A Song of Villain by summerbirdy

A Song of Villain

For Velvy, who promted me to write this, and ushered to post.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it.

Comments are appreciated. ^^


A Song of Villain

Sit closely my child

Sit silent, sit tight.

Hear my tale in this moonless night

Let your eyes see stories bright

Of once upon days

Of old and been times.

In the days long forgotten

Lived a man with silver hair

His heart was greedy and bitter

No love had been in there.

For love was scared of blackness.

His deeds were horrible,

Too frightful to tell.

Bloodshead followed him,

Blight in his footsteps.

And no man, no spirit

Was brave enough to utter his name.

With fear his path was cleared,

With scorn his eyes did see.

And they said in their midst

That to him bowed every creature;

Even the Reeper stayed away.

What's this my child?

Too scared? In fright?

Sit closer to me,

There's more to come tonight

Of villain and his deeds

Of maiden, of love so sweet.

In those days long gone

Our villain was renowned

Not loved, but feared by all.

All but one. And only one

Bravehearted maiden rose

Against this cold, heartless man.

She spoke with soft voice

Tried reason with his heart.

In vain, though, always.

For heart that knows no love

Can't be reasoned, nor pleaded.

It must be faught.

When words those kind

And flowery

Did nothing to villains heart.

Fair maiden took a sacret sword

And sought to figth

To revenge all the evil deeds.

And villain lifted his sword

As evil as himself

Fair maiden he sought to slay

Like many foes before.

And the battle drew so many days:

A week long did they fight

And finally the maiden fair

did tumble to the ground.

And sealed was her faith,

Her life so young now gone.

But halted was the strike

Only inches way from target.

No, my child, no love

Was reason to halt the sword.

Nor beuty, even great one.

But the sword, though evil,

Knew no taste of innocent,

No blood from saint or sacret.

And gone was villain

From sight

And maiden was there stading.

Heart wavering, understanding

Love that knows no reason.

And single tear slide down.

Three years from there

The villain and her

Met once a while, fighting.

And to spectators eyes

Fights were even and fair.

The sight though was deceiving.

Throughout the strikes

Eyes spoke heart's rhymes

Of disdain that slowly

Melted to respect and awe,

'Till love was left to reign

The villain and his maiden.

And slowly the fame

Of deeds bloodstained,

Was diminished to rumors

Of olde women

And fireplace talks.

Forgotten and lost to time.

But once in a while,

In wintery nights

Or bright summer days,

Silverhaired man could be seen.

To revenge injustice,

To bring joy and laughter.

And centuries go by;

Stories born, stories die.

Lovers tale never fade:

A villain tamed

By maiden's love.

Chained for eternity.