Child Birth Complications by landofthekwt

Child Birth Complications

Title: Child Birth Complications

Author: landofthekwt

Genre: General

Rating: PG-13

Prompt: Gasp Dokuga Weekly Perfection Drabble #16

Warning: Live Birth

Summary: A baby is born

It was to be their first. Inuyasha had been told to leave the birthing room by Kaede. Normally, only women were allowed there. But he refused to leave. He had to hold Kagome’s hand during this ordeal. It was his duty to always protect her from harm.

The birth was difficult. Kagome was in labor for nearly twenty-four hours. But he stood by her coaxing her with the lessons that she had taught him. All those weeks training with her helped both of them make it through the difficult ordeal.

It seemed that the danger that child birth brought to Sengoku Jidai had passed. as the baby issued its first cry. All in the room were relieved and excited at the new arrival. Inuyasha was ecstatic and kissed Kagome. All Kagome could do was offer a weak smile as her husband wiped the sweat from her brow.

As Kaede held the baby aloft there was an audible gasp in the room. All could see that there was a sickle moon clearly marked on the baby’s forehead.

Kagome strained to see. “Is there something wrong?”

A deep voice from the back of the room announced, “ No, he is perfect.”