Second Chances by fluffy's mate

Prologue: New Beginnings

Prologue: New Begginings

Kagome stood in the middle of the airport dazed, confused and still trying to figure out how her life could take such a dramatic turn for the worse in under forty-eight hours.

She watched as people rushed to and fro, fighting their way through the mass confusion typically found in a major airport. Unlike her, they had a destination to reach where a home was waiting for them, with a family anxiously awaiting their return.  She on the other hand was alone, without family, home or any idea of what she would do when she finally reached her destination.

The familiar taste of panic began to rise in the back of her throat, threatening to choke her. She closed her eyes and willed the panic back down, but it only settled uneasily in the pit of her stomach causing her nausea to return.

Rubbing her stomach she prayed she didn’t embarrass herself in front of hundreds of strangers. She’d made enough of a spectacle of herself in the last few days, and had no desire to continue to do so. She didn’t want to give the ones that ridiculed her any more reason to continue to do so. She could just imagine a video appearing on the internet, uploaded by some heartless bystander, of her puking her guts up in the middle of the airport. She wanted to retain what little self-worth she still possessed.

Feeling slightly normal again, Kagome grabbed her one bag and slowly started to make her way to her terminal. She knew standing in the middle of the airport wouldn’t help her situation. The longer she delayed the longer it would take to put it all behind her.

She swiped angrily at the few tears that rolled silently down her cheeks. She was surprised she had any left having cried non-stop for the last two days. Her life hadn’t been horrible but neither had it been perfect. It had been decent, and she’d been happy, but in the last two days that happiness had turned to desperation and despair.


Kagome stood in front of the penthouse door, waiting for it to be answered. She had been debating over the last few weeks on how to break the devastating news to her boyfriend.

 She was pregnant.

Kagome had the pleasure of claiming THE Sesshomaru Taisho for her own. He was considered the most eligible bachelor in Japan as well as one of the most powerful daiyokai in the world. They’d been dating for a little less than a year before this catastrophe struck.

The door suddenly swung open causing Kagome to jump as she looked up into cold gold eyes.

“I knew you’d show up sooner or later.” At his cold tone Kagome blinked in surprise and felt her anxiety begin to rise when his cold gaze settled on her stomach.

‘How could he know? I hid my scent from him. There’s no way he could know’

Sesshomaru continued to stand in the doorway, effectively blocking her way. “Can I come in I need to speak to you.” His reaction at seeing her on his doorstep did not bode well for her.

“If you must.”

He stepped back to allow her to enter the spacious foyer. Kagome made her way to the living room and nervously stood in the middle of large room. Looking everywhere but at the cold emotionless man leaning casually against the wall, she made note of small details. The picture of the two of them at the fall festival sat on the fireplace mantle. The painting of cherry blossoms she had painted for him for his birthday, sat opposite on the wall leading to his bedroom. Next to it the lamp they’d picked out together, and on the lamp shade, a pair of women’s panties.

The panties glared blatantly at her. They were very clearly not hers. Looking sharply back to Sesshomaru, Kagome finally noticed his mussed state. His shirt looked as though he‘d hurriedly threw it on. His pants were zipped but unbuttoned and his hair looked as though someone had run their hands through it repeatedly.

Kagome continued to stare at him. Her brain trying to process the truth that was very clearly staring her in the face.

“Sesshomaru…”  A bumping sound came from his closed bedroom door, interrupting her. Frowning at the door, she turned back to him, “…is someone here?”

“And if there was, why would it be any of your concern.”

Kagome stood up straighter at his cold tone. Hurt invaded her eyes as she took a step towards him.

“Of course it’s my concern. You’re my boyfriend.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”   She demanded. Anger began to replace her nervousness. Here she was pregnant and terrified and her boyfriend was with another woman.

“Who is she?” Sesshomaru continued to give her a bored look. When she received no answer she stormed up to him and yelled in his face, “Answer me dammit! Who is she?” A resounding slap reverberated through the room just as the bedroom door opened.

Her head had snapped to the side when Sesshomaru had slapped her. The ringing in her ears made it hard for her to focus on the voice of the woman that had come from the bedroom. Tears began to fall as she turned to look at him once more. “Sesshy that wasn’t necessary.”

Both Kagome and Sesshomaru turned to look at the female that addressed him. Kagome had to fight to keep her jaw from dropping. Standing in the bedroom door way was a half-naked woman. She was wearing one of Sesshomaru’s dress shirts which she’d only buttoned half way. Her black hair was pulled into a sloppy bun sitting to side of her head. Her red eyes were lowered in a seductive manner as she eyed the couple standing a few feet apart.


