Atlantis: The Lost Empire by Aya

The great Fall

AN: This is a repost, because the other one was taken down, hope you like it!

I hereby disclaim all rights to rumiko Takahashi, and to Walt Disney.

Atlantis, the city of great technology, a city of hope, and dreams, a city far beyond its years.

A thousand years ago, Atlantis sunk beneath the ocean, none knew why it disappeared into the darkest depths, all anyone knew was that it was gone.

A thousand years ago....

The wave was coming, everyone was screaming and running, trying to get to the shelters in the inner city, the King and his two mate's, as well as his sons were running for cover as well. But the King knew there was no time, he couldn't save them, and now it looked as if his famioly would be wiped out, forever...

'you can save them'

The voice spoke in his head, and the gem around his neck glowed, he knew what he needed to do, as he gave himself up to those who had come before him, the great ancestor's. 

He ehard not his youngest sons shout, now did he hear his beloveds cry of dispair as he was raised up into the sky. All he knew, all he heard, was the voice telling him that, because of him, everything would be alright.

The Great Ancestor's carvings spun, creating energy as the stone guardians moved into their positions, creating a barrier to protect the inner city. This was to be the last day anyone saw Atlantis above the waters.

But this story isn't about the Atlantean's, or the thousand years it took for them to be saved. 

No, this story is about the girl who would save them, and in turn, be saved herself.