Namja Daemuneā€¦(Because of a Man) by Soudesuka_Shurikens

(Bad Man) Nabbeum Namja

The breaking of glass could be heard as the wine glass hit the living room wall. The red liquor slithered down the wall onto the white carpet. Would it stain? The thought had crossed her mind. She didn’t care, it was his place. The bastard had dodged the first glass cup she’d thrown, but his reflexes weren’t as quick the second time around. It had made contact with the side of his face minimally before it smashed against the wall. You know what they say, third times the charm.

The two of them, they could never be civil human beings. Never again. He was bored with her and she was oh so tired of him. They hated each other, yet they were still together. What exactly was the point of this charade?

Two fools.

He walked over towards her, his anger rising, pushing her body harshly against the wall. “What exactly are you trying to do?” He said, snaking his hand up to her neck, looking her straight in the eye. She didn’t even flinch as her hands continued to rest limply at her side.

He tightened his hold slightly, “’re making a mess.” Looking into his amber eyes she could tell he wanted to bring his other hand up and snap her neck. But there it was the conflict evident on his face. He was still fighting with himself.

He couldn’t do it.


Kagome only stared at him, just as hard. Sometimes she didn’t care how roughly he handled her. Though she loathed him was it wrong that she felt a slight thrill as his fingers tightened against her throat. She felt herself getting slightly hotter as she parted her lips. ‘You’re setting me on fire, Inuyasha.’

“Kiss me.” She demanded.

“Clean this shit up.” Was his only response as he released his hold and pushed her away. Grabbing his coat to leave he stormed out of the apartment like a mad man. Kagome continued to stand against the wall, looking at the metal door. His words continued on loop in her mind, ‘clean this shit up.’

Yes it was time to clean up her mess.

Walking over to the door she closed the lock and put on the chain. They weren’t residing in the most posh neighborhood. They’d run away together to reside here at a low grade motel in the middle of purgatory. It was more like she ran away to be with him- they 

called it ‘first love’.

Her man wasn’t going to come back home tonight, maybe not even tomorrow.

Flipping on the kitchen switch the bulb flickered twice before the fluorescent light shone bright. Kagome walked over towards the cabinet at the far corner and opened it. There were different brands of alcohol inside. Boy did her playboy enjoy his alcohol, as much as he enjoyed other women.


Kagome had run into his other woman the other day. She hadn’t said anything to him and she wasn’t going to. Why would she? It wasn’t that important anymore. And she was sure the other bitch didn’t say anything either. We’re women we’ll see how far both of us would play this game.

She had spotted her at a party at one of the clubs in the area. They had other mutual friends perhaps. Kagome had been the one to approach her. The other vixen was wearing a red dress, the hem high and the material tight, and her lips were just as crimson. Kagome knew plain as daylight that the other woman knew who she was. It was written across her face.

“I’m sure you know who I am.” Kagome said to her as they both stood in the quite hall to the bathroom.

“I’m sorry, who are you?” Her voice laced with mocking sarcasm. Things went downhill from there and the confrontation got nasty. Clashing words were said and accusations confirmed. Soon enough the situation became violent.

The other woman threw contents of the glass she had in her hand into Kagome’s face, and took the opportunity to slap her across the cheek afterwards. Her head turned slightly to the side.

“He’s mine now.” The other woman’s voice was calm and sure.

The alcoholic beverage now saturated the shirt she wore as it dripped down her face. The woman pushed her to the wall, as both her slender arms entrapped Kagome. She had such a pale complexion. They were face to face. She leaned in further as she stared the trapped woman down. Her dark eyes bordered by a thick layer of mascara and dark liner. Kagome could feel the heat radiating off of the other woman’s body as she leaned in further; their faces only a centimeter apart.

“I suppose you should know my name as well Kagome.” She whispered.

Stepping away from Kagome the woman’s eyes filled with anger before she threw the glass hard against the floor, the splinters went flying. Kagome still held her head slightly to the side and away from the woman.

“Kikyo.” It was all she said before the vixen in red started to walk away, her heels echoing against the tiled floor. Stopping she spoke one last time before disappearing into the restroom.