“Go back into the room Kagura.”

“Whatever you say Sesshy.” Kagura gave her a sympathetic look as she turned around and closed the bedroom door.

Kagome was confused. Kagura was her friend. She was the only one that knew about her condition and was the one that had helped her cover up her condition until she was ready to tell Sesshomaru. How did her friend end up half naked in her boyfriend’s condo?

“Please Sesshomaru just tell me what is going on.”

She was trying hard to not cry. The betrayal burned its way to her heart making it hard for her to breathe. She clutched her fist to her chest as she felt her heart breaking.

“I would think it was obvious.” He replied. His expression had not changed.

“Okay, okay…I… I came here because we need to talk. I have to tell you something important.”

“If you’re going to tell me you’re pregnant. I already know.”

Kagome stared at him blinking in surprise.  ‘He already knew, but how?’ Her brain raced trying to come up with answers. Could Kagura have told him? It just didn’t make sense why she would have told him? It wasn’t her place to tell him, but if he knew already then it should have made this conversation easier.

“If you know I’m pregnant then…”

“This Sesshomaru is not interested in whatever you may have to say. As you can see this Sesshomaru is busy. You can let yourself out.” He straightened up from the wall and made his way to the bedroom.

“You don’t want to talk about this?” Keeping his back to her he replied, “That’s because there’s nothing to talk about.”

Nothing to talk about? She was pregnant. She figured they had plenty to talk about. His cold behavior was not helping the situation at all. Kagome needed his help and support. She had yet to tell her family and was terrified at what her mother would have to say.

She came from an old fashioned family that boosted many powerful monks and mikos.  Honor and pride was everything.  Being the most powerful miko in her family since the great Midoriko and going to university meant her family name would once more grace the higher ranks of Holy Society.

 Having a child out of wedlock would bring shame. No matter that she was the most powerful miko in centuries, a bastard child would be a black stain on her families honor. One that could never be erased.

Her entire life and the honor of her family’s shrine depended on this talk with Sesshomaru. She needed his help and understanding. She had to make this work.

Throwing her pride to the wind, Kagome began to cry in earnest and plead with him, “I’m so scared Maru.” She resorted to using his pet name, hoping it would break through the wall of indifference he had erected around himself.

From the moment they had started dating he had remained open with her. He reserved his ice prince façade for the world in general. He never referred to himself in third person with her and the fact that he was, meant she was losing him.

“Just give me a chance to explain. Give us a chance.”

Sesshomaru blatantly ignored her. Before he could open the door to the bedroom she tried one last time to reason with him. “I love you Maru. I know you love me.” Desperation evident in her voice.

He paused, having just opened the door a crack. Kagome could see Kagura, completely naked lying on the bed. She stared into his eyes pleading with him silently to not go into the room, to stay with her.

“That’s unfortunate.”

He closed the door in her face.


Kagome looked up and realized she had blindly made her way to her terminal. She also realized she had cried the entire way there. Feeling eyes on her she looked up and noticed a man with long black hair pulled into a braid and wearing an alarming amount of purple eyeshadow, staring at her.  She wiped her cheeks and tried to will herself to stop crying. She just didn’t have it in herself to be strong anymore or to even pretend to be strong.

She was a university student with her entire life ahead of her and all she could think about was giving up.

“Kitten he’s not worth it.”  The man with the alarming makeup was addressing her.


“I said he’s not worth it. Besides no REAL man would leave a girl in your condition.“ He held out a monogramed handkerchief to her.

“How do you know my problem is a guy?” She wiped her eyes and tried to compose herself.

“Kitten, your pregnant and standing in an airport by yourself crying. It is obviously a guy. I mean what else is there to cry over, besides next season’s Louis Vuitton handbag?”

Kagome chuckled. He was so flamboyant it was hard not to laugh. “That’s better. Now you hold on to that and remember no man is worth crying over.” He pulled a fan out of his sleeve and fanned himself. Kagome smiled and thanked him again. He was an interesting character and he’d managed to distract Kagome from her misery for a short period of time.

A woman came over the loud speaker and announced Kagome’s flight.  Stepping into line with the other passengers, Kagome stared at the boarding ticket in her hand. She was about to board a plane and travel to a country she had never been to, to start a new life.


Fourteen hours later Kagome stepped off the plane at JFK airport in New York City. If she thought the airport in Japan was a mass of confusion this airport was pure chaos. Not only was everyone rushing back and forth but they shoved, yelled, cursed, and just about beat the crap out of each other just to make their flight.

