Ruby Red by mangageek

Starting Anew

Slowly getting back into writing! I still love this fic and cringed a bit at my previous writing. So I'm re-editing things, mostly fixing formatting and sentence structure. New to FFn and Refreshed for Dokuga, I hope you like and enjoy my little ficlet!

Unbeated! I am only human, please forgive me for any mistakes, I apologize!

For the Simple Prompt - Earrings

this will be short connected drabbles

I do not own InuYasha

Kagome's favorite color had always been blue, yet when her father had gotten her a pair of bright ruby red earrings for her sixteenth birthday, that all changed.

She loved the pair of earring dearly, and wore them with everything despite how they may have clashed with half of her wardrobe. And even despite being told the color resembled gaudy costume jewelry. She didn't care what others said, they perfectly fit and were just for her.


Years later and she continued to wear the earrings, but the earrings she had always loved so much grew another meaning to them.

The darling earrings her father had lovingly gifted her were his last gift, as he had passed in an accident just a month before her seventeenth birthday.

Now the earrings served as a constant reminder of the death of her father, but also the life of her father and the love he had showered upon her.

At twenty Kagome had moved from her childhood home at the shrine, to a small apartment in the bustling city.

She had big dreams, she was an amateur artist hoping to broaden the sights of her horizon. She had gone to a well established university and after finishing, she quickly looked for a job to pay back her tuition and give what little leftover income to her family back home.

At twenty-five after having worked part time jobs here and there, she finally nailed a long term interning job at a small editorial company. She hoped it would only be temporary until she could take off on doing what she enjoyed, but reality was a harsh slap to the face and now unsure of herself and her goals. She spends her every day working hard and trying to make it.

She wondered if her days will always be like this...

words 305

I do not own InuYasha