For This... by ElegantPaws

For This

Author's Note:

My one and only attempt that there will ever be at a drabble and I am good with that. One day, I will stop and clean it up, but for now, here it is. I hope you to watch one of my all time favourite books made into a movie. "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior."

For This...

Breakfast in bed; crumbs everywhere.

She giggled at the growl of disapproval.

A high squeal of delight and surprise, as they tumbled beneath the sheets like puppies; a sharp yelp followed by moans.

For this...

A lazy walk on the beach, hands clasped, sand beneath their feet.

Sand angels, side by side.

Quite the sight... David and Goliath.

Silver tendril escaping the leather clasp, tickling her nose.

A feminine giggle, sleepy amber eyes and a quirked brow, just the suggestion of a smile on pale lips.

For this...

A darkened room, the pungent scent of salt, the salt of drying tears... a loss

Warmth beyond measure, enfolding her breathe live again.

"I'm here..." he said.

Half smile...a mother's photo in shadow. Covered in white was fleeting.

"I'm here..."

For this...

Two heads close together over the bathroom sink.

Power held in a long white strip.

A scream of delight, long feminine legs coiled about his waist.

The room spinning as they danced.

For this...

The smash of a glass against the wall in frustration, unreadable gold eyes, shimmered with unshed tears.

A muffled sound...tentative steps...keening...


"I'm here..." she said... "I'm here."

For this...

The roar was deafening as the crowd rose to their feet.

Her heart swelled with pride. He had done it.

Sweat draining from every pore.

Gilded eyes traveling the audience in search of the one, and finding her...

For this...

Proud father walking down the aisle

One final warning look given to the groom; message received with the adjustment of a tie.

A gentle prod to his ribs from the female seated next to him, who rolled her eyes.

For this...

And at sunset they danced, her smile still bright lighting the darkness.

The couple running towards the horizon...a bouquet thrown, carried on the wind into the sea.

His heart sank, no longer his to protect.

"I'm here." a small hand caressing his stubbly cheek.

"I'm here."


For love.
