Eight by Eight by darkmousey

2 AM

AN: Welcome to my new oneshot collection. All prompts are from http://community.livejournal.com/64damn_prompts/profile. All chapters will have the title from the prompt plus my inspiration for it in parentheses. This oneshot is inspired by the first few lines of Anna Nalick's Breathe (2 AM).


2 AM (Just Breathe)

It was the middle of the night when his cell phone rang, the buzzing and lights distracting him from his computer screen. His computer displayed files from his business, something he was loathe to be distracted from. But the cell phone screen displayed her name, and it was 2 a.m., and so he answered it.

Her sniffles put him on edge. “Sesshoumaru?” She was crying. “Sesshoumaru, I need you. Please.”

It was all he needed. “Don’t move, Kagome. I’ll be right there.”

It was winter, and the roads were icy, and his speed was far beyond the suggested limits, but he was youkai, and his reflexes ensured he arrived at her apartment in record time without a problem. He ignored the stairs and instead leapt up to her balcony and let himself in that way, following her scent to the bathroom where she lay curled in a ball, bawling.

It was shocking, to say the least, to see her like this. With their families’ homes so close together, and a strange attraction between them despite the age gap, he’d seen Kagome in all kinds of moods, but he’d never seen her so broken. He knelt down beside her, hesitantly reaching a hand toward her shoulder.


Without warning, she flung herself into his arms. “Sesshoumaru,” she sobbed, “I can’t do it! I don’t love him! Not since…” She devolved into tears and sobs and he was left to look around the bathroom, trying to piece together what happened.

There were a few packages strewn about, as were some plastic sticks. He shifted slightly, trying to get a better view of the one closest to him when he understood. The little screen had a plus sign on it. He held her a little tighter.

“I don’t love him! I don’t love him!”

“Shh, Kagome, shh,” he murmured, stroking her hair, something that always used to calm her. “It’ll be alright. I’ll take care of it.”

He stayed with her there, holding her shaking body on the bathroom floor sandwiched between the toilet and the bath, until she finally drifted off into an exhausted sleep. He carefully picked her up and took her to her room, tucking her into bed and, before thinking twice, curled up beside her. He wasn’t going to sleep tonight though. His mind was full of plans. Whatever Kagome wanted, he would support her every step of the way.

However, he would deal with his brother on his own. Kagome was special to him, and Inuyasha had upset her: he would pay for his mistake.

He held himself contentedly against Kagome’s warm body, planning.