“Don’t trust men.”

Kagome remained silent and brought her hands up slowly to wipe her face, embarrassed and a bit shaken. Raising herself from the wall, crestfallen, Kagome walked down the opposite end of the hall. ‘Don’t trust men.’

End Flashback…

Kagome smirked pulling out a bottle for herself. Sitting on the wooden table she poured another glass of wine, glancing at the liquor cabinet. She had an eerie twinkle in her eye.

I’ll be waiting for you baby.’

“You know, Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States.”

He continued to rest his hands behind his head as she continued to speak. The female in front of him was currently bent over the center table, with her bare ass in the air. She was exposed before him only in her six inch platform heels and a pink thong. Rolling up a five dollar bill he’d given her moments when she had been on the pole she snorted the powder on the table.

Removing one hand from behind his head he grabbed onto her ass, caressing the flesh. The stripper turned to look at him, giggling, and her breasts bouncing at the action. Sesshoumaru shamelessly stared as she began to repeat some of the moves that had enticed him earlier. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a larger bill. He leaned over and placed it inside the side strap of her thong.

He didn’t always mess around with strippers.

She continued to dance as she picked up a bottle off the table, drinking from it, then handing it to the gentleman before her. Licking his lips he took a drink from the bottle.

Many of his nights were played out like this and he’d only been in town a few days. It was the same wherever he went. The promise of money had brought him here, he was a professional gambler. Most people would win some and lose some, but he made it a habit of winning it all.

Was he lucky? He was a cheat and it didn’t bother him the least.

Bending over she teasingly removed her thong shaking her ass in front of him. Pulling out another bill he placed it in the waistband of his pants, spreading his legs.

“Blow me.” He demanded; the aroma of tequila heavy on his breath.

The woman smiled dropping to her knees. Her fingers massaging his knees before she moved up his thighs to the belt buckle, pulling open the contraption. She undid the rest of his pants taking the semi erect member in her palm pumping it in her hand, until it was hard enough to her satisfaction.

She licked her way from the skin on his balls to the tip of his penis, repeating the motion three times, before she took the tip of him in her mouth. He could hear as she popped him in and out of her mouth. Her tender hands were simultaneously massaging his sack. Sesshoumaru winced once as she squeezes a little too hard and she saw it.

“Don’t worry. I’m a professional.” She smirked, going back to work.

It didn’t bother either of them the least when the room door was opened and a blast of music and chatter rushed in. Her roommate stumbled in not closing the door behind her. She was searching around in one of the table draws, pulling out a small bag, before she stumbled back out.

The people in the hall didn’t even care to look in. They were enjoying their own night of hedonism. This place never slept.

As he was on the pinnacle of cumming, a single face came to mind; a fair, dark haired female standing alone.

I hope we meet again stranger.’

(Back to the present.)

He could hear the sound of the city in the background and the heavy ringing of the police sirens as he continued to run. The city night continued on as usual as he was enthralled in this chase. He inched closer to her as he pushed people out of the way. He had finally caught her…

Grabbing onto her arm he pulled her back towards him, though she tried her hardest to get him to release her as she scratched against his unmoving arm. Sesshoumaru stared at her face then scanned her body. Her cloths were as equally soaked and her dark bangs were brushed back out of her face, the ends of her hair sticking to her skin.

Without word he grabbed onto both her shoulders, pressing his lips against hers. Removing one of his hands from her shoulder to rest against the back of her head, tangling his fingers into her wet locks. His hold despotic.

She was week against his grip as she tried to pull away, her lips having no choice but to remain semi-forcefully against his. The kiss was smoldering. The rain came down harder threatening to wash them away.

Let me kiss and hold you just like this Kagome.’


End of Chapter One.

There aren’t going to be too many chapters for this story. I got the saying ‘A man’s first love follows him to the grave’ from the title of FT Island’s song by that title. The titles of the Chapters are in Korean, I just though they sounded better in Korean when said, than just in English. And check out my other story Complete Manual of Satisfaction, feedback is welcomed.