Perfect Day for the October DDN: October 17, 2010 by DemonQueen17

Perfect Day for the October DDN: October 17, 2010

Disclaimer: Inuyasha’s not mine. Nope, no money off it. That would have been one heck of a birthday present. Alas, no.

Note: These are my drabbles for the October DDN. Enjoy.

Perfect Day for the October DDN: October 17, 2010

Prompt: Screen

Sesshomaru couldn't help but feel a bit nosy. He got into Kagome's email account and was furious. The taiyoukai read several emails sent by Inuyasha about getting together with Kagome every single day. Sesshomaru didn't know what to think. Just what were those two planning? An affair? That wasn't possible for they were never together in the first place. Suddenly, he heard the door open and caught the hanyou's scent. Eyes glowing red, he grabbed Inuyasha by the throat. "Just what are you and MY mate planning?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I know the two of you are planning something. Now tell me what it is before I seriously hurt you." The taiyoukai then released the hanyou who was coughing and gasping for air.

"For someone so smart, you really are stupid. We were planning a romantic dinner for the two of you. It was supposed to be a surprise and now you've ruined it, you moron."

"I see. I wasn't aware."

"That's what you get for looking through your mate's email, nosy.”

Prompt: Squeeze

Kagome decided to take Sesshomaru to the local gym on a whim. For the life of him, he couldn't understand why. "It's just to let everyone know I'm taken." Sesshomaru hmphed and headed to the weight room. The regulars stared at him with curiosity as he headed to what was known as the 'no-man's land', a barbell loaded with the heaviest plates around, totaling at least 10,000 pounds, sat on the bench. One musclehead had the nerve to comment. "There's no way that pretty boy can lift that."

Sesshomaru heard this and began to lift, causing them to drop their jaws. After at least 20 presses, Sesshomaru sat up, saw an abandoned plate, picked it up and squeezed it until it became a ball, and threw it to the floor with a loud clank. "As you can see, there's more to this 'pretty boy' than you think." Afterwards, he flexed a powerful bicep and left. "Fools."

Prompt: March

"I don't care if you don't like him, Jaken. You march up those stairs and apologize to Inuyasha for what you've done."

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yes, my Lady." A mumbling Jaken headed to Inuyasha's quarters, with the Staff of Two Heads in hand. He knocked on his door and Inuyasha beckoned him to enter. "This Jaken has come to apologize."

An angry and singed Inuyasha glared at him. "Yeah, well get on with it."

"This Jaken apologizes having to serve under a pathetic half-breed who is a stain on the Western family with a homewrecking whore for a mother."

If the hanyou was angry before, he was absolutely livid. Growling, he grabbed the retainer by the neck. "What kind of apology was that, you stupid toad? No one, and I mean NO ONE insults my mother." With that, Inuyasha beat Jaken within an inch of his life, turned the Staff of Two Heads into a pile of splinters, and marched to the Lady's quarters, imp in hand. Inuyasha knocked on the door before being allowed to enter. Kagome gasped at the sight of a broken Jaken. Inuyasha growled and dropped him onto the floor. "Next time he 'apologizes', not even Tenseiga will be able to bring him back."

Prompt: Growth

It had been years since Naraku was defeated and the Lord and Lady couldn't believe how much Rin and Shippou have grown. Rin had grown into a beautiful woman who ended up marrying Miroku's and Sango's son while Shippou had grown into a handsome and powerful kitsune. Inuyasha could no longer call him runt as the kitsune was at the same height as he. The kitsune had sought Souten and mated with her. They all sat back and reminisced about the old days. They had all grown in so many ways, especially with Kagome's growing womb, as she was expecting yet another pup. Everything was all right in the world.

Prompt: Aware

As the family ate dinner at their favorite restaurant, Izayoi heard the not so soft whispers of the other patrons. They were well aware and accepting of Sesshomaru and Kagome being mated, but they still couldn't stand Izayoi's presence. It was to the point where Izayoi had had enough and so she abruptly stood up. "Look, I know you all blame me for Touga leaving Sesshomaru, but he left his mate of his own accord, came to me and now he's married to ME. So the lot of you will just have to accept that fact and GET OVER IT!!" The hime sat back down just in time for the dinner to arrive. Sesshomaru, Touga and Kagome all hid their smiles while eating their dinner. It was about time Izayoi stood up for herself for once.

Prompt: Touch

Sesshomaru watched as the female captives were unceremoniously placed before him. They were to be servants to the members of the Western house. Of course, being the Western Lord, he knew exactly who he would choose, a female with sparkling blue eyes. He rose to get a closer look at her. She, in turn, glared at him in defiance. He smirked at this and addressed everyone in attendance. "No one is touch this woman for she is mine."

