Secure My Body by ButtButtDoodle

Chapter One

"Another all-nighter, Sesshoumaru?"

Bright, yellow eyes looked up from behind a pair of half-moon spectacles, and Miroku Kazaana suppressed a shiver.

The unnatural primary colour of his boss's eyes had intimidated the young salary man the first time he had met the new company Project Manager, Sesshoumaru Taisho. It didn't help that Sesshoumaru himself was not the most, erm, cuddly person to deal with on a daily basis - although the menacing aura had come in handy at their finance job, particularly during rough negotiations. Thinking of it as an asset, as opposed to a deterrent, Miroku had more than gotten used to both the odd colouring of his leader and his prickly personality.

Besides, there was more hiding behind those sharp eyes of Sesshoumaru, an impish Miroku had discovered as of recently. Even the mighty had buttons to push.

"It is Sesshoumaru-san." the white-haired man chided his younger colleague sternly, which only prompted amusement in the other man's face. "And no, I am only staying for another half-hour, perhaps."

Miroku looked at the digital clock on the far wall, noting the time. He grinned knowingly.

"Half hour... Guards should be changing shift around that time too, right?"

Sesshoumaru didn't so much as flinch at the presumably innocent observation made by his work colleague. Yet Miroku understood the stoic man well enough by now to notice the almost imperceptible taps of Sesshoumaru's index finger - a tell for when the man was annoyed.

"Hm." Sesshoumaru grunted, feigning disinterest at the comment. "Enjoy your weekend, Kazaana-san." he grumbled instead, clearly dismissing Miroku from his office. Miroku's face split into that shit-eating smile that infuriated Sesshoumaru so much, and the white-haired businessman tightened his fist under the desk in an attempt to compose himself. With his other hand, he picked up a report on his desk and skimmed it intensely, blatantly ignoring the grey-eyed juniour.

"Goodnight, Sesshoumaru-san." Miroku sing-songed, turning to leave before adding, "And send my regards to the little lady." he laughed at the his own final jab, before quickly closing the door behind him to avoid any flying desk projectiles. Sesshoumaru could've sworn he heard his colleague cackling all the way down to the elevator.

Putting down the documents he held in his free hand, Sesshoumaru massaged his temple and contemplated firing the infuriating know-it-all for the millionth time. Unfortunately for Sesshoumaru, Miroku was ridiculously suave with the clients and (surprisingly) efficient at his job.

I could always murder him and tell the CEO he quit, Sesshoumaru mulled with a crooked grin, imagining fantastical scenarios regarding his colleague's demise.

Truthfully, Sesshoumaru held no real malice for Miroku. They'd known each other for the better half of a year now - even before Sesshoumaru had joined this branch a couple of months back - and the man could match him wit for wit, which was rare in Sesshoumaru's experience. Miroku's major folly were his more perverted tendencies (only ever displayed when out drinking or whenever they passed by a pretty intern), but that aside Sesshoumaru generally enjoyed the younger man's company.

If only Miroku weren't so damned perceptive.

Or perhaps Sesshoumaru was not so difficult to read.

Sesshoumaru frowned. Both perceptions displeased him.

Bending down to his paperwork, Sesshoumaru put his energy into finishing his task, all the while the back of his mind imagined numerous ethical and legal ways to torture Miroku tomorrow. Half an hour had come and gone while he poured over his work and soon, the clock on the wall beeped, signaling midnight.

With a sigh, Sesshoumaru got up from the desk and began to pack up for the day, his heart light despite the exhaustion.

Looking over his reflection on the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, he adjusted his tie and smoothed his shirt, preening, doing his best to ignore how clammy his palms felt. Turning off all the lights and locking his door, the yellow-eyed man made his way to the elevator, his heart beating loud in his ears.

Perhaps tonight, he could finally exchange numbers with her.

Would that be too forward?

Restless fingers fidgeted with his tie, the tell-tale shadow of a blush creeping up the back of his neck.

So much for the unshakeable Project Manager. If Miroku could see Sesshoumaru fret like a teenager, the fool would never let him live it down. Sesshoumaru would really have no choice but to kill him, or risk ridicule for the rest of his natural life at the hands of the loud mouth-breather.

A long, slender finger pressed the elevetaro button to the ground floor, his heart picking up. Sesshomaru could not afford to waste more thoughts on the matter - after all, his mind was more pleasantly diverted by the thought of pretty blue eyes on a certain little lady.