Ultimate Betrayal by Rae


AN : Based off the beautifully dark fanart by Aikko, found here http://www.dokuga.com/gallery?func=detail&id=8029

I could forsee this becoming a chapter story easily but... I don't have the time or the drive to do so... that and I have this nasty habit of never being able to finish a story. ;3



It was supposed to be difficult, a journey full of pain and suffering, a harsh journey only made possible by those sparse moments of joy and a blinding hope. They, together, would finally set the world right, rid it if a great evil and in the end, in the end they were supposed to be happy.

Miroku and Sango would be married and there would be little lecherous mini monks running around a frazzled slayer.

Shippou would grow up and though she’d miss him dearly she’d be proud of him when he went off to school, visiting every now and again with greatly exaggerated stories of mythical awe and wonder, of pranks and mischief.

And her? The great Shikon Miko, the girl who started out as a bumbling fool, naïve and weak, would finally grow into herself. The travels, the battles, the loss and the joy would mold and shape her into a woman. A woman who would have enough love for the world even after giving so much of it to the gruff figure at her side; the boy that alongside of her had become a man.

In the distance there would be the laughing of youth, of a young girl saved by a cold demon from death itself, growing up peacefully, beautifully alongside her reluctant hero. He a monster who became a father, a demon that overcame his grief and hate enough to push aside petty prejudices and finally experience a taste of what a family could be.

It was suppose to be a fairy tale ending.

It seemed however, Kagome forgot one very important thing.

This was no fairytale.

She expected it to hurt more, dying… and it did hurt but the pain was deeper… darker than mere physical pain. She would have happily jumped into hell if she thought it might have been able to distract her from another pain, a pain that made her wonder if the inferno she craved was actually in her heart, vainly trying to pump what little blood her body still held.

She would have killed for physical pain. Instead there was only cold, an emptiness that could not smoother the ache that drove tears from her eyes, clear crystal falling into the pool of crimson beneath her.

She would not live much longer… and it was a blessing. She welcomed it with open arms.

Her vision faded and last thing she saw was the sight of familiar beads, ripped from her attackers throat, beads that she had placed there when she first came to this world... slip from between her fingers.

Kagome fell into death, grateful for the peace it offered.

She did not see the grass bend beneath black boots. She did not hear a disdainful snort of the song of metal singing through the air.

Kagome only knew one thing, for a few moments, a few beautiful moments, she was free.

Then the world came crashing back down on her as air was forced to fill once dead lungs.

Kagome did the only thing she could.

She screamed as the deep, dark, raw pain of betrayal returned to her heart the moment it started to beat again.

Inuyasha killed her.

Sesshomaru brought her back.

She hated them both for it.