
Feedback from Sesshoumaru'sPriestess: ^^ was fun to read

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