A Drop of Blood by Flash_Of_Nova


Her dull eyes watched as the rain drops fell down

from the heavens hitting her clothing, and washing

away what was left of their blood. How many days had she sat staring at

this same spot and no one had come, of course no one had known. The

stranger had approached from nowhere and had slain her entire family

within a matter of minutes, she had been hiding from her brother the

only reason she had survived. She looked over at the now decaying and

mutilated bodies how many nights had passed with her silently crying

hoping they would awaken, and it would all be just another nightmare.

She slowly wiped the tears from her smudged face and stood she had to

leave she could no longer stay with the ghost of her family. She walked

away that night never once looking back at the hut that was burning

with the bodies inside.

Several Years Later...________________________________________________________________

They grey eyes of the lonely women glanced over the people in the

market place. Their happy, laughing faces only reminding her of

something she did not posses. She had seen many things in her life and

had lost many more. It was not the possessions she ached for, but the

passion. She had lost her emotions, her thoughts, and her self. She

crawled out from under the cart she had spent the night curled in

hoping for some warmth and decide to move on from this town it was no

longer of any use to her. She walked past several carts on her way out

taking what she wanted without never seen; it was how she had always

survived. Her thoughts swam lazily in her head as she walked down the

long road that would inevitably lead her to the next village. That is

the way it had been since that night. She had slowly walked from town

to town, stealing what she needed. The place where she was to come upon

next was to change her though, she would once again discover how angry

you could become, how much sadness you can feel, how much love you can

hold. Her feet carried her over the ridge giving a breath taking view

of the village that bustled with heavy business. Fishermen took their

boats to the glimmering sea, women washed and cooked, as children ran

around trying to catch one another. The air was peaceful and somehow

for the first time in many years kagome relaxed. One small hut on the

outer regions of the town seemed abandoned, perfect place to stay for a

while. She walked in setting her stuff in a corner before beginning the

task of cleaning away what nature had left behind. Once comfortable, a

small fire roaring in the middle she brought out some of the food she

had taken from her last resting place. It was no grand feast but it was

enough. The dusk of the evening slowly faded into abyss of night,

kagome curled into her threadbare blanket and scooted closer to the

fire. The flames seemed like old friends welcoming her back into loving

arms and she found herself drifting into a peaceful slumber. The

oppressing cold awoke her in the middle of the night her fire had gone

out. The darkness and cold had swarmed in ripping her from soothing

sleep. She struggled to see as she tried to relight the fire, but soon

the small blaze had once again come back. A panic seized her though

when she saw the male standing in the door. His golden eyes were set a

glow by the fire, the wildness staring into some deeper part of her

soul. His tan skin standing out against the moon that hung behind him

burning and fading with his silver hair. She held her breath waiting

for him to move or strike at her but he never did. Instead, his voice

thick like honey flowed towards her.

"Why have you invaded my home women?" he asked as he lowered himself to

sit in the doorway.

"I...I didn't know it belonged to anyone, I'll leave now." Her own voice

hoarse from rarely talking.

He motioned with his hand for her to stay still, "there is no point in

you leaving you have cleaned it, and lit a fire I will allow you to


She nodded her head as she sat and curled her blanket around her. She

looked at the man and then to what was left of half of the bread she

felt guilty for taking his home, but now even worse for not offering

him any food. She stood and wobbled over to where he sat holding out

the bread. He looked up at her before taking what she had offered and

eating quickly what was left.

"What's your name?" her voice struck him by surprise as he finished off

the last crumb.

"Sesshomaru." He looked over at her waiting for a reply.

He was not disappointed. "Kagome, my mother named my after the blue

flower that grew in her garden." Her eyes danced with sadness for a

minute before going back to their lonely grey void.

He laid down watching as she nodded off against the wall of the hut her

feet toasting near the fire. He fell asleep watching Kagome, the broken


The next mornings light filtered in through the broken slats in the

roof. Sesshomaru was the first to stir, his eyes landed on the girl. In

her sleep, she had slumped over to the side curling into a tight ball.

His eyes flickered for a second as if some memory had flared to life,

but he brushed it off and went to wake her.

"Girl," He nudged her with his toe "Wake up."

She turned over snuggling closer to the wall as she pulled the blanket

tighter around her shoulders. He leaned down almost next to her

ear "Kagome....WAKE UP!" he roared making her bolt from her slumber.

She looked around in alarm waiting to see some kind of danger, but when

nothing presented itself her body once again begin to slump into sleep.

Sesshomaru caught her right before she hit the ground again.

"Its time to wake up girl, we have much to do." She cracked her eyes

and sighed up at him.

Without a word, she stood folding her blanket and putting it into her

pack before looking at him as if asking what next.

"I was thinking since you don't have a home, and I do you could help me

fix this place up, stay if you will." He looked at her waiting for a


"I've never stayed in one place for to long, it doesn't sit well with


He eyed her with suspicion but said nothing more. He turned getting

ready to leave and gather supplies to fix up his home before she came,

it had simply been a place to sleep, but now it seemed different.

"I...I'll give it try though." Her voice came out soft almost too silent

to hear.

He nodded, signaling for her to follow him out into the blinding

sunlight. She looked down the hill at the bustling town it seemed so

long ago since she had been asked to stay anywhere. Taking a deep

breath she dived down the hill after Sesshomaru, her feet tripped her

up though and down the hill, she tumbled. Sesshomaru watched surprised

as a screaming kagome rolled passed him landing at the bottom rather

roughly before laying still. He skidded down and landed beside her,

"Kagome...Kagome are you ok?" he asked trying to roll her over.

Her shoulders started to shake with what he thought was fear, until a

small raspy giggle sprang forth from the small woman.

"I haven't done that since I was eight years old." She said a beautiful

smile spreading across her face leaving Sesshomaru speechless.

As he helped her stand her face once again returned to its normal

gloom, but her eyes held a sparkle that he had never seen before. He

would always remember that smile though it was now burned into his

memory; she was the most beautiful woman when she smiled.