Created On: 05/13/2013 13:42:03
Yeah, and you wanna know exactly WHY it took me ten months to do that chapter of Ever the Lotus? Because I kept avoiding writing the darn lemon! I have to be in a specific kind of mood to write them - usually one of... "I've been putting it off too long so I need to get to it" - it's the guilt that pushes me, not anything else. If that chapter hadn't been a lemon, it probably would have been done months ago. In fact, if you really look back at all my stories, when it comes to the lemon is when I start taking longer to actually get the chapter done. I'd rather write a battle scene anyday... and boy, am I gonna get my wish with what's coming up in Splinter'd Realities. That's going to be probably thirty of forty thousand words of combat, lol. I've got the next chapter of it done for you, too... but I didn't want to send it along until you'd had a chance to look over the other one.
Hope your Mother's Day went better than mine, love...
Amber  Feedback from TruGemini: Hey Love,
What happened on Mother's Day? You're right, you do take longer when having to write the lemons. I just thought about that when reading In Death. At least you do eventually get to it. My story has been on hiatus how long now? Seriously. LOL!
Created On: 01/06/2013 15:35:36
Girl, you know it! But that won't come until chapter five, which I'm currently workin on. Getting ready to post chapter four of Bitterly Yours, so I hope you enjoy what there is of that, too!
Love ya, woman!
Created On: 01/01/2013 18:06:32
See text message on your cell phone for answer to the love! As for the story - well, there's a little more to come, including a lemon. Yes, I am writing a lemon, since I need the practice! After all, Splinter'd Realities will have many of them, and I need to keep my hand in so I don't start sounding stale.
Created On: 12/05/2012 00:21:29
Hey you! Hope your holiday was good? Anyway, glad you liked Lonely Places in the Wilds... it was kind of a moody piece, wasn't it?
Amber Feedback from TruGemini: No...not moody. Definitely raw emotions were present but it was more to me like a tale of two lost souls you know?
Created On: 07/14/2012 22:46:49
Well, honestly, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. Some people are asking me to write the lemon with them in furry form, and I'm just not sure. Then one lady wants TWO lemons, one furry, and one not. So... I don't know. I'll have to think it over long and hard, lol. No pun intended there, it just came out that way!
Created On: 07/04/2012 16:11:09
Hi again, love! I'm trying to get to all my reviews now and I've got almost two hundred to answer, and then I've got a chapter to beta for the lady I do that for, too, lol. Anyway, I'm really glad you loved the birthday chapter of Favorite Author! I wanted it to be special, and I really like the way it worked out.
Amber Feedback from TruGemini: Crazy lady! You already responded to me by email....LOL! Forgetting our conversations now huh?
Created On: 06/30/2012 20:05:00
O_O Now that I had to take the scenic route to answer Mz. Not Signed In's review of A (Disastrous) Day at the Beach, I can say I'm glad you liked it! I hope it made you laugh and lightened the day's stresses just a little. Oh, and by the way... ~blush~ the two chapters I sent for you to look over... don't be too harsh on me - I was completely stoned when I wrote them... come to think of it, that's probably why I wrote them backward. I looked over 18 especially and changed several things that didn't make sense the way I probably thought they did when the medication was running wild through my system.
Anyway, Mz. Not Signed In O_O ... I luvs yous enough to take the scenic route to respond to the review anyway!
Created On: 06/16/2012 15:28:33
You would bring Ever the Lotus up, lol. I'm almost through with the next chapter, though it looks as though I'm going to be adding another chapter, since it doesn't appear as though I can finish it with this next one. Like Illumination, it doesn't want to cooperate. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the last part of WoW, because I'm certainly glad I can now label that one as another completed story! YaY!
Created On: 06/09/2012 14:20:14
Glad you liked that little bit of fluff that attacked me while I was working on the lemon chapter of Windows on the West, lol. And then on top of all that I forgot yesterday was Saturday and I didn't post the next chapter of Splinter'd Realities. I felt so bad this morning when I realized... sigh.
Anyway, I'm about halfway through the next chapter of SR, and I'll send it along once I'm done. But thank you for reviewing my little fluff fest - while being SIGNED IN! LOL...
Created On: 05/18/2012 00:03:43
Of what, love? Of Favorite Author? You want me to do a sort of peek into their lives some time on down the road? How far are we talking? Right at this particular moment, I'm writing a new comedy short series that r0o gave me the idea for - based out of that last chapter of Second Place, Either Way... kind of an outtake based on Kagome's pregnancy with their daughter - and his battle with dealing with all the horrible symptoms... like the mood swings. But if you'd like me to do that for Favorite Author, just let me know a time frame, and I'll see what I can come up with. I'm truckin along with the next chapter of SR, too, as it's about half done, so I have some time to play with such a thing.