After being shoved and pushed around Kagome finally made it outside, only to be assaulted by the various sounds and smells that was New York.

She was overwhelmed. Why did she think she could do this? This was too much. Kagome’s breathing began to grow labored as she began to have a panic attack. Turning around she tried to run back inside the airport only to run in to a well-muscled chest. “Whoa there, are you okay?”

Kagome glanced up into dark blue eyes. “I’m so sorry.” She stared at the man or rather yokai she had run into. He was gorgeous enough to give Sesshomaru a run for his money. A purple four pointed star stood out prominently on his forehead and he kept his black hair pulled back into a low ponytail. His eyes were a dark blue and held such concern, Kagome began to blush at her cowardice.

“It’s okay.” He chuckled and eyed her from head to toe, which only caused her to turn an even brighter shade of red.

“Banky!” A familiar voice called out. Coming up behind the handsome man, was the guy with the alarming eyeshadow.

“Oh and you found my little kitten!” Kagome smiled at the flamboyant man coming towards them. She didn’t realize they were on the same flight, but she was happy to see a familiar face even though he was technically a stranger.

“Yeah we just literally ran into each other.” The handsome man replied. “By the way my name is Bankotsu and this creature is my brother Jakotsu, who I’m assuming you’ve met already.”

“I’m Kagome.” She realized she had never introduced herself earlier to the man who was so kind to her.

“Pleasure. So where were you just headed in such a hurry?”

“I… I… don’t know. Back into the airport I guess.”  The brothers shared a look and looked back to the little dark haired female in front of them. Neither missed the sadness that was like a cloak sitting heavily on her shoulders. As yokai they could smell her anxiety and fear and they knew they couldn’t abandon her.

“Where are you staying Kagome?” Bankotsu asked. He was drawn to the little female looking at her feet in front of him. He couldn’t help it. He could sense her soul was pure and she had an alarming amount of holy aura in her and while that amount of holy energy may push some yokai away, he found it soothing. So he made the decision that as long as she was willing, he would help her in any way he could.  

“I don’t know. “ she whispered, “I hadn’t planned that far ahead.”

“Well that settles it! Kitten comes with us!” Jakotsu exclaimed. He linked his arm with Kagome’s and began to drag her along as he looked for a taxi.

“Wait, I’m sorry we just met…I don’t even know who you are or why you’re here. ” Jakotsu looked at her askance.

“My brother and I agree that we just can’t leave you here. You’re here to start over.  We’re here for pretty much the same reason.  Besides you’re alone and pregnant and that is unacceptable.”


“Tell her Banky, we’re not leaving her.” Jakotsu pulled Kagome closer to him and stomped his foot, like a child who was jealously guarding a favorite toy. He pouted at his brother, effectively communicating that he had no intention of letting Kagome go.

“First let me apologize for my brother. Jak can be a bit childish when he sets his mind on something he wants, but I do agree. I know we are strangers but we can’t leave you.” When Kagome opened her mouth to protest again, Bankotsu cut her off, “If it makes you feel a little better let me assure you we are not psychopaths… well I’m not, Jak on the other hand can go a little crazy when it comes to makeup. Which I’m sure you’ve already noticed. “ Kagome giggled. Jakotsu was wearing a lot of makeup.

Bankotsu and Jakotsu shared another look and smiled at her giggle. Jakotsu thought it was cute while Bankotsu felt himself start to fall for her.

“Though my brother does not understand self-control when it comes to his makeup he’s actually a very talented makeup artist. That’s why we moved here. Jak is working with the New York Fashion scene. I’m his bodyguard more or less and we would be honored if you would allow us to help you.”

Kagome knew better than to go off alone with strangers, but at this point in her life it didn’t matter. These strangers were the first to show her any real kindness in the last two days.

She was there to make a fresh start. These two men were willing to help her. She accessed her situation. She had just arrived in a foreign country where she knew not a single person. She had no idea where to go to start looking for lodging and she had no employment prospects.

“Okay.” She nodded her head to reaffirm her decision.

Jakotsu squealed and clapped his hands in delight while his brother just smiled at his antics.

“Welcome to the family Kagome.” Bankotsu said offering her a small smile. Jak pulled Kagome into a tight hug and began chattering away excitedly about finally having a little sister and a girl’s only night.

Kagome allowed herself to be dragged off down the street by Jakotsu while his brother was left to gather all their luggage.

She was ready to move on with her life.