Official Unofficial Holiday by Tiana Swartz

National System Administrator Appreciation Day

AN: This is a first for me. I’m writing this simply to get into writing. I don’t expect it to be great but I would love any and all reviews anyone would choose to give me. I’ll be updating on holidays. I got the idea from The Hatter Theory with Convival. (Excellent story. Rated M)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any character from Inuyasha. I do not intend to make any money from this story.

 National System Administrator Appreciation Day

“Kagura, GET IN HERE NOW!” Sesshoumaru bellowed. He growled at the offending object as he tried yet again to get it to bend to his will. He had opened an email from his personal assistant  and now he couldn’t close the pop ups fast enough before ten more took their place.

“Shit, shit, shit,” Kagura mumbled under her breath. She knew what had happened. She knew it was going to be her job, she just hoped it wasn’t her head too. Sesshoumaru, president and CEO of Inu Enterprises, wasn’t a demon to trifle with.  He’s temper was legendary.

She grabbed a box and swept the contents of her desk into it and ran to the elevator. Pushing the 4th floor button she waited to give Sango, the floor’s system administrator, a heads up that the boss was out for her blood and his computer was messed up.

The elevator opened and she walked into nerd heaven. The servers for the entire building were here. She raced to Sango’s desk to find it empty.

“Sango?” Kagura called out.

“Back here.” A woman’s voice rang from somewhere in a mountain of computer parts. There seemed to be no organization to the parts but Kagura knew better. Sango was the best there was, or she wouldn’t be working there.

“I’m sooo so sorry,” Kagura fidgeted with her hands as she headed to wear she saw just the top of Sango’s hair.

“What did you do this time? I told you that you can’t just expect your computer to work perfectly when you don’t clean it up and don’t take care of her.”

“Oh my ass is fired. I’m here to warn you about Sesshoumaru. He’s just went down. He’ll be on the war path.”

“Oh joy and I’m the one that’s gonna have to handle it right? Come on,” Sango complained. She knew that it was her job to fix all of the computers on the boss’s floor. Usually it was the vice president, Inuyasha, that required her services. She liked when it was Inuyasha. He may be rude but it gave her an excuse to gossip with her best friend, Kagome. Sesshoumaru was a whole other story. He could be just cruel. He wasn’t rude, normally. He was just a perfectionist. He expected everyone to give everything they had and he accepted nothing less.  The last time she was up there he had melted his assistant’s desk because he had dared to send him a chain letter. It didn’t matter how much the man had professed that it was a mistake. He was lucky that the desk was the only thing Sesshoumaru melted with his acid.

The elevator doors opened then. An onyx haired beauty came out hold a huge bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear that said Thanks for being you. Sango stood and shook her head at Kagome. Kagome had this bad habit of celebrating what she liked to call official unofficial holidays.

“Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day!!!!”

“Kagome , that’s sweet, but it’s a really bad time. Big boss man is gonna blow a casket.”

Kagome set the flowers on Sango’s desk and crossed her arms.

“What did Inuyasha do to his computer this time?” Kagome was Inuyasha’s personal assistant and had been at the business since the brother’s opened their doors.

“Nothing this time. It was me,” Kagura turned to Kagome. Kagura had always admired how Kagome could handle the brothers. Inuyasha was forever playing pranks on his older brother. And Sesshoumaru was forever threatening to disembowel Inuyasha. They were the very definition of a love/hate relationship. Kagome somehow always managed to keep them from killing each other and keep her life.

“You?” Kagome was confused. Kagura was new with the company. She had only been there four months. Kagome was impressed with her to be honest. Sesshoumaru had usually gone through at least five personal assistants in that time.

“Yeah. I thought he needed to see this site I found. Well I was on it last week…”

“Oh my GOD!” Sango started throwing parts trying to get out of her pile. “The same site that made me have to completely wipe your hard drive and set the contracts back a month. You sent  SESSHOUMARU  to that site?” Sango’s face was slowly becoming red. She looked deranged as her eyes darted from Kagura to Kagome.

“Yes. Naraku actually put his personal calendar online.”

“Kagura I could kill you.”

AN: Thanks for reading please review and tell me what you think.