Pre Wedding Jitters by DemonQueen17

Pre Wedding Jitters

Disclaimer: Inuyasha is not mine. No extra money hidden anywhere. Shoot.

Note: I’m going to try my best at this, so bear with me.

Drabble prompt: Tradition

Pre-Wedding Jitters

“Sesshy! You can’t come in here! It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding! Get out!”

Sango, her maid of honor, stood in front of the groom-to-be. “You heard the lady! Get out!”

Sesshomaru glared down at the slayer. “Are you challenging me, Slayer?”

Sango swallowed hard at this. “Of course not, my Lord. But you can’t see her yet! Please leave.” She tried pushing him out, but to no avail. Instead, he yanked her out of the way and slammed the door before she can get in edgewise.

Sesshomaru had his back to the door. “Now, before I was interrupted, I needed to see you.”

“Our wedding will be disastrous at this rate.” Kagome gave him her best pout.

Sesshomaru then pulled his mate to be to him. “Who said this Sesshomaru was into tradition?”

Later. ^_^