Promise Of The Moon by ADHD Neko Hanyou

Promise Of The Moon

Disclaimer: I own nothing!!....Not any of the matter how much I wish I owned them I dont...I just own this story and the weird joy I get from writing it and sharing it with everyone..


                                                                     Promise of the Moon

“Nnnn,” Kagome groaned in her sleep as she thrashed about on her bed. She grasped as she clenched the sheets in her fists while she arched her back. She was having another nightmare. She had been having the same one every night of the full moon.

                                                            ~~In Her Dream~~

I walked through the forest, winding around the trees and looking everywhere for the person I had been seeing in glimpses. I stepped over a fallen log and heard a twig snap to my right. I swung my head to the side to see who made the noise and I gasped as I saw him. For weeks I had only seen him in bits and pieces and now I was looking straight at him. I had never seen anything like him before. He had long silver hair that went down to his knees, maroon slashes across his cheeks and over his eyes, and a blue crescent moon on his forehead. His eyes were a beautiful gold and his body was lean. You would think that his looks would scare me, but they had the opposite effect on me. He was gorgeous to me. Call me a freak if you wish but that is my opinion.

“Who are you?” I asked.

 He looked at me for a moment as if calculating what he was going to do.  I took a step back when he started to walk towards me. He smirked when he saw me move and I felt the shiver run down my spine as I noticed that his eyes were turning red as he looked me up and down predatorially. All of a sudden he disappeared from my sight and as I looked around for him I felt a small gust of wind blow past me before I felt warm breath on my neck and heard what sounded like a soft low growl behind me. I turned around swiftly, and found myself face to chest with this ethereal person. I gasped and looked him straight in those enigmatic eyes of his. He was looking down at me with a curious look, almost as if he didn’t believe I was real.

‘Wait a second,’ I thought. ‘Of course I’m real, but is he real?’ 

Disclaimer: I own nothing!!....Not any of the matter how much I wish I owned them I dont...I just own this story and the weird joy I get from writing it and sharing it with everyone..

Author's Note: Ok I know its not that long but it's only the first chapter but I fully plan on workin on it more...-yells to my muse to get her butt to work-

Ja ne!!

-ADHD Neko Hanyou