My Sword by Banana


Warning people die!

Do not own Inu&co

Sesshoumaru paced back and forth under the moons light. Something had been eating at him since his last encounter with his wretched hanyou brother. His mind briefly flickered back to the experience but the only image that came to mind was that miko. The miko with her determined gaze as she notched an arrow and took aim at him.

He snarled viciously at the thought, causing what little woodland creatures that had stuck around to flee.

Her blue eyes wouldn't leave his minds eye. The more he thought of the wench, the more his blood began to boil. What he would give to wrap his claws around her neck, to watch as the life drained from her body...

The only reason she continued to breathe was InuYasha's interference.

No, the miko had to die. If she didn't die by his claws, others would view him as weak. That was simply unacceptable. It wasn't long before he tracked down his brother and the wench. Two other humans and some lesser youkai were with them. Sesshoumaru recognized the houshi and kitnsue, the slayer and neko-youkai were new to InuYasha's tachi.

A smirk lifted his face as he came into view. InuYasha was already unsheathing tetseiga, snarling as he took a step forward

He locked eyes with the miko though. She shifted uncertainly under his gaze, clearly uncomfortable receiving his attention.

“What do you want bastard?” InuYasha demanded.

Without replying, Sesshoumaru leaped forward, stepping around InuYasha and grasping her neck in his claws. His predatory side began to take control as he felt her struggle fruitlessly against his grip, her throat working to bring in any air, perhaps to scream in fright...

He momentarily forgot about the others as he looked into her brown eyes, no longer cold but filled with fear. His fangs became visible as his grin widened. This is exactly what he needed to see.

The neko transforming into her larger version brought his attention to the others in time to avoid InuYasha's attack. Sesshoumaru kept a hold of her as he took flight.

“What do you want with her?” InuYasha yelled up, hoping to reason with his older sibling or at the very least drawn his attention to him and not the young priestess. Sesshoumaru kept his gaze on her eyes as the light in them began to flicker and die.

“Her death,certainly you knew this InuYasha,” he replied. The group balked at his announcement.

“Let her go Sesshoumaru! She's just a human girl, let her go and take me on!” InuYasha pleaded as he starred up. He was afraid to make a move least the diayoukai kill her.

Sesshoumaru spared his brother a glance before he shrugged. Then with a flick of his wrist he snapped her neck and released her. Her lifeless body fell like a rag doll and as InuYasha ran to catch her, he already knew it was too late. Tears sparkled in the corner of his honey eyes as he caught her gently.

Sesshoumaru began to speak before he took his leave, “She should never have challenged me InuYasha. You know that as well as I.”