Just Pretend by Minerva_one

Just Pretend

I will pretend to be the girl you lost,

If you will pretend to be him for me.

If you don't wear red, I won't bring you flowers.

When I squint at your hair in the sunlight,

I think I can almost see him again.

Almost sounds good enough to me these days.

Darling, close your eyes and pretend with me,

Here in the future where magic is dead,

And wells stay closed, long forgotten in the dark.

Towering trees gave way to skyscrapers,

Exhaust is the scent of cherry blossoms,

We are unremembered relics of the past.

It wasn't supposed to turn out this way,

We deserved to have our happy ending.

It was meant to be a joyful fairy tale.

There are no such things as fairy tales now,

Your stern voice reminds me incessantly.

I need no reminder it was all a dream.

So please don't look too deeply in my eyes

You'll break the carefully made illusion

We've spent many hard years learning to construct.

Yet I will love you as a lost shadow

Of another's beautiful bright face,

That has long since become food for graveyard worms.

My Darling, just pretend and close your eyes.

Simply make believe we are each other's

Happy fairy tale ending that should have been.