His Gift by ALeigh09


Summary: They've been together for years, but he wants to move on. She'd do anything for him, even if it means letting him go. But' she needs to tell him something.


All she could do was sit there. She couldn't understand it. Why was this happening? They everything was so perfect; they were perfect. The perfect couple since, ever. Why was he doing this?

It all started her freshman year at Shikon High, she met the most beautiful man—no, demon. Not just any demon, but a Taiyoukai; heir to the Western domain.

Being a youkai, such as him, he was well over fourteen years in human, but with times changing many young youkai go to school to learn about human studies, to get a higher degree and move up the social ladder.

He and his brother transferred to Shikon, their father, current ruler of the West, made Inuyasha, the youngest, go all four years meaning he was in Kagome's class. Sesshomaru, the heir, only had to endure two years of schooling, making him a junior.

Kagome always watched him, especially during lunch and co-ed physical education.

He sat at the popular table—he ran it. Many youkai he sat with here in his social class. Meaning their families had money and their children, while adult in human terms, still had to follow under their parents' law. Among his table companions sat: Kouga Wolf; heir to the East. Kagura and Naraku Spider; fraternal twins, only tolerated by Sesshomaru. Yuri Hair; a whore, but heiress to her father's hair business.

Kagome sat the loser table, as she called it. Because, he wasn't there. She sat with her friends she made in junior high, and a new one. Sango Taijiya, Miroku Monk, Kikyo Higurashi (her own cousin), and Inuyasha Taisho; a new member to their group.

Kagome had always been boy shy. She never knew what to say to the opposite sex. Because let's face it, they're called opposites for a reason. But, being friends with Inuyasha had it perks. She could go over to his house after school and see him there. Of course, Inuyasha noticed, he was a demon as well, even if it's only half. He helped her out, but warned her about getting hurt. His brother was never known for keeping a girl around.

Finally at the Homecoming dance she gained the courage to at least talk to him. She was so nervous. She was making a fool of herself, till he asked her to go back to his house with him.

Sesshomaru never liked humans; he tolerated them, but disliked many of them. They had no morels, many never groomed themselves, and they had no manners. Humans were completely selfish, greedy, and used each other for their own personal gain.

But this human girl, Kagome, was completely different from the rest of the human women he's met and all youkai demoness. His superior senses could tell that this little human was completely innocent; this innocence was like a breath of fresh air to him. He could feel her attraction for him, but not for his title and money, but for his own self.

But was she able to take all of a demon's self? He was after all an animalistic demon—he had his beast, like all others. But, it was foolish to think this way. He would not love this girl, nor care.

It all started slow. They met in private, mainly at his estate in the hilly country side of Tokyo. It was gorgeous and quiet, till Kagome's mindless chatter could be heard through the tress.

Slowly but steadily, he began taking her on dates, many she chose because he never indulged in human activities other than school and his company. Things started to fall in place for Kagome, even at a tender age of fourteen, she was falling in love; and it was amazing. She forgot all about Inuyasha's warning. It didn't seem necessary now.

After a year of perfection, she could see herself with him forever. Her birthday was coming up soon, and she hoped he'd remember. But what she didn't know what that she'd never forget. On her fifteenth birthday they made love for the first time. Age didn't matter to her, it all felt perfect to her; plus it was addicting.

That's how the year played out. They went to school, had sex, went to his house, had sex, did homework, had sex, did normal couple activities, had sex, talked, and had sex.

Soon, his senior year came to a close, and her Sweet 16 coming up soon, that's why he asked her here. To the Café de la Moon—a beautiful restaurant that looked as if it was lit by moonlight.

Kagome dressed in a simple black dress, it was very sliming and contrasted nicely against her perfectly paled skin. Her hair was pinned up slightly to keep it out of her face, and her make-up was minimal. She was a vision.

She walked with him to their table; he pulled her seat out like a perfect gentleman would. Oh, how she loved this youkai. It was the perfect date, for the perfect couple.

Sesshomaru stared at the women before him, she was a child compared to his years. None the less she never once mentioned their age difference. She was a true beauty, innocence and all.

They ordered their food from the garcon and continued to stare into each other's eyes. Light blue against hard amber. The mood was perfect, the café was near empty, the lights dim, and it smelled of roses and fresh vanilla.

"Sess?" Kagome looked at her beautiful boyfriend with the biggest eyes he had ever seen, "You're quiet this evening."

Sesshomaru inclined his head slightly. He was at lose for words. And that never happened with Sesshomaru Taisho. He was Sesshomaru Taisho. Kagome continued to watch him.

Sesshomaru cleared his throat. "This Sesshomaru will be graduating your human school in a matter of days. This Sesshomaru's father has insisted that he go to a university to further his education in business so that this Sesshomaru shall rules his domain like his father has. With complete control."

Kagome sat in silence, waiting for him to continue. This is what they both enjoyed from the other. Sesshomaru knew Kagome's nature, but she also cared to what he had to say and as willing to wait to hear. She just loved his voice and the way to spoke in third person; it was such a turn on.

"This Sesshomaru has decided it would be a wise choice to learn more of this modern world and has enrolled in Tokyo University."

"Sessho. That's wonderful. Tokyo U is such a great college." Kagome had to interrupt. Tokyo University was the best of Tokyo; she knew he wouldn't accept anything but the best.

Sesshomaru nodded his head and continued, "You still have two years left of your schooling and a long life ahead of you. In demon's eyes years are nothing, but for a human they pass slowly. This change will be hard on you, Kagome. So, this Sesshomaru has decided it would be for your benefit that we no longer see each other."

Kagome sat in silence, processing what the hell he just said. Them? Over? But, they were so perfect. The perfect everything. Tears shined in her eyes. She just couldn't look at him in the face. Just as Sesshomaru knew she couldn't.

"This is for the best, Kagome. You will accept my decision with time." Sesshomaru stood and left after paying the bill for the food they didn't receive,leaving Kagome to think.

Kagome loved him that much she knew. She also knew that she'd do anything in the world for him, as long as her love was happy. Even if it's the hardest thing she'd ever had to do; let him go.

His words left her frozen to her core. She felt hurt and abandoned. Her first love, her first everything had turned his back to her in her time of need. She couldn't comprehend anything, not at this moment. She knew she loved him. She loved her ice demon lord. She had let him go, but accepted his gift. A gift he'd never know about. Her Sweet 16.

Kagome was pregnant.

A/N: [color=#000080]I hope you guys like it. I'm trying a new writing style out. Instead of essay form, I'm trying to be more...like everyone else, so to speak. I thought this story line up last night and ran with it. Sorry for mistakes, I tend to make some here and there. Reviews are fuel. Tell me what you think. Please?[/color]