Prompt: Pink

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What are you talking about?"

"There's so much pink. I don't think Sesshomaru's gonna like it."

"It just so happens to be a nice color, Inuyasha. Let's hurry up and get out of his office."

Sesshomaru entered his office and couldn't believe what he saw. "MIKO!!!"

"Y-yes, Sesshy?"

"Why is my office pink? You know how I feel about that color!"

The hanyou only sighed. "Told ya this was a bad idea."

Kagome scowled. "Oh, shut up."

Prompt: Care

Touga sat at his umpteenth shot. "Ah don't underrstand. Why diden Sesssssssssshomaruuu tell me he was mated to a miko? Duzzen he care about his father's wishes? At least Inuuuuyaasha does."

Myoga sighed at his master's state. "After leaving your mate for Lady Izayoi, apparently not. You are aware of him being closer to his mother."

"Whaddare you talkin' 'bout? S-SHE left ME. For a perrverted monk. Whaaat's this world comin' to, anyway?"

"I'm not so sure, my Lord. I believe you've had enough."

"Back off, flea." He swallowed his latest shot and turned to the bartender. "Another one, baarkeep."

Prompt: Survive

Inuyasha found his father in a drunken state and sighed. "Dad's drinking again?"

"Hai, master. It seems as though Sesshomaru mated with Kagome without telling him. He wasn't too thrilled about it either."

"Keh, he'll live. He's survived fighting Ryukotsusei and Sesshomaru's mother leaving him for a monk. He can definitely survive this, the crazy old man."

Touga giggled at the sound of the hanyou's voice.

"I WILL SURVIVE! I WILL SURVIVE!!! HEY HEY!!!" The taiyoukai then flung himself at his son, but missed and fell face-first onto the floor.

Prompt: Diagnosis

"So what's the diagnosis, Dr, Taisho?"

The doctor's puppy ears twitched. "Hmm, with the vomiting, mood swings, and her being late, I'd say your mate is pupped. As far as how many, I'd say at least six."

Sesshomaru's eyes widened slightly. "Did you Kagome's pupped?"

"What? You couldn't tell?"

"Kagome hid her aura from me and kept me from knowing anything through our bond. How was I supposed to know?"

"Well, I'd say congratulations are in order. Dad's finally going to be a grandfather." Upon hearing this, the great Touga Taisho promptly fainted.

Prompt: Ribbon

As they looked down at their father who fainted, Sesshomaru and Dr. Inuyasha Taisho had a most evil idea. They silently picked up their father and placed him on the couch. Sesshomaru then sat him up and motioned for Inuyasha to get a box of ribbons. Moments later, they untied his hair and had his hair done in pigtails on the sides of his head with pink ribbons. The hanyou doctor then took out a camera and took a picture. Touga then woke up, felt his hair, and ran to the mirror. "YOU CRAZY WHELPS!!"

Prompt: Treatment

Both sons laughed their heads off at seeing their father's hair done in pigtails a la Sailor Moon. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Well, you fainted when I told Sesshomaru Kagome was pregnant."

"And this is how you treat your father? By making him look like Sailor Moon?"

"We couldn't resist, Dad."

The elder taiyoukai crossed his arms and pouted. "Be fortunate you're my pups or else I'd skin you both alive."

Sesshomaru took yet another picture and vanished. Touga growled and punched Inuyasha on the head. "Foolish pup."

Inuyasha pouted. "Stupid dog. That hurt."

Prompt: Symptoms

Kagome couldn't believe she was pupped. That was far from her mind. Even after telling him her symptoms. It was unbelievable to her. What was even more shocking was that she could be carrying at least 5 pups at once. She wanted to faint, but it wouldn't do much good. The miko then laughed her head when Sesshomaru showed some funny pictures of his father with his hair done like Sailor Moon. All worries went out the window when she saw them.

Prompt: Inflammatory/Inflamed

A pouting Inuyasha went to his clinic, grabbed his medical kit and began to treat the now inflamed lump on his head, courtesy of his father. "Stupid dog can't take a joke. He'll pay for that one day. But it was fun making him look like Sailor Moon."

Prompt: Support

Kagome was amazed at the support she got from her family throught her pregnancy; Inuyasha being her doctor and monitoring her pregnancy, Sesshomaru and Touga being there for her in other ways. Soon, it was time for her to give birth. It was rather exhausting as she gave birth to 6 pups; 4 males and 2 females. Sesshomaru actually shed tears as he finally had heirs as well as Touga. Then, Touga turned to the doctor. "And when will you finally settle down and have pups of your own?"

The hanyou doctor blushed and left the two mates with their pups. Perhaps, not any time soon.

That’s it for these drabbles. And thanks for all the birthday wishes. Until the next DDN. Later.^_^