Meddling Fathers by 88pieces

The Bride

Looking into the darkness he could tell everything wasn't the same as when he had left. As he wandered the darkened corridors of the Western Palace, he just had a feeling something had happened while he was away.

'Have I been gone too long? Where is everybody?' he thought. Just then a door to the left flew open and through it came his father.

"Ahhh Jeeze Sess, you startled me! Please make your presence known." said the very startled youkai lord Inutaisho.

"My apologies father. If I had known you were in that room I would have warned you." he replied.

"I am sure you would have, son." Inutaisho agreed.

"Father, may I inquire as to what is going on?"

"Yes son, you may. We are preparing for your new bride." Taisho happily replied, winking at his son as if he had won some great prize.


"Yes, bride."

"Why wasn't I informed?" Sesshoumaru spit out angrily.

"You weren't home son." Taisho said with at shrug.

"Well who the hell is she?!" he shouted at his father, who was already down the hall.

"Who?" was all he heard as he hurried down the corridor after him.

"What do you mean who? The girl, you old man. Who else?" Sesshoumaru stated, finally catching up to him.

"Well let me see . . . I don't know all that much about her. It all happened so quickly. I believe her name is Kagome." Taisho said, quite out of breath. He was trying to escape an interrogation from his eldest. He had hoped he could just drop the news casually to Sesshoumaru when he returned and be on his merry way. It was quite troublesome planning a wedding especially when it was on this short notice. Well, it would turn out that he was wrong about Sesshoumaru, very wrong. Plus he had thought that she would already be here when Sesshoumaru returned so he wouldn’t have a choice and they would have to go through with it the next day. But alas, she hadn’t. So much for hoping.

'Oh well,' he thought, 'preparations might have to wait a while if I can't get away from my troublesome son.'

"Well then, how did this happen?" Sesshoumaru asked his father.

"Let’s see . . .” Inutaisho began, "It happened at the conference a few weeks ago. The Lord of the North was so distraught; he thought we would become mortal enemies, so he offered us his daughter to avoid war. What was I to do? I could only accept the offer. He so hates war, you know?" at this Sesshoumaru nodded. "Anyway she's coming. I believe she will arrive later today, so you had better make yourself presentable my son. May I suggest a bath?”

“I've already bathed father. And besides, when am I not presentable?" he retorted. His father only nodded, as if to say 'You have a point', and then he was off to finish what he could before Sesshoumaru's Lady arrived. Sesshoumaru stood there for a moment pondering his new bride, knowing full well that his father had a hand in this. Sesshoumaru suspected his father had a hand in this. Lord Inutaisho and the Lord of the North were great friends and always had been.

* * *

"But father, why are you sending me away? Have I done something I shouldn't?" she whined as the servants packed her clothing.

"You are going because you must, darling. The Lord of the West commands it." he answered.

"What?! Why?!"

"He has requested you marry his eldest, Sesshoumaru. That is why, my dear. Inutaisho is my greatest friend and you will make a find Lady of the West. Now hurry up, you leave at dawn." And with that, he left her to finish preparing.

It had been a week since she had spoken with her father about her new home and upcoming wedding. All she could get out of him was that she would be a "fine Lady of the West", like she cared. She had never even met this Sesshoumaru, but she had heard stories and she was scared of the young Lord of the West.

"We are nearing the Western Palace, my Lady!" a guard shouted from somewhere outside her carriage.

After the shock settled from the sudden noise, bringing her out of her thoughts with a jerk, Kagome became very nervous about meeting this man-- no, demon she was to wed. Even though her father had informed her that he was not at home, she was still a little scared.

* * *

Just as Sesshoumaru lay on his bed to think over his father’s actions he heard his voice from down the hall; "Sesshoumaru! Get your lazy ass up son! Your Lady is arriving at the front gates!" he bellowed.

'My Lady, indeed.' Sesshoumaru thought as he pushed himself up from his place on the bed and made his way to the front gates, with a sigh.

* * *

Her stomach turned to knots as they came closer to the palace's front gates. All she could think of were her fathers words. Oh she hoped Sesshoumaru liked her.

* * *

Standing outside with Inutaisho, Sesshoumaru looked bored.

"Son, are you nervous?" his father asked. All he got was an indignant snort.

"Well, there’s no need to be snotty son." the Lord snapped at him.  Just then a trumpet sounded and echoed throughout the yard and Toga's head snapped to attention as the massive gates opened revealing the small group of guard that had come to deliver the new Lady of the West.  "Look!! They come. Sess, don't be rude, go hand your Lady out of the carriage." his father whispered. Sesshoumaru walked to the carriage with a sigh.

'This is such a bother.' he thought. Drawing in a breath, he opened the door and helped "his Lady" out.

'She is beautiful,' was all he could think.

She had grey eyes like storm clouds, and raven hair almost as long as his own in a braid down her back. Although she was pale, she had a lovely face (not too thin) and she had perfectly pink lips. Because she was short, five feet perhaps, and thin she looked fragile. Sesshoumaru could tell she could survive anything with proper training, of course. When she had set foot on the ground all he could do was stare, and she stared right back.

"My Lady." he finally said as he came to his senses and bowed to her.

"My Lord." she replied with a little bow of her own.

"Shall I show you to your room?" he asked as he offered her his arm. She nodded and they walked into the palace, leaving his father out in the courtyard, grinning, as he watched them go.

Author's note.
This story is finished and I will be posting the next chapter most likely tomorrow. I hope you guys like it. It doesn't matter if you review or not because I usually forget to myself, but they are nice so leave one if you want or remember too. lol  oh yea and before i forget i dont own Inuyasha lol